Part. 1 .Secr.2 , other-!:{iidents An'dgrlev~nces. Mctn,b.4''Subfd Dejll.atp;Let&~jJee/oja'q;; ..,o J-'_t .I· " ' rii ' . . . · p:tjtei'etygres·:~· __ , -. -'--- To be foule,ugly,and deformed,much bette~ bcburieduliye.'Some are faire but barren,and that gaules' them. H. apnah'wept. forii',)dit{no~eizt 1an{i w.p tror•- · bledinJPirit,and all for her barrcnnef{e, h Sam. i' .'iiti~ G ~n. 30·.- /I. awe! faid in the anguijh ofher foule,give mea chitdj o'r Z. jbiz/lllje:·~nother hath too many: one was never married,aitd that's hl~liell: an0theris1 an~ tha~·s his plague,, Someare troubled in that they are obfcln·c1 ot'h_tr.s by ~eing-.c:aquced, 1l~p, ' \·;,·. ' ·' ·,1 dered, abufed,difgraced;vllilied, or any way inj'tired :r»inzm~ .miror eos (as . he [aid ) qui infimireoccipiunt ex injuria ,I' mar~tailenot hc:atl if'Offences inakc; - men mad. Sevef!teene particular caufes of anger· ancl offence <.firijlot le recc kons up, which for brevities fake I:mlJfr omit. ·.N .Myd1ngs troubles ohe~ill repom, rumour.s, bad t'ydings or newes, hard h.,:p-; il'l fuccdf-e; call ifi~iful_t; l!aine hopes,or hope deferred another:one i~to tbo·em!nem;anothertoo l)afe born, and that alone tortures him as much asiherefr:oncis<;>ut "ofattjon, .. company, imploy~ent; another overcon:c and tormented with worldly cares, and onerous bufinelfc. But what 1 tongue can fuffice to fpeakeofall? f Non mihi fi Many men catch this m~lady_ by_e_a_tjng cert~e meats, hea;bes, rootes, at '}:::::;:J,"f.~~ unawares, as henbane, mgmfhade, ClCUta,manurakes, &c. A company of 1u 111 , omnia yongmen at.Agrigen["min Sicily,camejnt~ .a 'I,'~v,~met;yh,~re_ a(ter they had :auforom p~rfreely taken their liquor~wheth~r it 'Nt~et!l~ wi~!f (elfe, or romething mixt p:;:;~ nomma wi~h i(tis not yet known,* bnt upon a fudderhhey ~egan to befo troubled in • ce~i .. t.• 7 • 'their br~ines, an'd their phantalie fo crafed, tha rJley· rhought1hey were !ri a <,:P· '· !hip at fea,and now readyro becafrawa:y ~y reaf'?tl ofa ten1pefr. vY.htf_iforG .l<~~~fo~~·~; to av01de fh1pwrack and•prefent' dro·wnlng, J the}'lJflung athhG·goo:~ m the in tri;cmi fo houfe out at the windowes into the frreet, O"r inio the fa; a~hey ilippofed; ~onfi•:'"" ~~ Thus they continued mad a flrctty feafon,.and beingJbrougfkbefore theM a-~·;;.;~.:;;~ gifrrate to give an account of this their faet,they-wld him·on!il't yertecovered· peflatejaaaror, oftheir madnelf~) that what was donet;hey didf;>rfcakof ~~tth, and t~ J ' f;~:::~e~i~t~= vo1d emment danger: t~efpetl:ators were all mna~ed at thJs<tbeJdl:up,dlty ; geflu unJi#, re- &gazed on th~m frill,whilfr oneoftl)e'aricien,dt ·ofthe comty~ny,in a g~~v·e t:v~:r:::~·· tone excufed h1mfelfe to theMagtfrra:teupon.hEs knees, o vtr(m~ttone~ ego m neflru.J!:in imojactti, I 'befeech your deities,&c. for I was.irrtlle.bO"ttO'Iile G>fthdhip-a'U ,..,.,p,..<ipi- 'thewhile: another befought· the'm. a:Sforrianycftt'\ G.ods, <to.~ee'goorl.unr6 ~~;";;,/•fir;, · them, and if ever he·and trisfellows'carndo.J.and~gaine; t"P<l. w.Otild;J;iuila t Aram'v~bir ·' ·an Altar to rhdr-fervice. The Magiqratecou~d noc fufficienrljz ~;;:;;r;!":.. thmmadnelfe,b1d them f!eep it out, and feY-went hisrway~siMmy fuch'lll!ci; . :g dents frequently happen,upqurhefe l!flknow(fe.ol'l:alionJ;S.ome&re [o caufed -· • · ·by philters;wandring in thdun', biting-of~ mad gcigge, ~'blow.0n: tliehead} fring'ihgwit~ that kindeof Sp~dcncalle<{'{a; an'ordina~)l- ~1:\ing, jf may_ beleeveSkenck :M; f·~'r~nenis.,Ip ·G_alJp~i4·ao~<}1~Mfa1n-I~aly,£.ar~'tl~~·· gLib.a~_temm;i jitbttl.lrb. 9· S cahgerromcttaP~ r ~ 5. T'~~r f~mpt'omes.are mcrmiy defcnbed h ~· geftau by JovtanrH PolitamH Ant, dta!: how·rhe:Y.daitce::rlmgether,ani!Ja(e cured b¥r '"fel~<eJn &_ Mufick. g Cardan fpeakeso0f(.c~rdini: .frones0 iUh~}ol:kkavrielt about one;. :~f.::.;,~::'· .wh1ch will cau.fe fl1elar_rch. ~ly and,m~dq~fe, hercall5them unhapp.y,as an h d ; l"'P"' ficc~nr, dam~nt1 S elemtes ;&c. w hu;h 'liry "P ';he bodj; _i'ncr.eiife caru, · dtminijbjlerpe; f.~~ num mmuCtejiM-~R Perfim, makes mention of.~ .Well in thofe',parrs.; of.w·hich .if any i·Adunum Ji•m mandnnk,' fm'smad tor Z'f. h,Mm. · Some lafe tb'eir .wit~ by.rerriole ob).ects. meme ali.-oJ' Y J' - • (is""·