'Pan.r.Sett. z. Caufes of'Melancholy. 174 tie&ofallmen, and tobeer~fpected withamore tender comp'affion,a,GOr· _.....-'-'--- ding to 'Laurmtius, as comming from a-more -inevit.ab!ecaufe. · SUBs E C 'J', Z.. Here is almofl: no part of-the -Body, which being .dill:empered; lf~'h~Jt,"' .a doth n0t caufe this malady, a:nhe.Braine«nd his parrs, cHean,.Li• .dlm;nfor,c , 6 ver, Spleene, Sromacke, Marri!K orWombe, Pylorus, Mirache, l'niverfolitera Mefentery, Hypocondries, Meferaickveines; and.in a word;fairiJ j':::ft"}:rf";,;: Y Arculanus, there unopart which caufeth notmel»nrholy, either becmtft it is tancholicus. adttjf,or doth not expetl -the fi•perflmty ofthe mttrtment. Sarva1Mro11la Prac1. :;:;, ';;t;::;i- major,rttbric.I I.Traef.6.cap.I. is-ofthe fame opinion, that melancholy is in· "'" expellit (U- gendred meach parttcular part,and'Orato-tn conjil.rx7.tlb..z. Gordonius, who !:fr:~::,;~ isinftaromnit~m,tib,med.partic.z: cap. I9· confirmes as much, .putting oh~ :r.A Liene,J~ci· a m_atttr ofM elancholy,[omet1:mts tn the ~tomacke,Lt!t.J.lr, HetJrt ,Brazn,Splent) "'~:·"'"~· (:]' Mtrach, Hypocondrie-s , when .u the .,e/~~;ncholy humour rejide-s there, or .the. ~U;,f.•rtJbus Li'Ver is not well cleanfedfrom M elancholytbloud. · a Materia Me- T•he Braine is a familiar and frequenn:aufe,too hot;or too.cold, b throug'h lancbali• ali- a!luft blot<d fo caufed, as Mermrialis I"{ ill have it, JVithin or without the heaiJ., r::;;:~:~~::z:~ thebraineit felfebeingdiftempewl. Th0fe are moll: apt to this difeaf~, pare,abh,Ypo- 'that ha'Ve ahot Heart andmotjf Braine,which Molitalttu cap. I I.de Melaneh. :h:~[;{~~;,~~~~ approves OUt ofHa!yabb.u, Rh-Jis, and Avioenna. Mercurialis conjil. I I . af• ibi remanet hu- fi~nes thecoldneffe of the brame acaufe, -and Saluftuu Salvzanus med.lec1, mormelancho- l1b. z.cap. I.d will have it ari{efrom a_coldanddry dtjfemperature ofthe/Jraim. t~:-fanguinc Pifo, Benediefus f7icforim Faventinus, w1llhave-it proceed from a ' hot di(- aduf!o,imra temperattor-e·ofrhe•Hrame; and t Montalfus citp. H>. frolll dre Brames heat1 ~~,"· :''!"' fcorching ·the bloud. The braine is ftill cllftempered by hifi)felre> or by ~0n• ~ ..., h•b;:,: ~~ fem ·:by bimfelfeor his proper alfettion; as E aven~inur,ca'ils ·it, g or by 't14i rehum h~mi- pours whicharifefrom the otherpart!, and fome up -into the h~alt, atterfng,rhl '!:::::il:t:fe me- animalfoculties, ,. d sequiru; me- , Hildefheim(jiccl.z. de M ania, rhi~kes itmay becauf~d (rom a h dijl~;-e.' ::~;~~;:,;·,~;. ratttre ofthe heart,[ommmeshot,(ometotmer cotd.Ahot 'Llver,atid acold Sto. emfrigida~(:J' mac'k,are put for ufuall caufes ofMelanoholy :M erctmata confil. II . & tb/1. ficcamlpft,. ce-fit. 6. confi/."8 6 . affignes ahot Liver, and cold Stoitraokfor 'O'rdin~ry caarus. ~~~;; ft ex ea- i Mona'Vh« in an Epiftle ofbis to Cr~Po in.Scolt:<it~s, is of opinion, that H~ lidi"' cercbro, pocondnacall Melancholy mayproceed fn~m-a c-old Ltver s ·vhe que1ihoMs ;':~;;P,:;;.~- there difcuffed. Moll: agree that a hgt Li\l'er is in f-aultikTht twer ts the fbop cfotiam, Pi(O. ojhum011rs, & ejjeczally cau(eth melaiithbly by hts~hot and ·drJ dijlemperitMte. f Yet per~": 1 The Stomacke, andMeferaick 'Veines doe</Jfien oonturre, ·by -r~af'on of tbeir ~[,. f:,~~ :£;7:,.. foutfiions,and thence their heat cannot be a;;oided;_an-dmany times the matt(ril <onftnfom,cum fo adujf,andznjlamedtn the(e parts ,thatit aegener41~S tntP HypttebYtai·'Mca /f flit; "(:!,~:·~:~~"" lanthoiy •.Guianmuscap. 2, Traef.15 .holds the~eferaicke veines tobeafuf. brum. Mont•tt. fictent m caufe alone. The fplene concnrres to thts malady ; by all thetrcorl· ~ap . 14. · · . . . ' g Aut ibi t,ignitur metancbofictttfum~U, aut aliunde vehitur, alteralldo animates.facwltutts. h A_b tntemperte cor~u, m~Jo ,;aiidiwe,mo:lofrigub.ore. 1 Epift .2o9.Scbltt,ij.k officina bumorum b. par concurrit1 €,fc.l Venmcutus C: 'IJC/U m~ferat&C nncutrunt~ 'l,Uodb~ partes objfruff~ [unt~($',, m Perft fan;.ui~ff' t4du1intes. fents,