Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

156 lqiorhmegooatothinke ye~;,th9.ugh I be dying, that! anHieaveyo.u my childrea, S.oundandRlf/J;fur wealth [ wayesall.lt is not with us,as amongQ . tbofe L,uedemoni~nSenatQl'S 9fJ-ycurgfl4 inPiutArch,Hepreftrredthat defer- ~~:;:!:;:,:- vedbejf, was mojf vertttous andw.,thy oftheplae, h notJiviftne/Je,or ftrength., ullumexceifen- orwealth, or frunds carrudtt tnthefe dayes; but interrJptimos optimtu, tnter ;:~ ::;:~:~: temper4nttf le?»feranttj{tmtJs '· ~h~moll: t~perate ao,d ~fr. we _have Q() m <~terrimo Arijtocraftesbut~n~:ont.empl:ot!Pn, all Oltgarchw,wh~rem a few nch meq non inm ro- ' doroineere, doewbat they Jifi ·~nd are pri111i,ledged by theirgre;ttneffe.i They ~!"fs,obufl•f-may freely trefp:dfe, aocl doe as they ple,afe,nomandare;~ccufe them,aone>~ ; iH;cq~d u. fomuclt as ;rnu.tter ;~gainft ~hem, there js no notice t~ken of it, they may fe. btt '"'· cute! y doeH, hveafter tit m ownlawes,ancl for thetrmooy .get p<!rdons, in- <lulgences,redeemetn~ir foules rrom Purgatory .and .Hell itfelf;-claujum po(sidet aruliJ'1Je:m. Let;them ~ J!.piCf#'fS, or 4thtijfs, f.,ibertines, Machia. 'VIlians,.(asotientbey ~re) • H.,.s.,. 1.r.: · *Et qtt~mvil perjt~ri.s erit,ftnegente, crt~entfl4, they maygo to . hea-v~n through the rye of a nee.dle,ihhey will themfelves, they may be ea. ~;;:~/:,"::,;~' nonizcd fw Saims;they Oullbe k RQiliOUrably incertcil in Mau(oteantomb5, •••r ""'u~ ,;. cemmended by Poers,regill:redin hitlories,bave tem('les and ll:atues er.eded v~s, Pouperu to theirna~es,~6manibm tllil-na(cenrur viol,e.-Ifhe bebountifull · :.~~~;:;,xeft in hislife,andli,berallathis,cleath,be/hilllha'lleonetofweare, ·as he d.id by ·. """'· Ctauditu theEmperourin Tacitm,bef~hisfoulegoeio Heaven, and bee · ~miferably lamented ar"bis 'fijlli:r.aJI, A mbubaiarum ~ollegia,&c. Trimalcionis . · TopantM"n .Petronitu re84 in ca/um .biit, went right to-Heaven: a bafe J~; r;::.r,;~d quca~e, I thouwou/4ejl haveft~rne~on.cein thy mi(ery to have a penny from .,;bigeniu. ,,. ner ;andwhy? modto""mmo1 melt]t, lhe meafur,ed her n1ony by the buihell. "' ' notuijfes de Thefe prerogativ6 do not uiitdly bdoog tQ rich men, but to fuch as are ::;::!;;,~~- moll: part feemiog rich, let hi~ hayebuc a good m oudide, hee carries it, and m He tlm Jh.allbe adored fora God, ~stCyr~« was among!hhe Perjians,objjlendidum r,:,~~· r~~~~' apparatum, for his gay ty.res; now mofi menare ell:eemed according to their and g~kl lao:, cloarli.es. Inour gu.lli!li times, Y'ltom you peradventure in modell:y would mt>ft'l:s bee give piac.e to, as being de~ci111ed by his habit, and prefuming him fomegteac t r;' (4"{,":.~ wi>rfhipfull matt,be!eeve it, ifyou !hall ex.aminehis efiate, l)e will likely be mq;lpirit'"f'· provedafervingmanofnogreat note, my Ladies Taylor, hisLordihips ~""•lll•rt•ll- Ba~b.er,orfomefuchgul!,aF aftidim Briske, S''· Petronelt FIAjh,a meere our- ~'· dide: "'Only this refpeet i~ gi111en him, that wherefoever he comes,bemay call · fo{ what he will, :H~dnke place by reafon oflti.s outward habit; B!tt on thecentrary, ifht: bepoore,Pr/I'V, r 5. r 5 .allhi; dayes are mi{trabte, be is uoderhatches,de~Cled,rejed:~,d ancl forfaken, poore in purfe, poore in "&i!ipeJcr. ff>i,rit; * nrout·ru nobisft~tit, ita & ~nimtu fe habet;tMonygivcs lifeand fou!e, t Xenopbon ey- .-· I ·r: I -J d r: • bl b b" h d f .-op•d.Jib. ~. Thouglt be be honeU, ~M, earn':'"', well e,ervmg,no . e y m ,<!n o ex.. cell.eni:goodparr§:yetmthat hetspopre,uAhkely .cenfe, come to honour . ofticeor ·good means, he isc,onte!tnned,negleeted,Fru(fra fopit, inter li. ~)j::::~;;"'"tlrMt(urit,amicmilwliflsu. 11 Jfhe ffeake, what b"':ler, i; thil? Ecclus. his panno,luven. nobility without wealth, is 0 projeBa viliur alg~t, aod he not efieemed: 0 Hor. N4svilespulti natiinfoli&ihm ovi&, if once poore, we are. met~roorphofed t El,"' •ft •f- in an inll:ant, bafeflaves and vile drudges; tfortohepoore,ls to bee a knave, 1: ,;.' :':t~ftu afoele, a wrach, a wicked, an ?dious feUow, a common eye.. fore, ~y Je,f!.~enip,poorundfayall: they are boraetolabo!l1") to Jnlfery, to carry ~urd,~s ' UAC