Parr.r.Seet. z. Cat'.fos of M elanchoty. x 6 4 There is forrow, which arifcth from the loffe ofremporall goods and fortunes, whtchequallyallliCterh, and maygoe hand m hand with the precedent; loffeeftime, lo!fe ofhonour, office, ofgood name,oflabour,frufirate hopes, will much torment; but in my judgement, there is no torture like umo it, or that fooner procureth this malady and mifcbief: x]uvtll4lh. x Ploraturlachrymu amijfa.pecuniaverit: , it wrings true teares from our eyes, many figbes, much forrow from our . . hearts,and often caufeth habitual! melancholy it fdf, Guianerim trafl. I 5 ·i, ~,!.;~~~;;~:~ repeats this for an efpcciail caufe:Y Lo[fooffriends, and loJfe ofgoods, makema. •ant, ut plior, ny menmelancholy, .u I have often feenby conttnuallmedttatton of(uch thmgs. ?:,~;,'~':.1!: The fame:caufes Atnoldm Vtllanovimm inculcates, Breviar,lib. r. cap. I 8. ex , , ,.,propter a.f rerum ami}Pone, damno, amtcorummorte, &c. Want alone will make aman fiJuam t.Uium_ mad, to be Sansargent, w1ll caufe adeepe and gnevous melancholy. Many ~·~~:C;:;;;;;: perfons are affeCted like z Irifhmenin this behalfe, who if they 1have a good unt,ut ipftvi di fcimiter,had rather havea blow ontheirarme,then their weaponhurt:they z ~tanihurflus will fooner lofe their life, then their goods: and the griefe that commeth f;,j,H;~elan- hence,continuethlong ( faith t Plater ) andotltofmany dij}ojitions,procureth <boliaftmper anhAbtt, a Montantu and Frifemeltea cured a young man ofzzyeares pf ~::';!J~~·- age; thatfo becamemelancholy ,ob ami{[am pwmiam,for a fummeofmoney 'llitl.,i• ,rep.:t- which he had unhappily loft. Sckenkim hath fuch another fiory of one mc- ,am,mortem~i- lancholy, bccaufe he ovt rfhot himfelfe, and fpent his fiocke in unnecdfary ,::;:';'.;/~::_ building. b ~~ger that rich Bifhop of Salisbury,exuttu opibtu & rajfr11 a Rege. poreanim""C:· Stephano,fpoiledof his goods byKing Stephan, vi dolorio abforptm, at#t in ~~':J;;,r;,;, amrn#•m ver{m, inde~entia jCcit_, ~hroughgriefe r~n mad, fpake and did hee Mi r... knew not what. Notlung·fo familtar, as for menmfuch cafes, through an- ~~·f: '6~ guiih ormindetomakeawaytliemfelves. Apporefellowwentto hang him. t Ep~.';~~· "· felfe,( whichAufonimhathelegantly expreffed in a neat f-Epigramme) but findingl:>ychanceapot ofmony ~ flungawaytherope, and went merrily home, but he that hid thegold;when he miffed it, hanged himfelfewith that rope which the other man had left,in adifconremed humour, At qui csndiderat, pojlquamnmreperit aurum, · Aptavit &ollo, quemY'f'erit l"'!uet1m. Such feral! accidents can want and!Uryproduce. Beit by furetifhip, fhipwrack, fire, fpoile and.piUageoffowdiers, or what loffe foever,it boots not, it will worke the likeeffect, thefawe defolationin Provinces and Cities, aswellasprivateperfoas. The Rom,zwes 1vere miferably dejected after the b.attleofCapna,the:menamau.d for feare, the fiupid women tore their hair and,cryed. Tbellrmgarians when their King .Cadjflam,and bravefifouldiers :were fiaineby ~heT',J.uPI/s publicus, &c. The Yenetians, when their forces wereo>~.e<l!l>me'bythe ,Fr.ench KiogLewio, the French and Spanilh Killgs, Pope, Empero1.1r, all cpnfpired againft them, at Cambray, the French Herald.d~n0unced O}'.eR warre iMheSenate: Laured4nt.YenetorumJux ,&c. and they had l0fi 1' adua, Bri>.:ia, Yerona, Forum Julij ,their territories in the ~ontinent , and h4dp.ow nothing left but the :oty ,of renice it fe!fe, & urbi •; i ik.S.Ytnet. quoti iffi (faith* Bembus) timendwm put~trent, and the loffe ofthat was like• tiff. wi(e .topefeare.d, fantusrepentt Jo.lor tenuzt, ut nunquam alu•, &c. they were pilltifully plung~d, never beforeim fuch lamentable di!lreffe• .Jnno '15>7 , whetl.Romt was facked by BurbmiM, the common fouldiers made fuch