Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

p,m, I.Secb. other accidents andgrievances. Memb.4.Subf.t fuch fpoilethat faire • Churches were turned to fta?Ies, old monuments and I 6 5 bookes, made horidimr, or burned hke ftraw; rehqucs, coftly _p1cturesde- :~;~r::;::::,: f:tced ;altars demohihed, nch hangmgs, carpets, &c. trampled m the durr. l}oliata.,in fl•- • Theirwivesand loveheft daughters conftuprated by every bafe 'ulhon; buLaeqa.rum ~ss ejanm daughter was by the hangman in publike,befo~e th~i~ fathersand :;;:/},"';;.~ ·husbands f.1Ces. Noblemensch1ldren,and of the wealth1eft cmzens; refer- tnf•L• bun1i ved for Princes beds, were proftituteto every common fouldier, and kept conculcar•, . for Concubines;Senatorsand Cardinals themfelves dragd along theftreets, ~·;~:~~ff:';,._ and put to exquilite torments, to confeffewhere their mony was hid1 the reft ritorumJiidlif murdered on heapes,lay ftinking in the ftreets;Infants bmines dailJed out be- fi:~';jl"lP fore their mothers eyes. Alamentable light it was to fee fo goodly a Citty 7;x;, ;,;;:;~;. fo fuddenly defaced, rich citizens fent a begging to renice;Naples, Ancana, u font. Fili• 6-c. that erft lived in all manner ofdelights. • Thofe proud palaces that even ';:fu'ft::~:·· now v"·:mudthcir tops to Heaven, were dC)t&1ed M low M!ietltn an tnjfant. &>•• Whomwill not fuch mifery make difcoment ~ Terence the Poet drowned "1'•!•6':/."re himfelfe (Come fay) for the lo!fe offome of his Comedies, which fuffered ~;~7;;;;,:,;., lhipwrack. When a pooremanhathmademany hungry meales, got toge- &c•cuminib"' -rher a fmall fttmme, which helofeth in an inftam; a Schol~r fpem m_any an ~~%:,/':.;J:,;~ houres ftudy to no purpofe, h1s lahors loft,&c. how lhould 1t otherwle be~ •fi• P•"'" Jit~ I mayconclude with Gregory, temporalium amor,quantum a.!Jicit, cum h~ret :~·{~~im•. po(fefto, t~ntumquum(uhtrahttttr, urst do/or; nches do n_ot fo much exhila- 4 . sulf 1 . rat~ us wtththm polTellion,astheytorment us Wlththe!rlo!fe, fcarcfcom ..... NexttoSorrowftilli_may annex fuch accidents as procure Feare; for%'~,~~~:~~i" belides thofe Terrors wh1ch I have'beforetouched, and many other feares fore-told, · (which are infinite) there is afuperftitious Feare, one ofthe th,eegreat eau-. . fes offear in.Ariftotle,commonly caufed l>y prodigiesand difmall accidents, wh!chmuch trouble many ofus. ( Nejcio qui-d animlfl mihi pr..Jagit mali. ) As 1faHare cro!letheway at our going forth, or amouiegnaw our clothes: If they bleed three drops at nofe,the fait falls towards them,a black [pot appeare in their nailes, &c. withmany fuch, which DelrioTom. z.fib. 3.feC1.4.' 4uftinNiphm inhisbookedeAttgurijs.Polidore Yirg.lib. 3• de Prodigijs. Saruburienjis Policrat. lib. I. cap. I 3· difcu!featlarge.They arefomuch af. fected, that with every ftren"th oflmagination,Feare,and the Devilscrafr, dt hey p11ll thofc mufortunes tZey (ujfec1, up•n their own heads, andthat which d Accerfunt theyjeare,Jba/1come upon them, as Solomon fore-telleth,Prov.IO .Z4· and!fay fib•malu;fi ' . denounceth, 66.4. which if' they could negleefandcontemne, wot!ldnot come ~:.:.;:~:ibir topa(fe.Eorum vires nojlra rejident opiniont, UT morbi gravittU.egrotantium ~alent.P•liJ"; cogttattone, they are intended and remitted, as our opinion is fixed, more or . lelfe. N. N. dat ptenM J faith 1C r a: o offuch a one,(ltinamnon attraheret: he is r ~:~;~~~;~ pumilJed, and1s thecaufe of1tg h1mfelfe: ~armccacch. t Dumfata ft•gimlfl ,fat.t jiulti inc~trrimtis the thing that I feared tGeor.Buc;.,. . f:tith!ob,isfallenuponme. ' As much wemJy fay ofthemthat are troubled with their fortunes,orilldelliniesfore-feene,mu/tos angit pr<t(cientia malorum : The fore-knowledge of wlm O~all come to pa!fe, crucifiesmany men, fore-told by Aftrologers, or Wlfards,tratumobctelum, beeitillaccidem, or death itfelfe :which often falls Out by Gods permillion; q11i4 d.emonem timent (faith Chryfojfome) Dem tdeopermmtt occtdcre. Scverm, Adri,m,Domitian,can te!!ifu:a5 much, , - of