Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr.r.Secb. other.accidents andgrievilnces. Memb.5.Subf.4- --:'-::-::"'~--~....:.. duClion ofthis malady: A hot liver and cold fiomacke or cold belly: Iooke , 1'77 for infiances in Hollemu,Vic1or TrincavelJ/15,con{it. 3 5./. 3.H:tdefhetm Spi- - u/.2 , (01. 13 2 .Solmander conjil.9.pruive Lugdrm~nji,Mont~nus conjil.z 29. for the Earleof Monfortin Germany,I549· and Friftmel#4 111 thez33 confulmionof the[aidMontamii, I.C.e(arClaudmrugives infiance of a cold ftomacke ·&over hot!iver, almofi in every confultation,conf. & 9.for a certaine Count:& con. 106. for a Polonian Baron, by reafonofh~arthe bloud is ' inflamed, and groffe vapours fent to the heart and braine. ~ercuri~tlil fub- • . . fcribes to them con(. 86.b theftomackebcrngn>~{4ffetled, wh~ehhe cals fhe hs,....,,,,.. king of the belly,becaufe if~e be difiempered ,all the reft fuffer with;him,as f,.~~~7;,;. being deprived ofrhm numment or fed With bad noun!hm~nt, by meanes ""· &- rtli· ofwhith,come cr11dities,obfiruClions,winde,rumbling,griping,&c.H ercu- t~ memor: lcs de Saxoniabetides hear,willhaverhe weakneffeof the live~ and IJis ob> ~!'"::::"~ ~ .Hrua:ion a caufe.jacultatemdebilem jecinoru, which he call> themineral! of ' melancholy. Laterentiusallignesthisreafon, becaufe the liver over-hot drawes the meat undigefied out ofrhe fromacke,and bqmeth the humours. Montam<& con f. 244· proves that fornetimes a cold liver may be a ca.ufe.Lautentim cap. xz.Trinc•velim Lib, u.conjil.acd Gualter BrrteL[eernes to lay thegreatefi fault upon the Spleene;that doth 'nor·his duty in purging the. LIver as heought,beingtoogrearortoolittle, in drawing too 'llluch bloud fometimes to it,and not expelling it, as P. Cnemi.tnflrm in a. i ci:lnfultation of i HiUtfotiWI; his no-ted, tumorem lienu, he names it,&the founcaine of melancholy .Dio- ' ~tes fuppo~ed the ground ofthis ~inde· of melan€~ol.y~to prdceede from the mflammauon of thePylorm, which is.the neather mouth ofthe Ventrtcle.Otbers alligne the Mefenterium or Midriffe difiem~ered:by heat, the wombe mifaffeaed, Hopping ofHemrods, with many. fufh. All which , La11rentitU ~ap. u. reduceth to three, Mefentery,Liver,& StlltJene,fromwhence he de~ ·' ,, • , nominates Hepaticke, Splehiticke,andMiferaiolle Me1ancholy. .. .• · Outward caufes,arebad diet, care,griefes, difcontents, and in a word all tho(e fix non.naturall things, as Montanus found by his experience, conftl. 244·Solenander conjil.9. for aCitizen.of ,Lyons in France gives his readert<l underfiand,that he knew this mifchiefe procured by amedicine ofCantha- ' rides, which an unskilfull Phyfician minifired his patient todrinke advenerem cxcitandam. But moft common[y feare, griefe, and fome fudden · commotion,or perturbation oftheminde beginne ir,in fuch bqdies efpefially as areilldifpofed. Mtlanc7hon. trdc1. 14.chap. z.deanim.i,willhaveitas common to men? as the rnothe~ towome!J, upon fomegrievous troullle, aillike~ pallion,ordifcontent:Foras C~merari/15 records in his'life,Mel..tntlho~ hiJ/:1•' k·n.;u;r 1 ...,.; felfe was much troubkd•With it,& therefore could {peak ou; of expenence~ animiJjmptoMontantts cMjil.z.z.pro delirante lttd~o · confirmes it, k grievousfymptomes'mar.qu••mpeofthe mind brought ~im.to it. Randol;tim relates of himfelf, thar being one~~':::: ~:."11' .. day very mtent to wmeom a Phyficians notes, molefied by. an •occalion; l Yfirati./Ji,.,. he fell into an h~pocondriacall fit, to avoidwhich he drank rh~ ~ccofrion of~~%~:;~;/!;; wormewood, ~nd was freed. 1 Melanc7hon. (bung thrdifeafe u {q trouble- v•fieru acrifome andfrequent) holds it« moft nm[Jary andprojitable:ftutly for. every man dentta &onfidctokn Wth ·d, ,1· d d' h b . ' d 1drare,neclt1.11 o eace. ents o 1 '.t' an a angirottr t ingto e tgnoranr-, an wou periculumbutherefore have all men, 111 fome fort to unelerfu111d the caufe5, .fymptomes, jus eaufar ...,. :;nd cures of 1t. · lttg.,,.,,;.., ,Zz Suasa"T•.