Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. ·I. SeCt. 3. prefe~t mela~choly 1~nd habituare.M>~ii:h Mon,rrzi!¥1< t;lP· I 'I .ani! eo~m?~ ~o them all is tnefa\d1itppot'rhtes,rsalen\ .Ai'mlin~,a~tlull N eot~nds llell:l. But as h~unds many times ruh away Witll a fal.fe cry ,n~lier~ei'<!ei'VIlfg themfelves tobeatafault,fodothey.For Dlodesof old;(wholi\Ulilen ·confuf'es) , & amongft the Jllniors-, n H erc«Ies t~:ud~oniil,"':ith ~o'd,N~rc~ti/4 c~p;11.ii:·h n·'i-ratf..poflfilde HJeian. take juft exc·epnons .at th1s Aphonfme 'Of HipPbcrM'e~; n~ rldl:al• m~Je MeW,. , r , ll "' . d" ('-'- -~ F . , ~ .r , "~ ~- " ~ • ~ "-b"'- edlt,l'e~ml!, , \Vayesttlie;OflOgenera y topeun er lUOu, <•ltaiJ,. ·ooncovarcn"c m• _,6>o,per1JolmO!lSymptomes teal! melancholy; ti-pMmoreferfo't# conji'!M-Mii'ii; rJiriilt terra•MJibUoJ!. fome (faith he) that ~re not fo ·at-aU.~om.~ lnileed ~re {jlfl?iiii~ flof fiJ!~fo.rl; pm~ Z~: :;~P,:~;. ftatefo!L A.nd»otfad;fome !letther fearej#ft, nor p-a; (bllle_borh. Fdure ktildes he Jeranti patU e!lcepts,fanati<:al perrons,fuchas were Citfl-andrii;M~tnfiJ;Ntil;jlrat'a, Mopfu!, •••fi14m. eJ!t, J"roteas, thesyhills, whom f .l1rtjiotl~ confdfeth ro Have be~h deepely !fie,':::~:.':'/:}.~~ lancholy·. 13aptifta Pon.. feconds him, Pliyflog.li(;, I> ewp. g, tHetwereJt.Yl more. . bileperciti, dxthoniacall perfons; and futtlas Cp~ak ftl'ange laiig0figes,areoft7;J:b'f'b . this rank~; fbme Poets, fuch as lilugh i\hvayes;ant1 thitik theriife!Ves J<lng~; cap,s.t!b;;· Olrdinalls, &c. fanguinethey are,pleaGtntly difpofed meft ~aft,afid fo con- ;ulra fngiJa_ timie.• Baptift~ Port.! confines Feare and Sorrowhlthem tHat are told) but l~•::::~r,~; Lovers, Sybills; Emhu!iaftes, heewnollycxcludes, SeH1a\Ithirikiif)ily · ti·uly conclude,they arc not alwayes fad and fearful!;!Jut ufUally for:\bd that o Wit hotel aCitlffo;timent de nontiinendii ,(G~r'do/J.ilu:) ~ieieif inomeilti non (uilf, 11fthot1gh not dfl ·alike(faitl1 AttomllriM)P jtt aillikUy {ear, iJ (oinii'ltllth >iMJ(c ?, .'!'"" •kettr.lorililiary mdJ.mighry fmr. ~retelu. r Many ftar ttwh, tt/J.a yet iHMon- :;~;:::·~r;; " t/'ilfj hremottr;mi<ke awdy themfohNs,Galtn.lib. 3,1le loc.a/fifl,clrp.1 Jidm€ ar/:. caup. ' '"' afraid rhat Maven will fill on their hdtls:fome they artdarf1fi~il;6r lliall be, f 0f"" tim~nt ~They are tro11bled >vlthfcrreples o{confri<nre, dijlrufting G~lis riil/-cfes ,lhinke ;::tJ:; ;:;-11they jhafl go,uertainely to lie({, I he Devifl 'n1ifl hflve them 1 andmafu g~eat fa. Ji mod.. ,M;rt>. menwion, J'fdti Pratenjis , . Fear ofDevils, death, thlit they {)lal!l:!ee fo llck, (e'J.~.:·•·M. '· offonle filch or fuch difeafe; ready to tremble at every objeC!,ihey fhalldie ql•gen~f;:;~ themfelves forthwith; or that fom~of their deate fl'iends or near all id ate Tt rfepiJ.nt. l!effainlyd6adj ltrtmihefltdanger, loffe, difgraceftill tdnnerlt others; &c.:~~:::::;:~:.. that they al·eftll glaffe, arid thei'efore will [uffer rlt> rltah to cdnie h~ar H\elnl fibiipfi< "'''"~ fllatthey arc all t:orke; as light as featHers;others as heivy as lea~, forli!' are ""fif'""''"'li afraid their heads will fall'olf~Heir illoulders, that they naVe frogs ili th~ir ':e~[.""''"" "~ bHlies, &t. t M ont~nll< rbllftl, i 3. fpeakes of one th.r dt~rjlnohlalk alone "Aif/igittor from h~>ise ; fo: feitr he jhonlil fwoolii.' or die. A feed~~ Cftnr:~s;t1Jerj ma~he fi;"/c;{.~'(:/:'J;~ meets wtll rob htlll, tfttir'relt tvlth hit~~, et kJ!Ihtm. A third dares tli:lt v~htUI'e von~ l!lifericor. to:valkalone; fotfe~fllemolJld meetl::~e De~lll; , ~thi~f\ l>t:'dkk; fe.lrs ~~·"'!~!"'::' all old won\efiilS wttcl\e§5 and eVery black dog dr cat h~ fees-he fufpe&eth """'~"" '{!. fo be aDevll, ~v~ry petfol'i ctlmes ilelir nitfi is lhillel!i:iated1 ever}' treatilre· menrail••• Je• ~lllbtet111 tb hurt hilli, feek his ~uitl~ l another .dares riot~iJ bVet a bHt!ge; ~Ij;::"(. .· come near a.~oele, roc1i; n~tp hill, lye in a chamB~t where ~;!-51fe beamts gredi ."::'n~:.r lite, for fear J161Je tetnpi<l'tl id h~n~, dtowile,'or prretlpi~ate Hii'rl!Hf. iflle ·b~ Jefcerer, . : iha lil~nt nui!itorY ,as at a termon1n~ is aftaitl h~ man fpe~li d l~ud ar uhawa- ~:/~f~e:~·::: res,fatrte thiilg,Undece!l!,utillt t91>Haid. IfheBe lock~d ltta tlof~ tiJbme,He rrone;,;,fiiiat i~ arraid of~ih~ ftlllei! fdt; ~ant of :lite,atld mu >arrles Eisket;Aquavitre;o~ Avicenll4, f(jlfieftrongw:ltets allt>li~ hurl, fot f~ar tJf iltliljilin>hi ' at l:Jeiiig ficke . ·tlrif hebe in a t~rorlg, niiddlt ofa Cl~urch, tnultitclflc; ~lleti:'He may nbt ~S,li get out, thdugh he lit at eafe; h~ l!i fo'trlifaffee!etl• He ·will ft~ely prolitife, ' · ' undertake ,) I