Part.r.Secto3· Symptomu of theJlars, ht,mours, &c, Memb.r.Subf.3 -=----~-------------- rens inp,.,!ia pofcit: quite mad ortending to madnelfe: Ntmc hos,mmcimpe- 191 tit illos. Bcllerophon on the other fide,folis erra: male fanH< i~ agris, wanders alone in the woods;one defpatres,weeps, and ts .weary ofhts hfe, another Iaughs,&c. All which varietie is produ~e~ from the feverall degrees ofheat and cold, whicht Herculcsde Saxoma wtllhave wholly proceed from the tcap. 7 ., 8 • difremperarureoffpirits al::me,animal efpecially,and thofe immateriall,the Met. Qext & immediat caufes ofMelancholy,as they are hot,cold ,dry,motll:,ahd . from the!!' agitation proceeds that dJV,rfity of Symptornes, whtch he rtc~ ~~;f:::x7:/':m~ kons up,m the*r 3 .cha~.ofhts Tract ofMelancholy,& :hatl~rgelY: through perieetagiwi· every part. Others wtll have them come from the diVers adull:wnofthe oneJPirituu"' fom·e humours, which in this unnaturall melancholy, by corruption of fine mat.'~"· bloud,adull: choler, or melancholy naturall, ' by exceflive diflemperofheat ~~};:~ •. ';.;:f. turned, in comparifon ofthe naturallintoafharelyeby force ofadtif/ion, ca~fe dcap,c6 in 9· 1tecording to thedwerf!ty ofthetrm~tter ,dtverfe&JlrangeSymptomes, whtch ~~~flir,e. , 6 • T. Bright reckons up mhts followmg chapter. .So doth d ArmlanH< ,accor- f Pratt.major. din<> to the foure principall humours adull:, and many others. osomnians,pi- . "Forexample,ifitproceed from fleagme, (which is feldomeand norfo ~i,["l;;:s. frequent as the reil:)' it ll:irres up dul!Symptomes,and akinde ofll:upidirie, ~·~- J."b..;.. or impaffionate hurt:they are fleepy,fauh1Savanarola,dull,flow,cold,bloc. fifi •Phte~mau ne j ' lji . ! h I M l "h 11 0 h h . emper maqmt kilh,ane- ~e,A mtnam_,me.anc o tam,g e anct- o~ca s lt,~ eyare~uc gz. .. ferefunt,crcir. vento weepmg,anddcltghttn waters,ponds,~ooles ,rtvers,jijlung,fowltng, &c. ea jluvios pto- (.Arnoldmbreviar. r.cap. x8.) They are pale of colour,floathful!,aptto :~nr mutrum, fleepe,heavie;'!"uch trottbledwith head-ach, continual!meditation,& rnutte- h ;:;~:•.;.;;;. ring to themfelves;they dreame ofwaters,'that they are in danger ofdraw. '""'"'tore ning,and fear fuch _things,Rh.tjis. Theyare fa~ter,then others that aremelan. );::;d;,~;:~~ choly, ofamuddtecomplex!On,apter to fptt, fleep,more troubled with isavanarota. rheume then the reil:, and have their eyes frill fixed on thegroundoSuch a pa- kMuros eadere tiem had Hermles de Saxonia,a widow in Venice, that was fat and very flee·';:,{,~:,~'!,"!;.· pie ftill; chriftophorm a Vega another affected in the fame fort. Ifit be in- cum 'O:P"' ~ veterat~ or vio!ent,the Sympton~es aremore evident,they plainly dote and ~f,;'~~~;;,~:;: are rtdtCU!OUS tOOthers,mall thetr geftures, achons, fpeeches: imagining les,Aiexand. . impoffibilities,as he in Chriflo!horus J Vega, that thought he was atunne of cap. c6.1ioo7· Wine, m and thatSiennois, that refolved with bimfelf not to pilfe, for feare ~::;:f:{!,;~~ he lhould drown all the towne. lenra.cap. c6. lfit proceed from bloud adull:, or that there be amixtureof blond in it lib.7 ° • • fuch art commonly mddy ofcom;lexion,andhigh celotmd,according to Sa~ ~J;;;.~~d~":;,1 lt'.ft Salvtantu,andHerculesde Saxonia.And asSavanar,ola,VittorimFaven- Si d f•nguine, ti~us Emper .farthe~ adde,0 the veines o(their eyes bered,as weft ,u thtir fom, ;:;:~:::b::j:: Tney aremuchmclmed to laughter,wtttte &merry,conceited in difcourfe eiei, pturtmn. pleafant,ifthcy be not f.1rre gone,much given to muficke,dancing and to b~ 'if"'· 0 • 0 Th d' h 11 {i h . ' 0 ol'en~O&ulo- l!l womens compame. ey me ttate w o y on uc rhmgs, and thmke rum(untrubr•, P they fee or hearplayes ,dancmt,, andfltth ltkejports (free from allfeare and vide anprmfforrow,as Herctt!es de Saxoma fuppofeth.) Ifthey be more ll:rongly polfef· Jimt v,., &aCc d . h ho ko d f l I 1 romatum •(«< eo Wt~ t IS m ~o me anc1o y,ArnoldiUaddes, Breviar.lib. r.cap.rS . erfrcquensbar: L1ke lum of Argos tn the Poet, that fate laughing' all day lo~g.' as ifhe had 7.'~m;~.:~u~;: been at a Theatre.Such another •s menuoned by' Arijlotle, hvtng at AhJdos ee!ftrir m!ra R:d 0 fi . . . fob(oteo P. 1 et ~Jttcnr ', p~tat ft vtder_eth3Tc:tJ, t,lfCap.,. TraO. de Melan. q Hor. tpift. ltb.z.IJ.uzJambJudtgnobllu Arzu,&c. r L1b. de rcb. mir. Bb a towne