Symptomes of the Minole. Memb.r.Subf.3 .~~~------------ [elves beJVitchedordead: if it beext~eme, the]' thinke they hear hideous 193 noyfes feeand talke d JVzth blacke men, andcunver[e famil"'rty wtth dwi/i ----. ' . , d ;r; d . ) I ·h·· ,. >dY«Ientutjibt and(r•chjlrange CJtmera s an vz;~ons, ( qor onuu or tlat t <;y are poue_ffed v;Jm ,.;114~ by thet~,that fome bodie talkes to them,or wtthm them. Trt~~smclanchotici '1;~;~;·~:' •. pluttm'J, d.emomact, Montalt~t<conjil.z6.ex Avuerma.Vale(cusdeTaranta lP fi. ' fi had fuch a woman in cure, that thought fhc_kadtodon~iththedevil:. and,.. :~."""'"" Gentilis Ft~lgo{t<sqtt.ejl. 55· writesthathee had a melancholy friend; that '/i<.!!•~;, .. ,a, f hadab!acke man in the likenejfe of a fott.ldter' !f~l fpllowing him wherefoe- ,:;;:;u,::n~~· ·ver heewas . .£at~rentiMcap. 7· bath,many f\~q,;;s of(uch as have thought fs;.m~erf:" themfelves their enemies; and foll\C .th~t wo,q\d eate no m~at ~~;£m;::;:;: as oeingdead.g Anno I550· an Adv0cateofPa~JSfel!tntofu~ha mdaotho. tem. Jy fit, that he believe~ veri!y he was.dead, h~ couldnot be -p~rfw.aded <?the~:- ~~;:,;;?de wife, or to care or dnnk,ttll akmlinan.of h1s, a Scholler o(.gi_purges dtcl eare before him, dretfed like acorfe. The !l:orie_li1ith Serres , was aCted in a Co. mredy before Charles the ninth. Some.thinke t.hey are bealls, wolves, hogs, andcrylikedogs,foxes,braylikeatfes, and low like kine, as King Pr..ttu . . daughre:s. h HtldejheimJPicel: z. de Mania, bath an example Rfa Dutch B~- ~,~;::::~· ron fo afted:ed,and Trmcavelrus ltb. I. conjil. II .another of a noble man m mu/4mur,er pehiscounrrey, i that thought hee w.u certainly abe~ft, andJVouldimitate moft of~;·!:,f('f;~;~· thetr vou:es, w1th m~ny fuch fymptomes, wh1ch may properly bee reduced i l.toquidm tothtskmde. , . mugir~boum" . !fit proceed from the feverall combinations ofthefe foure humours, or ttrughu. ajirul• fpirits ,Here.deS axon.addes hor,cold,dry,moifr,datk,confufed, f~ttled,con- ~~'::;.::;~;~;: lhioged,as it participates <;>t matter,or is without matter;the fymptm;nes are ccs •ffi~<gu. · likewifemixr. Oncthinkeshimfelfagianr, another a dwatfe; oneisheavie. as lead,another is aslightas a feather.Marcellus Donatus t. z. cap. 4'. makes mentionout ofSeneca,of one Seneccio a rich man, k that tho11ght him(elfand kQmniamagna ·every thingel(e hce bad, great": greatwifo,greathor(es, co11ldnot abide litr/eP""bat,uxo. things,bu-t ~vo~ld ha~egrea~ pots to d_rinke in,great hofe} andgreat jlJOoes big~ zr;::e~g:;::J'~ ger then htsfeet. Like her m 1 Tralltanus, that Ji•ppofedjhe c~uld }hakeall the abhorruhomn;• worldJVith herfinger, and was afrai~ to cl,inch herhand together, le!l:' ihee~:;;;,';',"f.';';,. ihould cru{h the worldhkeanapplempiece\ : or htmmGalen,thatthought •menta ped;b, 4 hewas"'At!.u,andfu!lainedheaven with ht~ lhoulders. Anorherrhinkes j'"i"•· himfelfe fo little, that he ~an creepe into am<!>ufehole: one fea(s heaven will P;::;;;j.~·:; fall on h1s held : a fecond IS acock;and fuch a onen Glltaneru" fauh bee faw d•ghopoife ,... at Padtta? that wouldclap his hands togethtrand crow. o Another thinkes ~~;~,~.~~""' he ts aN•ghtmgall, and therefore fings all tl:ie mghtiong: another hee is all m sujhnet buglatfe,a pitcher, and will thereforelet no bodie come near him; and fuch•a mer;u~tum one • Lattrentitls gives out upon his credit1that hee knew ifl Franee. Chri(fo- ~~;~~~"';'~: phorm ttVegacap. 3.lib. 14. Sk,enimt5andMarcel!m Donatusl. 2.cap.r. have"''"';~:.~ .. many fuch examples, and one among!l the reil: ofa B~ker in Ferrara, .that ~ ~~~ii~;;;11• thought bee was compofed of butter, and dur!l: not lit mthe funne, or.come gauum p•tat, near the fire for fear of bemg melted: of another that thou<>ht hee was a oltuduftiniam. cafe oflearher,!l:utfed with winde. Somelaugh,weepe; fome a~e mad, fome ~{~~~~~':':;,1• deJel:l:ed, mo~ed; fome by fits, others continuare, &c. Some have acorrupt care, th<;Y thmkc they hear mulicke, or fome hideous noife as their phama· fieconcetves, corrupt eyes, fomefmelling: fome one fenfe fomeanother. Le.vis theelcvcnrhh~da conceit every thingdid!l:inke abourhim~ allthe~:,:;;;;'?'"' Bb 2 odori-