Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.t.Secr.1 • · otherar;r;idenu and,g~ievanc~s. M~ml>, 4,~u~f.7 their parents. q A {oolijh fonneis an heavine/fo. tQkjs methqr. lljjl'./l4 n9verf~i - {~g - A fl:ep-mother often_vexeth awholefa,mlly, is ~~tter of ~fpent!IP~M~'fl'lf~ q l'rov. ofpatience,fuell ofd1ffenuon; whi~h made C~tq s fonn~ e~.pollu!<!.te w1~h h1s father, why he 010uld offer to marry his client Solinitu g~ughter, ;t ymmg wench, Cuj11s causa novercam i11dltoeret; what otf~nceh.a.ci hcql:)f}~, ~I] a~ h~e _ iliould marry again? . . • . . _ Unkind unnaturallfnends,ovlllnelghbours? b!ld fervam~.d~l>ts. and. 911bates,&c. 'twas Chilons fontence, COm~s <IT/4 aftljlt & /ttss efl wifortil, m!f~r-y and ufury go commonly together; furc;tifhip is 1he b•m~ ~f Ini!Jl)l f:Jmili~h $ponde, pr.ejlo noxa eft, hee jball b,e fore 'voml that'' forft'j for 4./lr-ai!JW> Prov.u. I 5. andhe that hatethfuretifoip is (ure. Contention, br~wling, 14~- futes · falling out of neighbours and fri~nds •....-difcor4ia dt'!HIIi ( Yirg. AEn.6.)areequalltothefidl:,grievemanyaman,and vex bisfoy!. Nihil(4pe . miferabiliMeomm mentibtu (as ' Boter holdes) t}gthing fo 1!'i{tr.4bl411f fi•fb r'Dcincr(il. men,ft•tl ofcam,griefes ,anxieties",# ifthey wer_e Jf4bbe.d wit.ha jhflrpefivord, ::~~!~·;t~1 feare, fi1J!icion, dejperation, forrpw, are the1r. or4mary fP71Jfantons. Our mumneeonfofWei~hm~ nare noted by fomeofrheir r o;vne Wri~ers, w e<mfume oneano-~~,!~.:~'f:.4:= ther 10 this kmde; but whofoever they are that 11fe1t, thefe¥r4! thm common le{fario ,(olicifymptomes,eCpecially ifthey be convitt orovercomc,.<cd\:-ioa(uit. Aritl! rudine, gemitu, put out ofaBi010prick QY En.ftathiM,ttlmerl Her~ti~k,a61!1llv,ed after difcon-{~;!;'·,'<fPerarented all his life. "Every repulCe is of1ike n<~£tl.re; ht111J#II111.4 tk fPe decidi! ranq~a~"':l'' Difgrace, infamy,detraetion,will almoiidf~tl> as'JI\JJ.eh,all.cl tint a long time perperuam ~-. .aflier.llippona:,: a Satyrkall Poer, fo v.ili.fitd l.lM laJhecil two qpaib~siB his ~~~'::':p~1SlfIambicks,ut amholfliJUCO fe fi•lforaJ'tflt,x l!.liny £Jith,bo.thdiuwged tl<.~mkl¥.e$. fHumjred,. AHilp.pofitions,.dangors, 'l"erplelcities.,.di{w.arints,Nol!iveitl..anijf li~:lpm~~. I;:;,;;!:!.;,·~ are ofd1efarne rank~:pptes .hoc fob rll{i•duc#re{!Jtffl.P!?. Wib.o.c.an ,be.fcwr.em orreuum. M. fuch cafes. Ill befl:ow ed benefits, ingl·;ttitude,lpllt,ha!ikfu)i£rien<!ls much dif- Pai'gha" in hi< quiet and molefl: fome: Vnkind [pe(!C:h~ n9.qble a~ many.:. uaci,vill carriage !~,t~~ ~",~;­ ·.on!loggedauCwers·, weaic woroen.ali0Y.e the,r,efr,.. if r.he.y ~Jl<!l.ceed f.r.om cl16 r trowfiu uff, furlybusbaods,-ar.: aslb.il!l!er as,gaule,a'll~Wt:J:Jl:b>.e ~igell:e.d. A Gia(e m-ans :;,:n;:;:;:_b.- .wife:m B4(it becamemdlanchi'Yiy.b~ca;. ufe ,luerdaus.b~od fUJd be MIOuid marry (umprionem :Jg~e.ifilie.e ,dkd •. No fliUt~:P t#J>k.indn.efP, ~s .1'-he faying ,~ ,a,f;J;ow.LJe,.an'bard contendu~r. fpeech, ~li refFed,a,brp.w-beatiog,.ottba~ 1e!!M, JCfpe.cjpJ;Jy ,ro , Co~titiel'S, .or :ft:;;~ rnjufllch as:atneni!l up.Qlll greatJperfons,,is :p.nefenr.i!eatl,B • ~·i.,;e;!4.· . . ".ingenjtlm v;KJ~,jf.atfi11'4dit:1J~ft<.o, . · : . trhoy el:ib.e;m.<!l 6-o.w.w.it~ (~~;~~u; •. r. thmmaftersfa:v.•mrs..S<0me per[ons"are:atdlQll'-WifS{er.'\<ils, ,lf b,y g.ha.nt:ethey y N'hil•qteaO\Ier-fh0otthem(elv.es:in the!r.oxdinaryfpeeclaes, (!)J a6J;iot:JS,Mibic.h.mll}'.af- ~arum, quam tdnnurne >tMhcir alifad¥antage.omdllgrace,or,blLi.:e.any feFre,t,ci(fclofed. JlP.n, ~~~1J:~4'f{:ior• Ji:tu epijf., mi.fo.el~ ..1:epqrts ~f.a G.on.ulewolillan~51}[ea~~,0l~,<tlwfal1J>Qgf<imle animoferunt Wlth.ooe< o.'f:her~ffips.,'lvas<upbratd.t!d .with .aflJcuet miilill\ltf, ( 1 aollilJltt!ll" pr.ctdrfPem w.hat)ia,p!!W~ke,and!fo:ll!uch gcicivad1 withit, t~nt !he :diebihereupo.1<1>fo/it«,1f:'s~~';';~;~; JIJimes:q.u>~~ar.t.;omnu abfe!11hlegar.e;; .'a( ittm.dern,t:I'J u.avifS.trP;t ll' J.vfd.tle-1J-s . me~ lth.> de 'Den. !An.r:halinm,Jiont~befome, fi>rfakea,l~JiQmpany.,qui(emop.e.d, ;u,tdin;unelan- ~[f;:.;~;~; . cholyhumour pmeaway. Ou!Jel'S.:tneasmuch tortured to feethemfelvesre- · · · ~ jeeted,comemned, fcem~d,. difahled,diffamed,_detrail\€S!., ·Jindervalued, or , h•liftLtbeh1 ihnde their ftllow'sh. d~~ci"~'hti,s 11 in hAEtamaclcs ~ Pdhilofophfl:erhin ;;:z:,~etini•l IS apt . conv_ww, muc u~Ont6meu.u ac.,.~was· nG:>ntnvJte among t e · refl:, expofiulaung the matter,m a·longlEpiftl~ · wiuh ..A,rijtwetus theirHofl:. : ' Y :o - Pr.etextattu