Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.r.Sect.2. Caufls o{Mel•ncholy. 1?6 liot,tohe animal!JPiritswil! be hot,«ndthencecomes madneffi: ifcold.,fofly. Da. vidCrt'Jitu Theat .m.orb.H ermet.~ib, 2. cap. is.lle 4frn bile, grahrs·rudancholy to be ad1feafe ofan 1nf!amed brame, but cold ilotwlthftahdihg of it fdfe: '"' 'iidaper ·accidem, frigidapet (e, hen byaccid1monly; I am of Cllpi>uaccite minde for my part. Now this humour 1 accordihg m Sabvi.wus, is lometime in the fubftance ofthe Braine, fometim:escontained inth€ M~mbranesl and Tunicles that cover the Braine-, fometimes in the palfages oftlie Ventritles , }:[~(•ncbolia ·ofthebraiile,br veines ofthofe ventricles. It followes many tirtles•l'hren. "$'",;"{,' jie,longdifra(es, agues,longabodeinhot plum., or nlid~rtht.St}J'm~ abto~M ' !:~~. f.ng~":, :;;',_ thehead, as Rhnfis infotmethus: Pi(o addesfolitarines, waking, inflammati• ramf;':I',•"' ons of the head,proceeding moft .parr b from much ufe offpices,hot wifi1S· ~;;::',,~;;~3',• hotmeal:s;a~l whichMontanu.r reckons tlpconftl.zz.f0ra Me!at\thbly Jew;& l ib.•. . . _ Heurmm repeats cap .xz.de Ma/IM:ftot bathes,Garhck,OnronS;faith Gu{a. :i~·,;;!~;:, neritu,bad ayre,wtrupt,muc~ <waking;,&t , retentionof feed ot abundanct, & (.p,(""' doppmg of h~emorrogta, the M1dnffe rtl1faffecte<l i and acc~rd!ng to Trat/i•• .(ubfoie. . nm l.l . Il>.immoderat'e cares,troubles,gr.iefs,difcontent, ftudy,tneditntioh, ).;;;,~;,v~i~t; & in a word,the ~bufe o~ all thofe 6 non.natural things ~ H m ule! de S4xbhi. aromammuJ••· a,cap.x6.ltb.x.w11l have1t caufed fwm ad cautery, or boyledned up, or any ;g,;~:~;,;;;;, ilfue ._A~atm LtljitanU< cent.z,CIIra. 67. gives in!lanteina fellow that had a cAbutcere , u- holemhJsarme, •aftcrthatwiU heatell, ran)fllltll and when tht tvoundwd r<Sto incWt w open ,hCJVMrteredagains<TrincaveliUfcDnfil. XJ•lib,J, hlth ahexampleofi !1~~~~~,:~~:- melancholy.man fo cauf€d by overmuthf<'>ntilmance in the Sunne,frequeht rdlur. .. . u[e ofVencry,andimo\l€raee,exertife: And in his conftl,49·lih. 3.froman r~J.~ancmu f headpeeoe overheated, w,hich caufed head melancholy. Frojper Calm• to '• •· brings in Cardinall C.rfttu for a patterne of fuoh as are fo melancholy hl long ftu;ly: but examples are infinite. . , SUBS_EC"r·4; Caufes Pf.!lypocomlriacall or windieMelaneholy; N repeating,Of th~fecaufes, I muft cramhem hi( cotlam ttpponm; fay thatagaine which I have formerly faid, in applying themto tl1eirproperSpccies. Hypo(~ndriac4lt orf!atuous Meilnchoiy, il rh.ar which the ArabiAm caii.Myr.chiAil, and is in my judgement the moft g#evous and frequent, though Bruel and Latmntitu make it leaft dangerous, and not fo hatd t.o b~ kn.Q~he or ciir:ed.His caufes are in1vard or ' outward•.In.ward from divers part~OF organs,as Midl'iffe,Sple:ne,Stomack; Livcr,Pylorus, W:omb; Diaphragln<h Meferiidvveines,ftopping ofilfuesl g 'tlllliltulj'an. &,c. M o/11~/~u.r cap. I'. ; <il.Yt 0f valeh-recites'S heJt 4'nd ohfttutfion DJ tho(e lli<• ~lft,1.,u~~~2. {eraic'ke.Vrins, "'an .i f11m.etliat(e4'16{t1·flj which meam the p_&Jfiteoflhe_ Chp gaibu. objl fUIW {tfi to the (t~~r. tf t(e14t('ed1 ftopped ~rcor:'r.ttpted, and turnctl n'it~ rumblmg& ploM.e;r.ttan• winile, Monwm~t~nfi1.~~3· hadun 'evident. dgmonfiratioti, Trineavtlins ;::~, ~,.:;,-:;_ another ,lib. t :cap .~ ·2 .and 1'lilter a thira,ob/er:Vat-,ltb.'t . fo( ·a Doetour ofthe pimr & in : •· Law vifited wlrh this'·inli.rmity, from the faid obftruClion and hear ofthefe t:;:;;;f.ara Meferaic~ '{eines,and bowels: qudlli'Rminter ve!'trl(u/uHJ & fect~rven~ef ferve(cunt, theveines are inf!amed~ai)outthe-Lwerand Stom:1cke. sometimes thO(eothGr pa!.'ts.'are togetmt mlfalf~Gteds "nd 'OhEUtte tO the pro. · · , ductioa