D 2 "o.c arT us ts the Reader. 13 pofe ne~tly, which an Orator requlr~s,but toexpre!fe my fe!f" r.eadily _&. plainly as it happens. So that as aRtverruns fomt•mes prec1p1tate and [ wift then dull and flow; now direet,then per amhages ; now deep, tlien" fhall~w; n01V muddy,then clear; now b.road,then narr?w; dothmy !lile flow :now ferious,thenhght; now comtcall,then fatyncall; aow more elaborate, then remiffe,as theprefentfubje6trequired, or as at thattime I was affccred. And ifthou vouchfafeto reade this treatife, it fhall feem no otherwife eo thee, then the way to an ordinarieTraveller, fometimes fair fomtimes foule;here champion, there inclofed; barren in one place, bet;er foykinanother: by woods, groves,hils, dales,plaines,&c. I fhall Ieadethee per ardseamontiutn, & lubrto. vaUJum,& r~fctda cejpttum, & gteho(a wnporum, through varietie of objeets, that which thou fhalt like and furely diflike. For the matter it felf or method, if it be faultie, confider I pray you that of Colttmella;Nihilperfillum,aset a jingulari con{ummatumiwdu:ftri3, no man can obfcrve all,much is defcetive no doubt, may be jufily taxed, altered,and :~voided in Galen,.Arijlotle,thofe greatMafiers. Bonivmatoris (Pone holds )plumfir.u capcre, mn omnp; Hds :~good Huntfman p Ptt. N••llilll can catch fome, not all: I have donemy endeavour. Ddl.d.s, I dwcl not nor.rnhor. in this fiudie,N on bic (#!cos ducimm, non hocpulveredejitdamHI,l am but :afmatterer, .I con~ell'e, aflranger, q her~~~d there!. pull~ flower; Id?e q Noo himr,.; ealily grant, 1fa ngtd cenfurer lhould cmtctz.eon ~h1s whtch I have wm, ""' .lomi<iliu'!' he 1houldnot finde three foie faults, a~s.caltger m Terenre, but 3 oo. fo :~~f~~~~z:·, many as hehath donemCarddnsfubulnes, as many notable errorsa~mncirlitflor"" r Gul,Laurembergim ,a latcprofeffor of Roftocke, difcovers in that anato. ~ellico,or conis m;e of Laurentit~~,orBarocit~~ the venetian in SMro-bo[cm .And although!~!~"'"""" this be a fifth Edition, in which I lhould havebeen moreaccurate, cor- r s.pro~~umi,.; reeted all thofe former efcapes, yet it was mAgni lab~rio opm_, fo difficult !~,~:~~~~:,';i and tedtoqs,that as Carpenters do find out ofexpenence, •us t;nuch bet- "'"'"fir""i' rer build anew fomctimes, then repaire an old houfe; I could as foone en write as muchmore,as altcrthat which is written. If ought therefore be amiffe(as I grancchere is) I require a friendly admonition, no bitter in· vet;ive, r Sint Mujis focii Charites,Furi•omnis abefto, fPh"i he Otherwifeasinordinariecontroverfies,fon.eno&ontmtionu neflamus,ftd ' ' m, m: bono? We may contend, and hkelymifufeeachother,buttowhac purpofc~ Wearebothfcholars,fay, . -' .Ar&adesambo, ' <YiJX: Et &antarepam,&re!JondereparAti: Ifwedowrangle,what ilia! we get by it~ Troubleandwro!ig our felves; make fport to others.I(I beconvict ofan error,! wil yeeld, f wil amend. Si qui~ honinnoribm ,fi quid veritati dilfentaneum, in[acrio vel humanJ lztms ame dtc1umjit,zd nee diflum efto. In the meantime I requireafa-· vourable cenfureo_£ all faults omitted, harlhcompolicions, pleonafmes ofW?rds,tautologtcall repetitions(though sene&&bear me out,nimquam mmu dmtur, quod nunquam fotii dicitur) perturbations of tenfes; numbers, pnnrers fauks, &c. My tranflations are fometimesrath~r pa. raphrafes,theninterpretations, nonad verbum, but':ts:tnauthor, I life:· more hbeme, and that's only taken, which was to roy purpofc:Qi!.otati-· B 3 .- . . Onli