Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. 1. SeC!.2, Otheraccidents and.grievances. Memb.5 ,Sub{,! --~---=~- ;»his Treatifo of Melancholy. For :;s P anger, feare,forrow, obtre&ation, 173 emulation,&c. Ji mentil intrmos recelfus occuparint, faith 'l. Le1Jmi~H, corpori -------" quoq; infeftafont, & illi teterrimos morbos inftrunt, eau[~ grievous difeafes pSicut ex"".~­ in the body,fo bodily difeafes affechhe.foule by confenr. Now the chiefell: :~;!~Ef:.~:~; caufes proceed from the' Heart, humours, fpirits: as they are purer, or im- cit,fic ~x "'· purer, fo is theMinde, and equally fuffers,as a Lute out ofcune,ifone !hing ~:~;;~';,~ or one organbe dJil:empered, all the reft mtfcarry, f C orptu onujfum llejfernu ri.f%, cruc;atib'" vitijs, animum tjuoqtiepr£gravat tma.: The Body is domicilium anim£, her 4"'mtm ~•J.­ boufe, abode, and ftay1and as a torcb,gives abetter lighc,a fweeter fmell,ac- :;":t,:~:·"· cording eo thematter it is made oHo cloth our foul performeall her actions,~~:;· :;~~~:fi better or worfe, as her organs are d1fpofed; or as Wine favours of the caske morbfanima"' wherein it is kept; the foul receives a tinCture from the body., through which perconftn(um,_ it workes. We fee this in old men, children, Europeans, Afians, hot and cold 4Jfl' conforti• Climes; Sanguine aremerry, Melancholy fad,Phlegmaticke dull, by reafon ;.:~;::,;,~­ ofabundance of thG[e humours, and they cannot relift fuch paffions which jcfla multor '.Ire inflicted by them. For in this infirmity of humane nature, as Melanelhon ~;~~~~;;;n· declares, the Underftanding isfotied to,and captivated by .his inferiour fen- concitct,pr<ci· fes, chat wichouc·cheir helpe he cannot exercife his funCljons, and the Will pu~,.m~n '""' being weakned,hath but a fmall power eo refttaine thofe outward parts, bqt f.:::o:~~:!Pr,,_ fuffersherfelfetobeovertuled by them; that I muft needs conclude with tibuf4,confi{lir f-emni~H ,jjirittu & hun:ores maximu7p nocumentumobtinent, fpirics and hu- ~:~. motirsdoemoft harme m ~troublingcbefoule. Howfhould a manchoofe *Humomprabut becholerickeandangry; that bath his body [0clogged with abundance vi mmem ,., ofgrolfe humoars~or melancholy,chat i~ fo inwardly difpofed~That thence ""~114111' comes then this-malady,Madnelfe,Apoplcxies,Lethargies,&c.it may not be denied. · · , . · . .. ·Now this body ofours is moft part diftempered by Come precedent dif· ~afes, which moleft his inward organsandinftruments, and fo per con(eqt<enS cau[e melancholy;according to the cofenc of themoft approved Phyficians . •.Hie hum"" vel '7hu humour(asAvicenna lib: 3.Fen. I .Trael.4.cap. I 3 .Arnoldtu breviar .I. I. ;Ji~~::;:;,~; tap. I8.Jac~htnus comment.tn 9· Rhaftscap. 15. Montaltm cap.Io.NtcholtU ~olrelinquirur PtfOc•p:deMelan.&c.[uppo[e) u begotten b7 the diftemperature of fome in·f;'/:.,~1/,~r,:"j sva:d part,tnnat~, orleft.,fttrfome tnftammatton, or:.el(e mcluded mthebloud fiorin~cnu • .jieran"ague,orfomeotbermalignantdi(ea(e. This opinion of theirs con- conclu.for, vel curres with.tbawf Galen,lib. 3.cap.6. delocis ajfeel. Guianeriu• gives an in- ~~~~~~.::,~g· fiance mondo caufed by aquartan ague, and Montantu conftt. 3 z. in a yong um contrabir. man of z 8.. years ofage,fo diftempered after a quartan~ Y"hich hadmolefted ;~/,?,:'b'fmf:C him 6veyear'es together. lltldijhetmJlncel. z. de Mama, relates ofa Dutch Metanchoticum Baron,gnevoully. tormented with melancholy after a long x ague:G alen.lib. ~et P_oft fehm• de.Atra btle caJI. 4· puts the·plague a cau[e.Botaldm in ~is bookede lue vener. ;:::;~·~~41'""' cap,.:. the Fren~hpoxfor acaufe:others,Phrenfie;Eplleplie, Apoplexie, be- catid4intemcaufe thofe d1feafes doe oftendegenerate into this. 0 ffuppreffion ofHa>m- periuinnata, rods, Ha>morogia, or ble~di~g at nofe, menftruous retenrions, (although ;:~~!.'1" ""' they.deferve a larger exphcanon, as being the foie caufe ofa proper kindeof xKaroquuJiumelancholy, mIVOre ancient Maids, Nunnes and Widowes handled apart tburno mo!bolfia- b R d · ' ;n ' ' orat,qutnoR :t Y 9 m cm~ CaJ.,ro,and Merca:us,as I have elfe where lignified,) or any melanchoti:ur, ?t~er evacuanon ftopped, I have already fpoken . Only this I willadde,that Mercu.. alu~e t?1s ~elancholy whichfh.tll bc,aufedby fuchinfirmitics,deferves robe pi- :f~;.~~P..~,~. tiedMela;r.