Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Symptomei ~~ }(fe/ancholy. Mcmb. I .Sub£.2 186 ful,and timorous,envious,malicious,profufe one while/paring another out moll: part covetous,muttering, repinina,difconrent, and ftill complaihin" · grudging, peeviih,injteriarum tenaces, p~one to revenge, fa one troubled a~d moll: violent in all their imaginations, not-affable in { peech, or.apt to vt;lgar • . c;omplem~nt,but furly, dull,fad,aulrerei cogitabtmdt ftill,vety inrcnr, and as ~\his d~ch * Albertus Durer pamts melancholy, likea fad woman !caning. on herarme , _w ' ' P' , "' '· "?ithfixedlooks,neglectedhabit,&c.heldther~forehyfomeproud,fofr,for. ulh,or.halfmad, astbeAbderiteJ elleemed ofDemocritm:and·yet ofadeep * H•,.arJ reach,excellenrapprehenlion,judicious,wife& wittie:for I am.ofthat* llio. •ap.r.difftr. blemans minde, Melancholy advanccth mens conceipts, morethen any h¥mour what(Otver,improves their medirationS>more then any (hang drink, or fack. ·They are ofprofound judgement in fomethings,although in :Others, norm. il'ejudtcantinqt~ieri,faithFr.ca(foriut,lib.z.delnti!IZ.Andas Arctt!anus,c.16 in9.RhAjis,tearmesir,]udiciumplerumq;perver{ltm, cornlpti, ctemjudicant honejl~tinhonejla,& amicitiamhabentproinimicitia: They count honellie dilhonelly,friends as enemies,they will abufetheirbell frjends,arid dare nor offC!ld t?eir enemies•.Cowards moll: pm,&adinftrendaminJuriam timidtf jimt ,[a,thC!<rdan,ltb.S.cap.4.derert~mvartetate: Loath to offend, and if they chance to ovcrlhootthemfelvesin 1vord,ordeed;orany fmal bulines or circumftance beomirted,forgotten,they aremifepbly tormented, &frame a thoufand dangers and inconveniences to themfelves, ex mufta elephantcm, ifonce they conc_eit it·: ovetjoyed with every good rumour,tale, or profpe. rami evenr,tranfported beyond.fhemfelves : with every fmall croffeagaine, bad news,mifconceaved injurie,loffe,danger, affiicted b€yond meafure, per. ,plexed dCJected,aftoniU1ed,impatienr,utterly undone: fearefull, fufpicious ofall.Yet againe,ma:ny ofthemdefperare hairebraines, ralh, careleffe, firro •Trall.le.mtl. be Affalinates, as being void ofall fear an.dforrow,according to • H ercules ~;:;;::.~ deS4xonia,~ojl audaciou;~ and(uch as darewalke alone in the night, tfmugb .[yl~"'·" '"• de(erts and dangerout placu,fttringnone. They are pnile to love, and •ea lie to ~;~;~;[~;:;. be.taken: Propenjiadamorcm-&excandeftentiam(Mo!'taltu;cap. 2I.) quick- % F<Uilea-r Iymamored, and dote upon all, love one dearely, nll they fee another,and .lllrom. thendoteon her,Et banc,& hanc,&iflam,&omnes,the prefent moves moll, Amorous. and thelall: commonly they love bell.Yetfomeagaine Ant'Yvtes,cannotenyB•dint. durethe light ofawoman, abhorrethe fex, as that fame melancholy r Duke ' ' ' Mai" r"'t of Mttftovy ,that was inllanrly licke,ifhe camebur in light of them :and that ~~~~~;.~,,: · •Anchorire,thar fell into acold pallie, when awoman was brought before Jl.bbM E:t»(it~ him. . · , .. '""'(.fi"!':';"' Humor~ut they are beyond all meafure,fom€times profufely l~ughing, · ~;:~~P,m:":" exrraordinariemerrie,and then againe weepingwithout acaufe,(which isfa. "'~lrum mulie- miliar with manie Gentlewomen)groaniog, lighing, penli ve, f1d,almoll di· (/;:'' _Poffit, ll:racted,multaab(l•rda jngunt,& a rationealiena (faith* Frambefarius )they Humorous. ' feigne many ab'furdiries, vaine, vqid ofreafon: onefuppoCeth himfelf tD be :;~1,~}"''· ,. a Dog, Cocke,~eare,Horfe,Glalfe,Butrer,~c. He is aG1am,a Dwarfe, as . ftrongas a~ hundred men, aLord, Duke, Pnnce, &c: A_nd 1fhe be told hce ham a fiinkmgbreath?a great nofe,that he 1s licke,or mclmed to li~ch o~ fuch a difeafe, he beleeves lt eft[oones, and peradvenwre by force oftmagtndt!· on will · worke it out.Many of them are immoveable, and fixed mrhetr (;\l~CeiptS)Otherov'"'l' vrnn evervobject,heardO(feene,lfthey fee a llig~· . . ~~