,Parr.r.Secr.;. Caufes ofMelancholy. Memb.z.Subf.~ I So full incoum:enance,wirhered,&nor fo pleafanrto behold,by reafon ofthofe ---- cominuallfears,griefs,and vexations, dull, heavie; lazie, re!Ueffe unapt to goe about any bulinelfe; yet their memories aremoft part good, 'they have happy wits, and excellenrapprehenlions. Their hot and dry braines make them they cannot ~eepe, Ingentes habe!'t.& crcbnu vigiliM(Areteu.) Migh. cln Pantheon ty and often watchmgs, fomerunes wakmg for amonerh, ayear together.. eap.deMeiC. <f{ercules de Saxoni.iiaithful!y averreth,that hee bath heard his mother •llolia. f weare,lhe llept not for fev enmooeths together: Trincavelir~~ Tom. 2.con[. I6.fpeakesofone that waked 5o.dayes,and Skenkius hath examples of two years, and all without offence. In narurall actions their appetite is greater then their concoC!ion,m11lta appet1mt ,pauca digemnt , as Rhafts bath it, they U.!~warila covet to eat,but cannot digefi. And although they d do eat m11ch, yet thCJ m •<hi! J.jicien•, leAne,illliking, faith .A retells,witheredandhard, much troubledwith coftive. ~:~:~~;:;';~~·- nefe,crudities,oppilations,fpitting,belching,&c. Their pulfe is rare &flow, '"''" extenU4ti except it be of the' Carotides which is very firong;but that varies according fo;J: P' 1 to rheir intended paflions orpenurbations,asStmthius bath proved at large, fi.,,~,.:f:u'::m Spigmatic£ art is lib+ cap. I~· To fay truth, in fuch Chronick defeafes the &c. pulfe is not much to bee refpected, there being fo much fuperfiicion in it, as ~tZtZ!m~.·- 1Crato notes,and fo many difterences in G alen,that he dares fay they may not rpift.tih.!.Cuu beobferved,orunderfiood ofany man. ' ·~~;;:": ':,. Their urine is moft ~arc pale~and low c_ol_oured~rrina pttuc~,acrio ,hiliof4,' ~;,;,,,.{'!,1;. ( t..A~eteus) Not much m9.uanuty;But this mmy Judgemen~,ts all out ~sun· am Ji<ere, '" cerrame as the other,varymg fo often accordmg to feveral perfons,habus,& ~~:;;;~;,~~1~~ otheroccaftons not to berefpeCledin Chronickedifea(es.g Their Mtlancho. Galeno, nefue fJ txcrements tn fome very mttch,tn others l:ttle,a< the Spleeneplayes hts part, int<Wgi 4 quo- and thence proceeds winde, palpitationof the heart,lhorc breath, plenty of '}.~:,;;~;:: humidity in the fiomacke, heavine!fe ofhearc and heart ake, and intolerable ,r.Brigbt.c.,0 fiupidicy and dulnerre offpirits. Their excrerrients or fioole hard,blackto fome and litt!'e. Ifthe heart, braine, liver,fpleene, be mtfaftected,as ufually hPofl 4o. ~,.,. they are,many inconveniences proceed from them,many difeafes accompaj::~b'!£~:~. 5 ny ,~s Incubus,h Apoplexy, Epileplie~ Vertigo,_ thofe f~equem wakings and 1 •RJ>Qjit.ldem ternble dreames,' mtempelhve laughmg,weepmg,fighmg,fohbmg,balhful· Mmurialit ·: nelfe,blulhin~,rrembling,fweating,f wouning,&c.kAl! their fenfes are trou. :~~;:,~·~~:.bled, they thmke they r,e, hear~,fmell, and touch that whtch they donot, ....nfi!.s1 • aslhallbeprovedmthe followmg difcourfe. i (JIJlU,U,s.me~ . · 4.0 riJeDt 1 modo jltn( Jilt~tt 1(f ,,k F crnelius co»fil -i )·& -i 5.M(jJJlti.DUs ~onfil.:z. 3 o.GQltn.Jt lfr;it aff~Oft~~ lib. 3· 'ap.6. SussEc'i-2. Symptomes orjignes 'in themimle.· Far.. Rculanwin 9.RhAjis ad Almanfor•. Caf. 16. willhavethefeSymp: :~P;•;[:;.:: tomes to be infinite, as ind~ed they are,varying accorqing to the mW:•.eap.6. parties, forfearce is there oneo(Athoufandthatdotes alike,! L.aurm- :;;,:~•!,e:]t;. ·tir~~ c•p.r 6 .somefew_ofgreatef note! will point af; and amongll: tia,fi diutios the refr, Ft111e and Sorrow, Wh1ch as they are frequent caufcs,fo If they perpcrft~''""1• fever long,according to Hippacrates m & Galen's Aphorifmes,they are moll: tn. alfured lignes,inCeparablecompanions, and characters ofmelancholy; Of · , prefent