Pan. x .Seer. z. · C1111jes B(Melancholy. r68 abouttitles,degrees, infcriptions: Athird is over folicirousabouthis diet ~ hemuft have fuch and fuch exqmfite fauces,meat fo drelfed,fofarre fetched' peregriniAerisvolums,_focooked,&c•.fomething to provoke thidl, fome: thing anon to quenchh1s thirft. Thus he redeemes his appetite with extra. o~dinary charge to his purfe! isfel~ome ple~fed with any meale, whileft a tnviall ftomackeufeth all With dehght and •s never offended. Another mufi have rofes in winter, alieni temporis jlores, fnow water infummer, fruits .before they can be or are ufually ripe,artificiall gardens and fifhponds on the .tops ofhoufes,all things oppofite to the vulgar fort,intricateand rare,or elfe -theyare nothing worth.So bulie,nice,curious wits,makethat unfupportable -in all vocations,trades,aClions,employments,which to duller apprehenfions .is not offenlive, earneft_ly feek!ng that which others as fcornefully neglect. '"· .Thusthroughourfooh1h cunolity doe wee macerate our felves, tire our .foules,and run headlong,throu~h our indifcmion,perverfewill,and want of government,into many needlclle cares, and troubles, vaine expenfes,tedious journies,painefull houres,and when all is done, quor{11m cui hono! to fiof St<llign _what end~ t N e(cire veUe qu.t Magijler maxtmiH inGnomit, , Doeere non vult, eruditainfcitiaeft. Unforumate- Among(hhefepaflionsanc! irkfome Accidents, unfortunate marriage may PWriage. be ranked:. a conditio!!oflife appointed by God himfelfein Paradife,an honourableanphappyellate,andasgreata felicity as can befall amaninthis IAvertuous :world,1if!h,parti,s,canagreeasthey ought, and live as m Senecaliv'd with .,onuo is the his Paulina-: but iftbqr \l~ _t,mequallymatched,or at difcord,agreater mifery hrobn~ofhcr c~nnot be expell:ed,J:.Ohave:a fcold,;dlut,an harlot, afoole,a fury or a fiend, '~+~.;~:;;· Fherecan benofuch plague,Eccle.f. z6.14. Hethathathheris"' ifheehelda &c.. • ;corpion,&,z6..z5 . a wi~kedwift make. a forry countenance, an heavy heart, r;;••·•7·<Pift.,,.Lyon, then keep~ hou(e with foch a wift. Het nri~ionaru,, n properties Jovianll4 ·Pront4_nus bath defcribed at large, Ant.dial.Tom. z. un- <Nidelanot.,.. derthenameofEuphorhia. Or ifthey be notequall in years, the like mif- <n chiefe happens. Cecilius it) Agellius}ib.z, cap.z 3. complainesmuch ofan old Y,ife, dum ejus morti inh'io, egomet mortuus vivo inter vivos, whilll: I gape after her death,! live adeadmanamongll the living,or ifthey difiike upon a~ f2>anid in xo- ny o.ccalion, t Judgethey "ho are unfortunately wed, fom#nd. What'tis to come intoaloathedbed, The fameinconvenience befalls women. tChalinOI'Otl.9 ~· • ·, .... ,· , t ~tvos o duri mi(eramlug§teparentes,' ~ llmpub• .d•~1• • . . 1 .Si ftr~o .al!t laql!e~ lava hacmeexfolvere (orte ,;u . . Sujfineo:-- : · .·"..:"., ..\ ~'lrdhear,te~parentsbotltlament !llyfate, • • ~. , 1 •. lf;felfeikill:9rhang,toeafemy llate. oEiegant virgo ~A YP!!PgG!lfit,l,e;vqm~r~jQB•ftl, wasmarried, faith F elix Plater,ohftrval. ~:;'~~~!~~"' ~R·! I; ancjent man ~ai.~ her wijl,. w horn Ote could not affect; 1he was •up~, &e. contm~allymelancholy~and pin~da\vay for grie~e; and though her huf. pVuxiuxorem, band dtd all he could poffibly togiVe her content,_m :7.";:::; ~;Z; at !~ngrh 1heh~Qgep her felfe. Many.otber llories ~ee relates in thts kmdc. •••ifttijali• r,Thusmenar~Bl~guedwit.h women;theyagainewtthmen, when they are ~~~-.r~;:/"·! ~(cJtvers humours and c'?nditions;hea ~pen4t.hrif~, 1he ;one honelt, .dJ<I;b. •m• ~~g;hcr difhl?!l~ft,&c. ~arents man~ nmesdifqwcc tl~e1r children,and ~:!r