Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr. r .Sefr-3- Symptomes.of the Mimle, Memb. r.Subf.4 lations Yheis infpired by the holy Ghofi,full of thefpirir:one while heeis 195 ·faved ;nother while damned,or frill troubled in minde for his finnes, the di- GJ -:- veil w'ill furely have him,&c. more of thefein the third Partition of loveJu,/fi,;~~;i,. Melancholy. 2 A Scholars minde is bufied about his fiudies ,hee applaudes ta~&inflat"',~ h l d h d 1 .1 fi · b jpmtufon£/o. himfelfcfor thathe an one,or opes to. oe,onew 11 e eanng to eout 2 ~i {oTfi>Jiin his next exercife,another whtle contemnmg all cenfures; envies one,emu- h«< '"'!fi'. i•fulates another; or elfe with indefatigable paines and meditation, confumes daj "'1 mfi ar- 'himfelfe.So ofthe rell:,all which vary according to the more remitfe, and~ {u;j;;,~; violentimpreffionoftheobiect,or as the hum~rit felfe!s intended or re- ~::~]iv~;':' mitted.For fome are fogently melancholy,that m all thmcarnage, and to("' facit. the outward apprehenfion ofothers, it can hardly be difcerncd,yet to them P.Forejli«. an intolerable burden,and not to be enduredt~ .f!.!!:..edamocmlta, qtt.edam ma, , Gordoniw. nifefta, Come fignes aremanifefiand obvious to all at all times,lometo f~w, or feldome, or hardly perceived; let themkeepe their owne councell, none will takenoticeorfufpectthem. They doe not expre((e in otttward jhew their depraved tmaginations, M* Hercul~ deSaxoni3.obferves ,hu.t conceale them ;:;~~::,~:e::: wholly to them(elvts, and are very wt(e men, .u I have often(eme,(ome feare, pm,ftdalr• (omc do net fiar at all, .u («<has think themftlves kings or dead, (ome have mente manmoreftgnes, (ome fewer, fomegreat, (ome lelft, fome vex, frer,ll:ill fear, grieve, ~~~[[,<;;,f;/:;flament,fufpect,laugh,fing, weep,chafe,&c. by fits (as r have faid)or morefimi, quos ego during and permanent. Som~ dote in one thing, are moll childifh,and ridi- (:!1~;';;::;·;,:,"' culous, and to be ~ondred at mthat, and yet for all other matters,moll dtf.. timore, ut q~i creet and wife. To fomeit is in difpofition, to another in habit; and as they ftreges 0" write of heat and cold, we may fayofthis humou,r, one ismelan~holi<"IU ad :::,";f!:.pgc oc1o, afecond two degrees Ietfe, arhudl)alf way. Tts fuper parncular,fef- naquidamb.•- quialtera, fefqt~ite~tia, and jieperbipartiens tertia;,quint&,Mdancholi«,&c. ~;;;,!:~~:;-:;, all thofe Geometncall proportiOns are too Imle to expretfe tt. b It comes to b Tra!liam«, -many by jits,and goes ;to others it is contint<ate:many (faith ' F aventin~U)in lib.>.>6.alii Spring and (aft only are molejled, fome once ayear, as thatRomand Galen ~~;=~ .. fpeakes of: 'one, at the conjunctionof theMoone alone, or fome unfortu- bent,utetiarn nate afpects, at fuch and fuch fet houres and times,like the fea-tides,to fome :;{;J:;:.~.d:lil women when they be wuh child,as • Plater notes,never otherwtfe:to others lncominuoJr- 'tis fmled and fixed:toone led about and variable frill by that igniifotumofliriofunt, &<. phantafie, like an arthritu or running gout, 'tis ~ere and there, and ineverie ~;.~~~.~· Joyne, alwates molell:mg fome ~art or other ; or tfthe body be free,in amy- 0" autumno. nade of forms _exerctfingthe m_mde. Afecond once peradventurein his life,:;;;;,· Je hum•- hath amolt gnevous fit, once mfeven years, once mfive years, even to the·, Guneri114 • extremitie ofmadnelfe, deaclr, nr dotage, and that upon fome ferall accident* 'De mentis<>-: or perturbation,t.errible object,and that for atimc,never perhapsfo before, lirn•'·'"P·l· never after. Athtrd IS moved upon all fuch troublcfome objefrs,crotfe fortune, difalter and violent paffions, otherwife free, once troubled in three or !oure years. A fo~rrh, ift_hings be to his minde,or he in afrion,well pleafed, mgood company,ts moll Jocund, an~ ofagood complexion:ifidle 1 or alone, all amort,or earned away wholly With pleafant dreams and phantafies, but if oncecrotfedand difpleafed, . . Pe&lore concipiet nil niji trifle jito. ' hts countenance LS altered on a fudden, his heart heavie, irkfome thoughts cruet fie hts foul, and man tnfranc he ts moped or wearie of his life, he will Bb 3 kill