symptomes. of tbe minde, Mcmb.I.Subf.~ t«~ fomniare.fibi :'idmwr(Lttcian)they d:eameofHobgoblins,and may not~ get it out ofthe1rmmds a longnmeafter.they ;rpply(as I hai'C fatd)all they heare,fee,read, tothemfdves; as' Jiehx Pl4ttr notes offomeroung Phyii- eObfervatJ.r: ' ians that fiudying' to curedtfeafes,cat'ch them themfelv~s, wtllbeiick,and .<zuando_fi"' ml ' . • fi d. l d £ h .L • nocet, ""quod appropnate all fymptomes they n ere ate 0 .. .or ers~ to.t..elrowne permulieribur me. fons. And therefore (ift10diterum mo'neo, luet 114r<ftam partrleGiari,~~~i'de-lancholicu. · ~em potim v~rba,decies-repetitalicet0abundare,quAmunum defMerariJwo'uld .. . _ ailvife'him, that is actually molancholy, noo thts-t~afr of Stmp- · tomes !ell: he difquiet or make himfelfc:for a time worfe, · ~n<l rn6r6fbelllncholy ~hen he was before.C.enerally of them aUtakethis;.¥NYi4i'ilbm f"fp<r conqt~emntur, & trment, faith Are~im; the.y COrl!plnineof-'toy~;;, 'llhd-fear 1 without a caufe,and fit!! thmke therr melancl;roly=t<>·hemOftigrwvot)S;Hone f --timeatamen fo bad as they are, tho~gh it be noth!ng in refpect-, y~toru!ver - any -manfure ~j-i;{~;,::;t was fo troubled,or mtlus f,;,rr ,As reajly tO'rlll:~ated anti pqple*el! for toyes eft metur. • and trifles ( fuch things as they will af~er laqgb an!remf~IV'es~ ~s-if they were Hein/iur Au, moft material! and dfemiallmatt~rs indeed, worthy tO befe;ired, and will flrt•canot be fatisfied.Pactfiethem forane, th~y are:infiamly-trouble.fwith fome other feare; alwayes afi·aid of fomcthihg, ~hkh-th<)J'fodl.ifhly1magine or conceivero thcmfelves, which never pe-radve!lturewas,nev&o can pe, never likely will be, .trotibl.eHiu mindeupou everyfmal~occali<!>'tl, :unquier; ~fiii complaining~3rieving, ve:ciug,fufpe&ng,grudging,<lifconteht, & carmot'be .tieed<fo long asmelancholy continues. -Or ift!lti~·Jtli~es-be more quiet for the prefent, and they frccftom fot>rai!ilefears,;outward iK<!idenrs; yet thei-r bddies areoutoftune,they fufpectfomepalt orother tb he anii!fe,nowtheir headakcs,heart,ftomack,fpleene,&<ffeeted, the'y 'lhaH furely have tliis or that di!i:afe;iii!Itroubled inbody,minde,or,bot:ti, & through winde, c0rrupt phaorafie,fomeaccidcntal! difiemper,c0fidnu:tl1_)i-m~1efied. Y er for alhhis,as g '}Mchi11usnooes,inaflotherthiHgs thbj~re •vije,flaid,difcrett,and g cap.r;. in. 9 ; aoe n•thfnfonnbefeeming their dignity,per(on,or ph<c<', thisfi,.tifh, ridiroYJ)_tiS, ll.h•fis,i.nmult;. J h ·t J fe d h' ,__ r eh r · all . d <Jtdt,pteterra- ~a·P l a~ arc ex~e{'t.e JW ~ea 10 mu ,IOOOlltl~U< y tortures, an cru- tionem {emper C-1&5 tlmr foules, like,-a'barkmg dogge that alwa1es bawls, bur feidpme alifuiJtimenr. bit5;rhisfi:arevermolefierh, and fo long as Me1aocholy laReth, cann9tbe~P;~;:;:;-:;:'" avmded. runt,lltq;aliqui~ . Sorrmvis that other-Ciut.t:afrer, andmfeparablewmpanion, as individuaU pwcrdigmtaas SaintCcfm..- l<ld D-amian,fii;ku Ai:hMes1 as a!l writerswitndfe,a cori.Jlnon tem commtttunt_ fy.mpmme, aconrimrall,and fiiH witJwut.any evident caufe, hptfff'tntrlumrs h Altomarur !/p-fi l"()gcs tos rrxfde.c Cnr>{nm,nonpojfont, grieving-ihllibut Why they cannot <•p·7 -Ateteur, te!l:Jgel.aftr,mtrjir,cDgrtll1>t<ndi, they lookasifthejrhad newly come forth triflerfunr. Gl fl:nophmnadoone. A'llliith0ughthey latigh many times,and feemt6-bee ?"caordirutrymerry(as·nhey will by fi~s}yetcxm:ame 'lumpifll ag.aine in an mftant,dall ,:mdlra vy ,femtot&ftmal; 'inetry·and fad, bur-n 10ft partfad: iS i i M aut. Egl. ' · 1'"' 'P'""vt,,zlmnir; itl.imicA tcnacitu i>.er-ent,fl'ii'rowfiicks bythemfiill con- ~·ntmily .gmwlllg,xst~e vulture dtd kTtirir1s bowels, and they cannot avoid k oviJ.Mer."' r.:. N<oi<l>oner&:c-rhel!rey.esGpe.n,but aftert~a-ib1e a11d troub1efome dreams 1'.110ir h~avy~tsbogi~to lig:h:tbey ate~iU freniog,chafing, iighing, grievmg,.complammg,'ltS?'repining,grudgiHg,weeping,HeatJtontimommeno>, V'CIR'lng thlltn~lves,~ d!(<l!_l!_kt-ed,ia minllr_ wiJu-d!lctfe, ucqu_iet 1In'{rliet41Ji: thoughts, dtfco:neot,eM!er JfG'r Wt<: .owne, 'O~hermens, orpubiikeaffaires, mur. A a fuch