Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. r.Secb. Poverty and rvani. Metnb.f.Subf.S like juments, pijfumJlcrcus comedere with Y lyf!ls companions,and asc hre15 8 milus objeCted inArijfophanes,tfale"! lmgere,hckfalr,. to e!J!-pty pkes,fay t Plautu.afl 4 channels,Pcarryourdurt anddunghtlls, fweep chimmes, rubhorfe heels, pNullum ,.,; &c.they arc u<>ly tobehold,amj though earfr fpruce, now rufiy and fqualid, b~rharum, ram becaufe poore~ * imm~tndas fort{Jnas £qu~tm eft fqualorem (eqtti, 'tis ordinari- ;fi~~;:.~:: tu. ly fo. q Otherseatto bve,but they li-r:eto dr~tdge, f [erv1l~t ()~ miferagens m. ~nriffi"'eohire hit remfare ar1det, afervtle generanon that dare refufe no task e. . rt.'l!"' ~~­ . -* Jleus tu Dromo, cape hoc jlabellllm, v.entr.lum hinc'focito ;;7;~'"'· , dum lavamt<J, Sirr~h blowewinde upon us while w~ walh, and bid your fel- g,e;; :,(~;;:!; · low get htm up benmes mthemormng, be lt fat re or (?ul~, 11e llJall runne nonur bene ~~- 5o miles a foot tomorrow,to carry ~ea letterto my mt!lns, SoctA adpijfrl- vant,ftdutfornam, Socialhall tarry at home a~d gnmkmault all day long, Triftan thr~lh. ;::~:},~."ent. ·Thus are they Commanded, bemgmdeedfome of them as fo many foot- t Munflerde fiooles for rich men to tread on, blocks for them to get on horfe backe, or ruflici;Germa: as r walls for them to pi[{e on. They are commonly f~ch people, rude,filly, fn- ~~;:;;.t;;z~i. perfiitiousldeors,nafiy,uncleane,lowfy,poore,dejeeted,llavil!Jly humble:& •rer. Eunuch. asf Leo .4fer obferves ofrhecom~onalty of Africke;natlfra 'lliliores [unt,nec ;;;:J,';t;:;:" apudfuos duces maJore tn precto quamji Cdnes ejfent: ' bafe by nature; and no canicul~ ""'- more efieemed thendogs,miferam, laborzofam, calamttefam.v ttamagunt,& mingant. inopem,inf,elicem,rudioresajinif,tlt'ebruttsplane natos dieM: no learning, ~~b.x.cap.ttlr. no knowledge, no civility, fcarce commonfenfe, noug~t . but barba;ifme illu~~:;:;,;~iamongfirh~m,bellt<ino more vivunt, neifr cAlccos·gijfalit, ne#t vejfes,, like "{.f,''ampan.: rogues and vagabonds they go bare-footed and bare-legged, leading a la- ;;,'~JJ;:Jr:::: borious, miferable,wretched, un~appy life, ufikebeajls andjttments, if not u, afficiuntur, ~or(e: their difcourfeis {cuniliry,their fommltfn, k~num,a_pot ofA!e· There ;:"it':'jfo:~'J:.. , IS not any fiavery wluch they Will not undergo, Inter.'t!losplertf}; latrtnas rationuemDTevacuant,al~j mlinariam curant, ~lij Jlabul~r.ios agunt, & id genus jimilia ~"~ibil om~i~o exercent, &c.hkethofepeoplethat dwell m the~ 4/pes,chtmney fweepers; meliorem~iram I akes -formtrs,durt daubers,vagrant rogues, they labour hard fome, and yet degunt, 1~m cannot get clothes to put on,orbread to ear.For wharcanfilrhy poverty give~~;:;::,ft:~;,_ elfe, but • beggery,fulfomenafimeife, fqualor, contempt, drudgery,labour, ru. Leo Afer. · ugline!fe,hunger and thirfi: pediculorum, & ptdicum n~<mtrum ~ as Y he well • Otttli"' in followeditinAriftophanes,fleasand lice, pro pallio veftem laceram, & pro~~~:~;~~~~ pulvinari lapidembene magnum ad caput, rags for his .rayment, anda !tone jia~aUeur pltifor his pillow, pro ~athreda, rupt" caput urn«, he firs in a broli:en .Pitcher, or ~~7,};'.,J;~;;; on ablock for achaire, & malu,. ramospropantbtts cDmedttl hednnkes water, cultroruinfaand hves onwort leaves,pulfe,like a hogge, or fcrapes like a dogge, ut nrmc bri,ftmu;iii in nobi; vitaa!Ji..citur,qui; nonputabit infaniam effe,infelicitatcmq>( as Chremulus ~~l{,'~~~~t~ concludes hiS fpeech, as we pooremen hve now adayes, who will not take mi11um, quod ourlife to be z infelicity, mifery a~d madndfe~. · · · ' ~::"t:~~'!t.m If they beofl\ttle better condmon then rhofe hunger-fiafved beggars, parar. wandnng rogues, thofe ordinary llaves,and day labouringdrudges;yer they ""l vvri« nor are cor:'r:'only fo preyed upon by' paling officers for breaking laws,by their :~·~;i:i~d'".;;' tyranmzmg land-lords, fo flead and fleeced by perpetual! b· exaeti0ns, that fcoftbr, oc though they doe drudge,fare hard and fiarve their Genius they cannotlive m>fufe poorc · r c · b h ' . . . ' mcn,butrlther iliiOme counrnes; ut w at they have IS mfianrly taken from them, the ve- lo <ondok ;nd , ... ~ , pitty rhem by exprcffing,&c. Y Chrem~l~ Atl.4.Plaur. z Paupertl14 durum_onxs miftrU mortalibur .a Ycxat cen{Qra cotumbas. i-Zleax 4 " non pojfunt~& fix nnqut fol'IJere flolunt: Omnibus efl notum qU4ter tre (olvere totum.c S'4»dia,Afric'a, Li tU4!1iii. ry