Part. r.SeCl.z, Others accidents andgrievances. Memb;4,Subl;7 Refurredion, EleC!ion, Predell!inat!oh,Re~robat!on;hell fi~e;8who\v tnatiy~ 'iball befaved da'mhed?What elfe1s all fupetfimonJbllt'an cndlelfedbferv:!- ...__..,_ tion·df Idle C~temonies, Traditions~ What ·is tnofi of dtir Philofophy,- but a Labyrinth ofopinions,idle qliefiions,propd!ltlons;Metnphyficall •te~ritfs? s ocrates therefore held all philofdphers, di.Villefs an~'madtn en; cin:•a fobtili'tt Cavillatores pro infanis haUuit,p~'Aim elis'iirglitlis·,.CaichfiE~(tbitY,bec;tu[eitlle-jr tconttaPhiioj: commonly fough~after fuch thlngs,q'ltis'net<pertipi ·t. nob& nt9t c6fiJ(feh~nJi cap.6•. poffent ,or put cafe they did unaetfiand,ye~ theywere dltogether ill1profiral>ie. Por what matteris it for us to•know hOW•high•theP/ttll l:f(dte, hi:Jwlfltrfe'lliftant Perjim and Oa(tiofe~ from U's,how•a~ep 'tliefeal&'<: ·:We;ttdiei~l:ier Wifcr :!Shefollowsic,nor rnoadre'f, nor 'bi:fter, ' t1dr ' r\chei~ l!or £l:tclhga;<fdr 'the knowledgeofit.quod fopranos nihil ad nos,I•tnaylfay tl'icfatne'Ofitl!of'eGe!fethliacall fiudle's, what is Alhology,but vaiiie;ele&Wns,•predicri$Jtlsl ~H 'Magicke, but a troubfefonie error ,a petrikiooslfoppery'?P.h'}"fickei b!lt·intrlcat'e rules and prefc'riptl<ins?Phil6logy, bfitVaine'~l'ft'lci(mes"~ Ldgick~·,neeiltelfe Sophifmes?Meraphyficks c~errifel Ves, 'i:lift'ititJlical:e fubrllries,, .and fruitldfe abfirattions? Alcumy, but aoundle df't'rrors~ To\v'hatendare :fuch:gi'eat Tomes, why do weefP.<indfo 'inanyy~aresin 'thelr'findie~: ¥u~h better to know nothing at all; as t!iofe barbarousi/IIlians '<!i'e'Wholly 1gnorarir; then!$ fame ofus, to be'fo fore Vexedabout\i!'iprofir-abll!toies : ftul fii.J I/;,bDr e}l in• e.ptiamm,to build an hoafe withoutplfllii:Ji,m11'l<ea'Y6pe affand,rt<YwliiiterKI~ cui-bono~ He fiuoies ·on, btit•as th~ tioy_told St 'l116ft(w, 'when I hlivdav~(l the fea.dry,thoulhalt m\deri!:ai\d the-m.~e~y'dlicl.klf!ilriit'y .Pie'makes•obfei"- , variohs, keepes tim'es and feaforiS; and:as"' conrad114 r'lie Emp:erqllr wouta ~ Ma(:ilarii poc touch b~ new Bridle, tiil an Afit'of~et had tota hful a mafc\1~\fie h'oiu'el · · ·butwith what:lirccelfe? _He 't'ravels lnto~urop(; ;tftlf*e; , Aft~,c fe~rchi:i-l\'e:. · . very cree)<e, Sea,Cfty; M'oUt'ttaine, Guife-;to wh~t'e'n& &ee Ohe .PromO'fi'" · tory.ffaid Socrdte~ ofold)Oiie Motinta:ihe, onell'ea;oneRiveti.abdfedll.Aii Alchttnijl fpends hi·sfortunes to make g'otd;an Abtiqllai'y conl' !lis t't'ea~ [ure and time to fcrapeup a eo!Hpahy ofold coy'ne~, ·-ftattieS ; roles, ediCfs-; mannfcripts, &c. he niufi kn'ciw what was ddile of.Ol\i in Ylth?!ii; R'IImr;whiit lodging, diet, htiufesthey had, ari'd have au the piefeilt hewes al: fiiiMtousl1 never fo remote,before al_l others;whal: j)rdjetts,>Coilnfels,confulfarlons,<&'c: quid [unoin armminfo(i•rreilovi, wl\acs nl:iw l#i:reed in !'ranee' what ~n Ittf-. ty :who was he, whence comes pe,w~i€1\ waylwllerher goes hb'Blc. :Ariflol!e mull find out thcmdtioh6fEurijr«;Plfnj ffi4fiti'eea~feerejiwim, but how , fped they? Orie ,h)feth go0tiS;afidtllet hi'S life: :PfrY~~ '\vill conquer A(i'icke · .-. ~H firft, and then v1 jia: He will be a foie Monarth, al'd:entl immorrall a third · rich, a fourth commjjndsi· t Ttlrhtllt imJgho JJW (olicit:i ifi lirbibU: errant· t s , werunne,ride,tak~indef~tii!ablepaihes;all . !iji tifr!f, dewn\: !?te, firivin' enee4 , w get tbati vvhich We hatll!irtteroeWi~fiilut;t J)ilJef'iifli's oiifi.~Bbtli~ as~~ ' .. '' ~:e· ) \t were mtlch litter f{)r us re !Je<lltliietJ:IH ,fiiU; ;trl(,i iiik.e 6bf.eaih' Hls .. -- foie Hudy i~fofw'ei:ds5 tl\.a'tthey bt! .,,,. - ~·: , . i.u ,_. :' .r -upid.ete.~r"~ompojl:eiltreJJeHilU#J.~~J· · · · · - no!.afyllable mifplaced;\:e:ler tiuta ·!Halfle!leoti$ fdBj~d : aH!iille is abdilf apparel!, tof01ldlv_tbe fiilliienj ro.B\! rer!eail.ff P,tllirC; ''£is-fh}''f8let'>ufihes'! ?or.h wu? like profit. Its ·o!lly tleliahl is oi.tildin~ ne lperias lliliifdPe t'6!*'t ~uno us pitturcs, intricatemodels :i~tl i!IoH;iH6th~r is ~Vnblly ceH:1nbll!dus Y about