Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr.x.Secr.3. C~t'.fesofMelancboly.. Memb.z .Sub[.2 182 ,underrakeanybufinelfebdorehand, ourwhenir comes robeperform~d he , A;ii "mbu,i, ~are not adventure, bur fe.ars.an infinite ?umber ofdangers, difaflcrs,&c. oliide Rcge, .~ome are•afratdto heh11rned; or that the ground wiU jinkeunder them, or &fir. . x (waUow themtp<ick,orthattheKingwil(eaUthemin qteejfionfor[omefac!tbey ;,;:;;;:;;:,;:~ rwver did(Rhajiscont,) a1Jd that they fhalt fimly he exewted, The rmour of ~•fl«<. fuch a death troubles rhem,and they fear as much, and are equally rozmen. xb·Netm• Jde· ted in minde, Y .u they that havecommittedamurder,andarepenfive withotel a . iftot.Go> on. ,(, ;t:.h ~ i h d 1 1 · j'J yAIU timore cauJc.,.u 'J t ey were~owpre ent yto eptttto eattJ. f ater .cap.3,aementiJali• .mortuttmmtur enat, They are afraid of ome lo!fe,danger, that they lhall.furely loferheir ·:;;.~;~;;~~· lives,goods,and all t~ey have,bur why they kr10w not. Trincavelius confll. '•" feali~uid 13. ltb. I. had a patient that woufd.needs mak~ away hullfdf, for fear of ';fiifil{':,'' !>eing hanged,and could not be perfwaded for three years together,butthat .,!·.':fl '"""' he had killedam.an.Plateroh(ervat.lib, I.hath two orherexamr.lesoffuchas feared to be executed witl10ut acaufe.Ifthey come in a placewhere a robbc· ry,rhefr,or any fuch offence hath been done, they prefently fear they arefuf. peered, and many rimes betray rhemfelves without a cau{e.LeJvuthe r i"' the FrenchKing,fufpetled every man arraitour that came about him, durf\ rrull . J. . no oflicer.Alii farmidoloji omnium,alii quorundam( Fracaj!orius lih.z. de In- :~~;":,,:;{!:- tellelr)•[omefiat all alike,fome certainmm,& cannot endure their companies, omne.r&£ri"'. are fickin them,or ifthey be from ho,me. .Some fufpeCl: ' treafon flill,others ~nft~:.::;~~:t. _are afoaidoftheir b deareji andnearejlfriends •.(Melanelius e Galeno,Rujfo, lElib... a. morb. tio,)and dare not be alone in the dark,f01:[eare qfhobgoblins and devils:hee J:h'f"· h•P: 6 • fufpeCl:s every thing he hears or feeno be a Devill, or enchanted, and ima. ·.,!!,' t;,•;:!t,;, gitleth a thoufand Chim~ra's and viftons, which t)> his thinking he certainly homiw ,,,. fees,bugbears,talkes with black men,ghofis,gobli~s,&'c. · · ;i.f;;~~enttmet _ . * omne.s fo terrent aur.e, (on:~~ excit~tto!"nis. . , c Hiein tu"m Anotherthroughbalhfulneffe; fufpiCi()n andtui)eroufneffe willnotbefeen pro.li>e '!met, abroad,' loves darkneffi as life, andcanr'ot endrwe the light, or to fit in light· !r:,•!;:{~.~~~; fomeplaces, ' his harfiillin his eyes, hewillneir.he.r fee, nor befeenbyhis ••lit,ino(Qf•gir goqd will,Hippocrates_lth.de In(auia & !'felanchqlia. Hee dare nor come in ~:!t,Ja ,:;.J::- company for feare he lhould be mi(ufe_q, _difgraced, overlhoor himfdfe in (pir;,., 4h ini- geflure or (peeches,or be ficke;he thinkes ev~ry maq obferv.~s him, aimes at ~i:u ve;•t:iir him,deride~him,owes him '11'\lice. Molfpa_rt d tlje:y "{!afraidthey are hervil· ~~j,~np~ra:;- ched, pojfC.ffif!;f poifon~/_hy therr enem•,es,aqd fo.1J1.~tlm,e~ they .Mpe€1 rhe1r. objeffari, Hip- n~eref!: fne!J<;I~; he tbmkesfomefh'!'!§fF.eAkt{ or t~l,ke,s W!lh/11; htm_, or to fJJTI/, ~:~·'~''!.~:"' and he belch~th vfthe poyfo'!• . Chrij!opher,r~s,:a,r_~gll;(ib,,, caj;·x.. bad a patient <alll Jumpfi/ fo.t~oubled,that by no p'rfwafion 9!.EJ.!Jficke,~~~g~ld ):>qeclaimed.Some purar, erd:bae a~~-afra,idthat they, lhalJ.,have- ey,ery fqr(J!ll d!fe~fphey. fer: others h~ve, ~';~~:'1,~,~<- ~'iare of~ or read, a~d dare,nqr therefo.re. h:a~e o~rea,d ofany fu.cb fubJecr,no /Jem.Monr 4u114 n,onof meliuw~oly ~t fe\(e; , l~afl by ;tP,pLymg toth~\Ilfelves .r,hat cwhich rthey ':{;',;:; li , · ~eW:e orre~d,,rhey fl1oul~ag_gra~ar~ a!}<j~creafe;it; ~f :hey (ee~ne po!fe~ed, tt alij. b. •.. l>s~ifChe~·~n Epllepnc~e.l'taroxifme;a: l",an lha~mg Wit(l the_ealfte,or giddy Trallian•• tib. , ~eaO.e~j~eli~g grllandmg 11'1 a d~ng~\'c;m~ pli!ce, ~!=·for m~ny ·d~ye.s afrer.it •: :~f''6· · ~~!\lleSHl fh~~ :lmnds,the}l ~r~ afrat4 rh~y lh~l b~[o too,they ar~ m hk~~a~ ger,as.Perf:ms.c,Af.I,z. foti. z,well ob(er~esmh!S C_afes ofCpnfCience,·and many:Ci~es bf,violepc~ of i\Ilagination }p~y produ_ceir. They cannot endure to,~e.~riy. ter?~ble objeCl:,, , as a Mo~ft.~r,_ a ma~exe~uted,acarcafe,heare the dev{!fnam~,qr any tragic~{! relat•Oll )fl!lle,buq~y:,quake for feare, Heca- ..., .. - flfl ,;j"!_ '