Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Ca(!fes ofMelan•hoty. ll;lemb. x.Subf. 3 -~ 90 Monomachies, tell:y,'cholerick,harebra:-in_e_, -ra-;II;-J,-;fi:-ur-;io- u--,s-,-an-d:-v-i-ol_e_m_ 1 _ n_t:.:be::::· --·- a_Cl:ions.Tl_1ey w!lfaine themfelves Viao!s,Commanders,a'r,paffiooare an~ fatyncall mthe•r fpeec~es,great baggers, ruddY. of colour. And though * 8 ,;, deart. ~hey pe poorem t11ew,vtle an,! ba(e,yet)tke Teleph"' & l'eleH< in the • Poet, P"!· . Amptdl,u iarfant & fojq!,ipedalia verba, . . f .I - •• 1 \ their mouthes are full ofMyriades, and tetrarclts at their ton~ues end.Ifthe Sttnne, they wilbe Lords,Emperours,in conceipt ~t le;1ll: ,&_Monarchs,givc Offices, Honpurs,&c. If V en~ they ~re lhllcoumng oftheir null:reffes,an~ moll: apt to love, amorou!ly giVen,they feemeto'heare mllG~k.e, plaies, fee fine piClures,dal)cers,merrimems,and die like. J;:ver iplove, and dote on all ! h.ey fee. Mercttriali~sate [6llitary, much in cou.templatiog, fnbtik, Poets, .Philofophers;and muGng moll: part about fuch !l)atters. I('nhe Moone have .a haqd, they ~re all for peregrinations,feavoyages, much atf<:d:ed with rra• .vels,to difcou1·(c,read,medi1iate off~Jch things;wandering in their tboughrs, divers,muchdelightedinwaters,to fifh, fowk,&c. . " · Butthemoll:~i:umediate Sy-mptomesproceedfrom the Temperature it 're!fe,and the Organicall parts, as Head, Liver, .Spleene, M.eferaicke veines, Heart, Wombe, Stomacke, &c. and moll: efpecially from diflemperature tTra{l . 1-de ofSpirits (which as •Flemde~de ~Ax•nia contends,are wholly immateriallJ Melan. or from the foure humours in thole feats,whether they behot or cold, natu. uHumiJum,c... rall,unnatur!lll,i!tllate or advcntitious,intended or retflitted.,fi.mple or mixr, lidom,/c'i[,~- their diverfe mixtures,~ndfeverall adullions 1 con:'-binations,whichmaybee ~;,;,, ;. ';',,~P as diVer fly vaned, as thofe"fourefirll: qualmes m xctavtH<, and produce loh.nnu de s.:.as many feverall Symptomes and monflrous fictions as wine doth clfells, , ;':,'~f,J., me- which as Andreas BacbiM obferves,lib. 3. de vino cap. 20. arc infinite. Of lancholianatu- greater note be. thef~. ..~ ,. •• lis,tales • If it be natural!Md~%\loly, as Led. MercatM lib.z.cap.r7 .demelan. T. ~':,"'~;~t';~~ Bright cap. x6.hath large!:( defcribed,eitheroftheSple~ne,or ofthe veines, pidi, .folitarij. faulty by exceffe ofquaomy, or th!Cknes of fubflance,tt ts acold &dry hu. z No>t • n• me- mour,asMontantu allir't11es. conjil.26. the parties are f.1d,timorous,& feare- !ft',';::~br: ful. Pro(per cdlenwin hi> bookede ara_bite, will have them eo be morcllumor ~;,;; P•· pa{then ordmary,cold,beavte,dull,fohtary,lluggtfh,St m11ltam atram btlem ':;.';fJ;;~;;:; & frigidam habent. Flerw~es de Saxonia cap.r9. lib.7 . Y holds thefe that are 1111/tatus, und• nat~~rally melancholy, to be ofaleaden colour or black,and fodoth Gtttanertul :"''""'"':'"· cap. 3• trarf.r) .and fuch as thinkethemfelvesde<!d many time5,orthat they ~%f," '";'' • fee, ,talke with. black men,dead men,.fpirits &gobJins frequently, if it be in ·, Hu;::[,~;. exceffc.The(e Symptomes vary according to the mixture ofthofe foure hu. du. delirii eau- mours adull:,which is unnatural melancholy. For as TrAltianus ·hath written 2;~~~~~·/i - cap.r6,1ib. 7· • Thereisnotone caufe ofthis melancholy,nor one h~<mourwhich b Mult~m re· begets it, bill div ers diver fly inrermixt ,fromwhenceprvceeds this v ariety of ~;;.~~;,J;~{';: Symptomes: And thofevatying againeanhey areho~orcold. • Cold mdan- "'at"r; hu11c choty (faith·Benedic.VitloririS Faventmpsprafl.mag.) u a car~fo ofdgtagt/J' fer~"'' $' ac- ?lJoremilt( Sym,ptomes ,if hot or more aduft, ofmore violent pafs ions,andjimes. ;~~f:',~f~Z'-:;; ftacaftorius M.2 .de intelterf. will have us to confider well ofit, bwithwhat :fiige11soccupat , kinde ofMelancholy ever1 one is tror~bltd,for it much avatles to know tt; one h• t<miJi ,~U iscnra~red by ftrv~nt heat, an9ther isJofft({ed ~y (adand cold; one is ftatfult, ~;~;;;1;":;;~ "-fbamefoft;t/;e~>har impudwt and bot ,As Ajax,.Arm" rapit .f<Fero[qtle fn. · rm1