Cattfes ofMelancholy. Mcmb+ SubL:6 ·~----~----~~~ r6o . . poor~,orromakeanabort,which Ariftotle commends. In that civill corn. ;:;:~;,.~:·;~ m?nwealth of China, rthe mother firangles her childe, if fhe beenotableto ""'l ib., ·••P·l· bnng It up, and had rather lofe, then felltt, or have It endure fuch mtfery as ",~;:,~;;·'~- pooremen doe.Arnobuu lrb. 7.adverjtugentes,*Lallantim lib. 5.cap. 9.ob. !, Jeris &'<!i.JeCtsas much to thofe anctent Greeks and Romanes,they dtd expofetheirchi!. t"''j{,'"''is, drento >vildebeajls ,jirangle~ or knocke ortl their braines againft ajfone, in fuch ~z~;,,;:1::-: cafes. Ifwe may !\tvecredtt to t Munft<r, amongfl: us Chnfiians in Litttaumeliditi<,(9'c ma, tbeyvolumanlymanctpate, and fellthemfelves, thm wives and chilt Co(mog.,.ttb. dren to rich men, to avoid hunger and beggery; 'many make away them- :;;.; ',;j,~~·- felves in this extremity. Apit·im the R•man, when he cafi up his accounts,& viflucarenrcs foundbutrooooo Crownesleft, murdered l11mfelfe fortearehclhouldbe '"''1'J•mpecora famifhed to death. P. Forejlm in his medicinal! obfervations, hath a memoj;:Ho~-~~~uJ r<\bleexample,oftwo brothers of Lovain,that being defiitmeofmeaoes,be. d•••m fotu- came both melancholy,and Inadtfcontemed humour maffacred themfelves. ~·;;;~~;::,:~.. Another ofa mercham,learned, wifeotherwifeand difcreet, that out of a Jel}eratione, dcepeappreheofion he had of a lo,ffe at Seas, would not be perfwaded but as ;:;p~JJ;;,.:"' urentidim in the Poet,hefhould die a begger. In a word thus much I may fratt< e-f•ti-concludeofpooremen,thatt.hough they have good x parts, they cannot ~t:;:.:~;·~ _ fhew or make ufe of them: Y ab!nopia advirtutem ob[epta eft via, 'tis hard for ,...Ji&iinfe~nt a poore !Jlan to" rtfe, haud (ae~le emergunt, quorum vtrtuttbtu obflat res an. u M or. gujla domi: thewifedome of the poore is deJPifedandhis words are not heard. x Ingeni•pote- Ecclef. 6. 19. his works are rejected, contemned, for thebafeneffe and ob. ~~~/."!,;:;.,_ fcurity ?fthe author,though laudable and good in themfelves,they will not ""Pt me ptu-jikely take. Nultaplactredui ne!ft vivere carmina pof{unt ;:~:'IJ;~~t: . . ~fi.j!:/e(c~ibttntur aqn£potorzbru.-.- . P'??rcm~n '""'· cannot pleafe, thetr aetwns, counfels, confultatwns, proJeCts, are vtltfied m Y Terent. the worlds efieeme, amittunt conjilium in re,which Gnatho long fince obfer· !~:;ib:if:·•· ved. • Sapienscrepid.ujibt' mmquam neeJolecufie it, awife man never eobled ihooes, ashefaidofold, but howdoth he prove it~ I am fure wefinde it o. • Petroni"' therwifein our dayes, ' pruinojis horret focundi~ pannis .Homer himfelfe muft ~ H~roJ.r~a:•i- beg ifhe want meanes, & as by report fometimes he did, bgo from doer to door, ::'j,~/;::;~~· andjingballads,rvithacompanyoj boyeJabortt htm, This common mifer~ of tiorum '"' ' theirs mufi needs dtfl:raet,make them dtfcontent and melancholy, as ordma- •jliarimadie~r, rily they are, wayward, peevifh, like.aweary travailer, for =~~=~~;;'!~:~ *.F ames & mora bilemin narefconciunt., . mi~ .fua, con- fiill murmuring and repining: ob inopiamm?roji (uYJt, quzbm eft mafe, as Piu. ·~~;;:;: ,~~;, larch quotes out of Euripides, and th~t comtcall Poet well feconds, t Pl4utfl4 comnts ql(,lbJU ro (tm~mrmu fe.cund~,~efcto qu.omodo .!mp•. Suj}itiojt, adcontumeilam omma acCtpmnt magiS, ~Ter. A},i'i' h ProJI&r(uam impotentiam (i credttnt nevligi. ,;:;~~· ''R If they be in adverfity,they are morefufpicious '&apt to mifiake; they think themfelves {corned by reafon of their mifery; And therefore many gene· rous fpirits in fuch cafes, withdraw themfelves from all coml'any , as that . Comedian • Terence is faid to have done; when he perceived htmfelfe to bee ~.Z:."'"t. w• forfakenand poore, he voluma.rily banifhed himfelte to Stymphalus a ba[e - towne in Arcadia, and there rmferably dted. ,. · -adfiemm4minopiam redac1us, Jtai t conj}etfuomr;iumabijt Gr<ci« in terram11ltimam. ~ Neither ,- . •