Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Symptomes ofMelancholy. Memb. r.Subf.z felfe. ]r~l.C£{ar Claudinus,conjil.S4.had a Polonian to his Patient,fo affecred, r8) that through•Jear and forrow, with which he was llilldif~uieted ,hated his •Lug et &femowne hfe, wdhed for death every moment, and to befreed ofh1s mifery. P:' nylaru,,(.. :Merwrialis another,and another, that was often mmded to d1fpatch h1m- lerudtntmamar, felfe,and focominued for many years. · · . ~:;~:';!(,~~"- Sufficion, &jealMjie ,aregeneral! Symptomes :they are commonly ~1llrull- t:t~iatn odlo full,timor.ous,aptto m1~ake,& a';l pllfie,foczlerrrajctbJles /tell.)',pemfh,pee. Su" ;;ion. vifl1,& ready to fnarle upon every !mall octafion, cumam:ciJf!mu, &With- Jc.foufic. ?ut a cau[e,dat~m. vel non datum,it wiH be (candalu~ acceptu'!'.If they [peak f:C~i~:;~ ;;,~~ mJell,he takes 1t mgood earnell. Ifthey be no\ faluted, mv•ted, confulred , zrafi•ti••f•, with,called to counfel, &c. or that any refpe6t, fmall complement, or cere- vrl,ir•r ;,,., mome beomitred, they thmke themfelves negleCted , and contemned;fora ;•-v;nawla. time that torturesthem.lftwo talk together,dlfcourfc, whifper, )ell, or tell ::~,;~:{'~;,. a taleingenerall,hethinkesprefemly they meane him,applies all to himfelf, figntim.Avicmdefeputatomniadici. Oriftheytalk with him, he is readyt9mifconllere- i,.~~L~;~;~ veryword they fpeak, and interpret it to the worll; he canl)ot endure any Ang« fine man to look lleadily on him, fpeak to him almoll, laugh,jdl:,or be famili· caufa._ . ar, or hem,or poiot, cou~h, or fpit, or ina'ke a- n~ife [dmeti~es,&~ - " Hee 'd::ft:,'1'.,:;f.= thinkesthey laugh orpomtathun, ordoltllld1fgrace ofl;um, Circumvent m.-.,cf.:u,Ep. him, contemne him; every man looks at him, he ~spale,red, fweats for feare ~1i• A.ltx•nand anger, lell fome body fl1obld obferve hjrn. He works upon ir, 2nd long s:;,;;,}.r:' 81 after, rhisfalfeconceipr ofan abufe,troubles hi_m.Montanus conjil.l2-gives inllancein amelancholy Jew,that was lracundior Adria, [o wafpifhand fufpicious,t amfoci le iratm, that noman could tell how to carry himfelfe ia his cornpanie. , 1 ' · lnconftant they are in all their all ions,vertiginous, reftlelfe, unapt to re- ln«>nfi:lncy, folveof any bulinelfe,rhey will,and will not,p_erfwaded to&froupon every fmal!occalion,orword fpoken: and yet ifoncethey be refolved, obfrinate, hard to be reconciled. Ifthey abhorre,dillike, ordillall ,onceTet!ed,rhough to the better by oddes,by no counfel or per[wafi_on to be removed. Yer i~ moll things wavering,irrefolure,unable to deliberate,through feare,fociunt, & mox f4Uipfl'nitent( vireteus)avari,ctpaulo pojlprodigi.Now prodigal!, · and then coverou~, they do,and by.and-by repent them ofthat which they have done, fo that both waies rhey are troubled ·, whether·they doe or doe not,want or have,hit or miffe,difquieted ofall hands,fooneweary, and 11\11 feeking change,refr!ene,I fay,fickle, fugitive, theymay not abide totarrie in one place long. * Rom..rus~tans, abfentemmjficusurbem ToUitad ajfra---· · • *H"· no companie long,or to perfever in any aClion or bufinelfc. * ft Jimtlis regumpu(Tis,pappare minutum , Po(i:it,& iratus mamm.tl4Uareruu(at, . *P•rj'. .sa••l efrfoonespleafed,andanondifpleafed, asamanthatS bitten with fleas, or · that cannot fleepe, turnes to and fro in his bed,their relllelfe mindes are toffed and varie, they_have no patience to read out abook, to play out agame onwo, walke aimle, fit an houre, &c.ereCled and dejeCled in aninfrant; ani. mated toundertake, and upon aword fpoken againedifcouraged. · Extreme Pajion~te, fl.f!icquid v~l11nt valde volunt; a~d what _r~ey de- Pall\onare. lire, they dQmoft funoufly fe~k: anx1ous ever and_\':eryJOI.i~<ous, rufirull:· - --Au · · full ·