Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.I.Sect.3. .Sympto'mes of Melancholy. Memb.I .Subf.I : Symptomes therefore are either q ,Linive~fall or particular,faith Gordonius, ~ lib,med.cap.r9.part.z.to perfons,to fpectes;fome }ignes arefocret,fome mam- q.!i0•damunifejl ,(ome in the Bod)' ,jOme tn the mmde, an! dwerjly vary, according to the in- ;,'(f,~~'~'f:'t~ ward or outwardcaufes ,CApptvacetus:.or ~rom flarres accordmg to Jovtant~~ manifefla,qu•- I'ontamu de reb .celejl.liG, I o.cap. I 3• and crele!hall mfluences, or from the dam in '"P'"• humoursdiverlly mixt,Ficimu lib.r.cap.4. dejitnitJ~<endJ.: as they are hot, ;:,~::~,;·_:t cold,mtural,unnaturall,inrended or remitted, fo wtli.!Etim have melancho- mo,. qu.dam 4 tic a deliria mteltiformia,diverfity ofmelanchely £ignes. Laurmtim a[cr!bes~:~:;,~~~:' them to tlwr feverall temperatures ,delights, natures, mdmanons, conrmu- q•• ut vinum ance eftime, as they are fimple or mixt With other difeafes ,as the caufes are "'P'!' varU didivers [o muihhe !ignes be,almofl infinite, Altomarm cap.7.art.med. ·And IPv'~":r-eocb. ) . . . t1Jtlj4 p tmas wine produceth divers effeCls, or that hearb Tortoco!!a 10' Laurentms, t~(m•tapro w-. which makes fo~e l4ugh,fome weep_e, fomeJleepe, fome dance, (ome fing) fome ;:e:e~~tt.~';{,: horvle, {Pme drmke,&c. fo cloth thrs our melancholy humour,worke feverall "'· , fignes·infeverall parties. r Lib. •.derif•· , But to confine them, thefe generall Symptomes maybe~educed to tho[ef~:i ;[,;. 'fi"" ofcheBodyor the Minde. Thofeufuall figncs appeanngm the BDdtes of alji(udant,aill fucb as are melancholy be tliefe,coldand dry,or they are hot and dry,as the~?"'""' ,flmr, burnour is moreorlelfe adufi. Fromfthefe firfl qualities arife many othe~ !lj~~:t;':;:;: fecond,as that of< colour,blacke,fwarry, pale, ruddy, &c. fame aretmpensc mum,dcrmiunt, mbri;as Montaltus cap. I 6.obferves out of Galen.lib.3. de!ocis atfeais' very r·· . b ;ed and high coloured. a ippocraw in his book "de inf<nia&melan. reckons ,z;:.~:fp;;'h~; up.tbdefignes, that they are' lcane, wthered, hollorv-ey.ed, lookeold,wr!nck- bumoraliqu•nletf,hai'[h ,muchtroub!edwith winde, andagriping in theirbellies, or be!!y.ake, ~j~P:Z;~~;~~: ' qelch often, dry bellw and-hard, dejec1edlookes, fl,•ggy btard!,fingmgof the fuperfrif;efall"' ears ,vertigo,light headed,littleor no jleep,andthat interrupt,terribleandfear- Metane"-i Gat. fit!ldreames, * (1ima (oror, qtt£mefufPenj4minfomniaterrent? The[ame~;7~~preteF. Symptomes are repeated by M elanelim in his booke ofMelancholy colleC\- xOcuti bu ex: ed out of Galen,Ruffuo, .!Etiuo, by Rhajis,Go~donius,& alltheJuniors,Y con- '~~.":~:;;~:::'a tmuall,fharp,andJlmkzng behhzngs,,u iftherr meat rnthetrjlomake were pu·t'f:.cordlaer •• • · trefed,or that t.he.y hadeaten fi(h,dry bellm,ab(urdandinterrupt dreames, apdcidi •uii.,,Jicci many phantdjlica/1vifiotif abo~t their eyes,vertiginotH,apt to tremble, & prone~;r~lg~'""": S dd '1 · · f h h · ldr fi 11 '" •,tmn•'"' toVenery.• ornea epap1tat1ono t e earr,co 11veat.,asuua Symp-aurium,~mni t_orncs, attda Ii:aping in many parts ,of the body, foltum in mt~ltit corpo- pufiNi:;;:mni4 •·is parti"bus, a kinde of itching, faith Laurenti11s on the fuperficies of;:;;~!:,;~.~ th~ skin, likeaflea-bitingfometimes. 'MontaltMcap. 2 r. puts fixed eyes *1'1~ . ..t:n. and much t~inklingoftheireyes for afigne, and fo cloth .dvicenna, dm!os Y A iduu~i h I. l · 1· h 1.· d ' & l '' "' acl <rullatto- aoentespapttantes,trall t,ve ~m~nt.er,rtW,ICJIJt _;, c. to.3.Ftn. ·I..Tra••·4• nerqu• clbum cap.l 8.They fiutte moft part,wh1ch he took out of Hzppocrates .Aphorz[ms. vitulentum _ h Rhafis ~akes heAd-ac~,'an.d ~ bindingheavineife for . a principal! token, ~:;:::;;J;';;· much ltaptngofwmde abollt the skinne,as wellas fhming ,or tripping in (peech, rate lnge{lum f7~,hol/ow eyes.,gro]flve{nos, & briiat/lips: To ~\)rhe too, if they be far g_one f:~;;!'.;:; :._ JAllJllCall gefiures are toCJf;tmtl~ar,)aughmg,gqnnmg, lleenng, murrnunng, nmrhift• ~rltalkmg.to themfelves,W.ith ftrange mouthes &faces,inarticulate voices,ex- dl,fom'"" pl•- damauons, &c. And although they be commonly leane birfute uncheare- :umq, P""""'. . . . - . · ' . ' rntc"upt~t~,flTit•1 Ill.: llfl(il;diffima,rurb~te~ta,corporU tremor,capltU gravedo,jfrepitfl4 circa auruir"vifion.er4ntt ocul1r,a.l venemnprodjgiJ 7. Alto1lJar~,Br~et,Pifo,MonttJl~oJf'requehter babent oculorU lliflationes ,aliqui tame~~:fi"'U ocaiU pltrumtJ ;(u!Jl.bCent: llb . • .rr~t(1, 9·Sit,na buj«-l morbi funt plurimu-s {4ltut JgnitUJ 4Urium,c.:tpitU ""ra11edo1tinuu;~litublit)ocufi ex'41IIJlltur,fY'• , · · · z 3 " " ruu