Part.r.Seet.3. Caufes ofMtlancholy. Me mb.r.Subi·J I9Z a towneofAfta:minor,thar would lirafrerthefame falhion, asifhehadbeen upon a ftage,and fometimes aCt bimfelfe; nowclap his hands, and laugh as ifhe had been well pleafed with the_light. WoljitJ5 rela~es of acountrey f"el. r.Cuinter '"~ lowcalledBnmft/tuu,[ub;eet to this humour,• Thatbemgbychance 4t 4 (er. ~;;;~::~%;:',"~ mon,[awawoman fall offfrom aforme halfe a~eep, at whtch ob;etf moft ofthe fub ftlliocade- company la,.ghed,bllt hefor htt part ,wa:o {o much moved, that forthne whole m,er.omnu_ dayesafterhedidnothingbt~tlat~gh, by which meanes he w,umuchweakemd ';;~~::.;";;'land wor(e 4 long timefollOJving. Such aone was old Sophocles,and Democrit~ rem,trih~r pofl himfe!fe hadhilaredilirium,muchin this vaine, LarmntitJ5 cap. 3.demelan. dt<bu•, &c. thinkes this kinde of melancholy, which is a little aduft with fome mixture ofbloud,to be that v.:hi_ch Arijfotle meant, when h_e faid mel~ncholy men of all others are mol£ Witne, which caufeth mame wnes a ravilhmenr and a kinde of Enthujiafmm, which ftirreth them up to be excellent Philo~ • fophers,Poets, Prophets, &c. Mcrcuriali5, conftl. uo. givesinftancein u lt~vrnh & il youngman his patient, fanguine melancholy, " of a great wit, and ex. =~:Jt:f*:~ &ellentty learned. · Ifit arife from choleraduft, they are bold and impudent, and ofa more hairebraine difpofition, apt to quarrell, and thinke offuch things, battles •• b 1 combars,and their manhood,furious;impatientin difcourfe,ftiJfe,irrefraga~ }.~~=:.,:;':,~~- bleand prodigious in their tenents;and ifthey bemoved,moft violent,outra. fi''"'" ft tt •· gious, x ready to difgrace,provoke any,to kill themfelves and others; Arnol. ~:~;;:;:~~£;. aus addes, ftarke mad by fits, Ythey jleepelitt/e,theirurine isjitbti!e andfiery. >: Urin• (ub"ti- ( G11ianeriru) In theirfits yo~< fhaltheare themJPeake allmanneroflangttagu, ~;,:~f;::t~· Hebrew,Gmkand Latine, that never were taught or knew them before. Appo. ~Trall.•f·'-4· ncnfts tncom. m Pro. fee. 30. fpeakes of a mad _woman that fpake excellent •AJb~, p_er- good Latine;andRafts knew another,that could prophelie in her fir,and fore. !:;,t~1:;!::,;~,: tell things truely to come.' Gt<ianerius had a patient could make Latinever- <ruciat~~< quo[- fes when the moone was combu!l:,otherw1fe !lhterate. vi vtcenna andfome '"i& totnanr, " ofhis adherents will have thefe fymptomes, when they happen, eo proceed ':~;';;;::J~;, from the devill,and chat they are rather d,emoni#ci, po!fe!fed, then mad or audfnter •d melancholie, or both together, as 'Jafon Pratenjis thinkes, lmJnifcent fe m4)i JUPP 1"'" P1"' {'"enii,&c.but moft afcribe it to the humour,which opinion Montalt"us cap.H ~::~/J~;(.~~- ltifly maintaines,confuting Avicenna and the reft, referring it wholly to the ••mhabe_antin qualitieand difpolitionof the humour and {ubject.Cardan deremm var.lib. :~:':.~" pau- 8 .cap. xo. holds thefe men ofall others fit to be a!falinates,bold,hardy,fierce1 bTalespl"' and adventurous, eo underrakeanie thing by reafon oftheir choler adult. «~erilti"!'"' • a This httmor, faith he, prepares them to endure death itfelfe, andall manner of ;::,;;:;:~~de torments withinvincible courage, and 'tis awonder to fee with 2vhat alacrity {~~/~'!/--~~- th~y willtmd.ergoe ji~ch tortttm, ttt f~P':~ natura_m res v~deatttr : he afcribes gmJt,eorruprif- this generolit1e,fune, or rather ftupldltle, to this aduft10n ofcholer andme· ('mMbabm lancholy : but I take thefe rather to bemad or defperate, then properly roe' ';;~gmauonrs, lancholy.: forcommonlythis humourfo aduftandhot, degeneratesmco c Si d melan- madnd!e. , · · <bolia adufta, Ifit come from melancholy it felf aduft,thofeme.n, faith Avicenna, bare ;1/,~:;/({!~i- ttjitally fadandjolitary, and that contimtatly, andin exce{ft,more_then ordmary ant,timent ne- (itjpiciom,more (tarefidl, 4ndhave'long, fore, and moft corrupttmagznatJons; fafcmmur ,pu- cold and black balhfull and fo folitarie that as' 4rwoldtJ5 Writes, the7 wtll tant[cmonuor ' ' '. dd d d h" k I aJP;cinolu~~t, 'endt~renocompany,theydreameofgravesjltll,an ea men, an t me tt;em· (elves