Part.r.Sect.z . Other accidents andgrie'Vances. Memb.4.Subf.7 comfortedbecau(etheywerenot,Mat. 2 . r8. SodidAdrian the Emperour be- 163 waile his .4ntinous; Herwles, Hylrt<; Orpheru,Ermdtce; Da'Vtd, Ab(olon; (0 my deare fonne Abfolon) Artftin his !llOther Mop~ca, Niobe her children, infomuch, that the"' Poets faigned her to be turned Into a flone,as bemg flu- mO~id,Met. pified through theextremity ofgriefe. "AEgws ,Jig no ft•gubrijilij conjferna- nPlut.~itaeju• ws,inmare fl pr«cipitem dedit, im~atienr offorrow for his fonnes death, ~:,C!~~~;:-: . drowned himfdfe. Ourlate Phyfic~ans are full of fuch examplei. Mont4ntiS cholica ob mor. conjil. 242 • "had apatient troubled with this infirmitie, by reafon ofher huf- ~~x":~:i, ob· bands death many yeares together: Trznca'Vtlttts lrb. I. cap• .r4. bath fuch an- itu inJ.I}eratiother almofl in defpaire, after hisP mothers departure,ut fe ftrmi: pr.ecipitem onem inddit. Jar et; and ready through diil:raction to make away himfelfe: and in his I 5. !:f::i:"!Jo:Cr. counfell,tells afrory of one fifty yeares ofage, that grew de(jCJ'ate upon hts Amphithw•. mothers death; and cured by Falopius, fell many yeares after into a relapfe,by rLo.Verroman. the fuddendeath ofadaughterwhich he had, and could never after be reco. ';;.;;.,~~~.~·.~ 4 vered. The fury ofthis paffionis fo violent fometimes, that it daunrs wholeperimunreor kingdomesand cities. Vejfafian's death was pittifully lamented all overrhe ~':;; b=b~~~.~= Roman Empire, totriS orbu lugebat,[aJth Aure!ms Vtflor .Alex4ndercornman- centcr, ltt, & ded the battlements ofhoufes to be pulled dow~e,Mules and Horfes to have ::~•·;:;e;•in theirmaneslhoroeoff,andmanycommonfouldters to be flame, to accom- .~a~ta. Nee pany hisdeare Ephejfionsdeath. Which is now praC!ifed amongfl the Tar- rami• hominer tars when qagreat eh am dieth, ro or 12 thoufand mufr be flaine, men and mfo.,untfldin horfes,all they meet; and among thofe' Pagan Indians, rheir wive~ and fer_ ~f::~·;J:.~· vanrsvoluntarilydyewith them. Leo1Jccimus was fo much bewailed in *Lih+~iue-· Rome, after his departure, that as Jovius gives ou,t, !-commun~s fa/us, publica ~~;,":,'::::'Jid~= . hilarita<, the common fafety, all good fdlowfiup,peace, mmh, and plenty rat aJ_ h•mani · died.withhim, tanquam eodem(cpulchro mm L'eon_econdita lrtgebantur; for it genem folurem was a golden age whilft he lived,* but after his deceafe an iro!l feafon fuccee- ~:o;::~;·:.~~ ded,barbara 'VIS &[rEdavajlttas ,&dtrama(6rumomntumtncommoda,warres, cipn;x<ejfo, plagues, vail:ity,difcontent. WhenAugujfus <;:t_{trdied,faith Patermlus ,or-;;;;/,~~~~f• lmmtnam ttlljMramus, we wereall afraid, as1f heaven·had fallen upon our mem,pejlem, . heads.• B"de11s records,howthatat Lewes the I2'hhisdeath,tamjitbitamuta. &c. ' tio,ttt quiprius digitocrElum attingerevidebantur, nunc humi derepentt (erpe- <Lib. f.deajfi re,fideratos ejfe di<eru, they th~t were erftin heaven,upon afudden, as ifthey had beeneplanet ftroken, lay groveling on theground; t Concr<(fis cecidere animM.,flu frmdi6usingens t Mapb. Syl'Va dolet lapfis- ·they lookt' likecropttrees. . ,. At Nancy inLorai!le, when ClaudiaValijitt, Henry the fecond French kings . . iiller,and the Dukes wifedece~fed, the.temples for fourty daies wereall fhut ;,~;:;~;~b ~:;. up, no Prayers nor Maffes, but in that rooll)ewhere fi1e was. The s enatours numintegrum all feenein blacke, andfor atJVelvc months (}4ce throughout the city, they·werc 1,~~;;[:1~!,'::.. toftngordance.. Howwere we affected herein England for our Titus, nibustota cioi t(eltct.e humam generrs, Pnnce Henries immature death, as ifall ourdeareil: "" ohflinere friends lives had exhaled \Yith.his ~ t Scanderbegs death .was notfo m.uch 1t~::·~~rleti"' lamenredmEpm;s. In a word, as "he faith of EdJVard the liril: atthenewes deoita er ob. of EdJVard of Caerner'Van his fonnes birth immorttt.lit'er ·ga'Vili;s hee SC4aderbeg. · 11 1 d [; h ' 1" ' ltb. 'l ·h'fl· was1mmorra yg a ,rnay.we ayont econtrary offriendsdeaths,immoruM41 • Parir. ta!tte~gementes, we arediVersofusasfomany turtles, eternally dejected wnhtt. There