Part.t.Sea,J. Symptomes ofMelancholy. Mcmb. 1.Subt. 4 194 odoriferous perfumes they could get, would not eafc him,but ll:illhe fmel· ~.led a filthie ll:inke. A m~lancholy French Poet in: La~trenttus, being lick of ' a fever, and troubled wtthwakmg, by hts Phyfictans was appointed ro ufe tmguentumpopttlwmto~nointhistemples; but he fo diltall:cd the fmcllof it, that for many yeares after, all that came neare him he imagined to fent ofit, and would letnomantalke with him bur aloofe ~ff, orweareany new cloathes,becaufe hc:.thougbt lhlltbey fmelled oftt; mall otherthings wife and dtfcrm, be would talkefenfibly,fave only in this. A Gentleman in Lymofln,faith .Anthony Verdeur, was perfwaded be had buronelegge, affrighted by a wilde boar, that by chance ll:roke him on the legge: he could notbefatisfied his legge was found (in all other things well} until! two Franciflans by chance commingtbat way, fully removed himfromthe rlAurenti;u Np.6. conceipt.Sedabunde fobularumaudivimus. • Symptomes from Education, tt~jlome, contimtance oftime,~ur condition,mixt with other di(ea(es ,byfits, inclination, &c. Nothergreatoccalionofthe varietie ofthefe fytnptomes, pro: ceeds from cull:ome, difcipline, education, am\ !everall inclinati· ons,rTh:shnmourwi/1 imprint in melancholy men the objeflsmo} anfiverableto theirconditionoflift,and ordinary ac?ions, & di(poft menar.cerdmgtotheirJeveraltjludies andcallings. Ifan ambitious man be. comemelancholy,heforchwith thinkesheisa King, anEmperour, aMo· narch,and walkes alone, pleafing himfelfe with avaine hope offome future prefermem,or prefent as he fuppofeth, andwithal! aCts a Lords part, takes upon him to he fome ll:atefman or magnifico,makes congies,gives entertain. ment, lookes bigge, &c. Francifco San(ovim records of a melancholy man in Cremona,that would not be induced to beleeve, but that he was Pope, Wb.;.cap. • • · gave pardons,,made Cardinals,&c. ' chriftophoms 4 Y •ga makes mention of i:;~;;~:":,, an.otherofhis acquaintance, .chat thought hewas a King, drivenfromh~ rxputftm~ Kmgdome,and was very anx10us to recover h1s ell:ate. A covetous perfon is ll:ill converfant about purchafing oflands and tenements, p)otting in his mind how to compalfe fuch &fuch Mannors,as ifhe were already Lord of, •'zli nofo lift ~ndabletogoth~oughwithit;allhefeesi~his, reor.fPe,heha~hdevouredit lib. :b,.'fi,,.; m hope, or elfe· m c?nc~tpt ell:eemes 1~ hts. owne; hke ht.m. m 'Athen.tlls, putovir omm that thought allthe{]l!psm the haven to be lusowne. A lafCIVJOus tnamorato, """' ' '" Pi- plots all the day long to pleafe his mill:relfe, aCts and ll:ruts, and carries him. ~';p~C;:::~ . felfe, as ifihewere in prefence, ll:ill dreaming ofher, asP amphilus ofhis Gly. fuase.lft. cerium, or as fome doe in their morning lleep. 11 Marcefl11s Donattl!knew ;~:/f.·M•d· fuch aGentlewoman inMantua,called Elionora Meliorina, that conll:antly cap. ,·.'·'· beleevedihewasmarriedto aKing, and'wouldkneele downeandtalkiVitn ft G~nibur. him,a ijhe had.been there prefontwith his affociates; and ifjhce had (ormd hy .;:;:;;:~•it , chanceapuce ofglaffi in a in the ftreet, jhe would Jay tbat it !Vi14 c.o .Jjfare jom ajewel/.font from her Lord ~nd hll!band, If devout and religious, he is all for ';,~.puraw, fall:ing,prayer,ceremonie~,almes,interpretations,vifions, prophecies,reve· !a nons,