Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

16 DE M o c " 1 r us to the Reader. rurgions, panders, bawds, and midwives, &c. Many poorcountreyvicars,for want ofother means,aredriven to their ihifts;to turnmountebanks, quackfalvers, empiricks, and if our greedic patron$ hold us to fuch hard conditions, as commonly they do, they will make moll of us work at fometrade, as Pa11/did; at !aft turntaskers, malfters, coftermongers, grafiers,fell ale as fome havedone,or worfe.Howfoever in undertaking this task, I hope! fhall commit no great errour orinde<orum, if all be confidered aright,! can vindicatemy fdf withGeo~gius Braunus, .M w B 1 and Hie;onymus Hemingius ,thofe two learnedDivines; who( to borrow Prefxc.,o~~i;• a line orrwo of mine i ~lder brother)drawn by a natural/love, the oneof dcCcrip<io~pl pi {lures an,d maps, prof}efftves and cerographicall delights, writ that ~:f.J~'"' amp.le theatre of ctties ;the other to thejfudic ofgenealogies, pem.ed theaJ.ond.n byW. trumgenealogicum. Orelfe I canexcufemy fiudieswith ~Le{Siusthe J~t'M'; Jefoite in like cafe, 'tis adifeafe of the foul, onwhich I am to treat, and k·t. ~;g;~ft'::· as much appertaining to aDivine,as to aphyfician; andwho know~ not con,nrq•~ •nim what an agreement there is betwixtthefetwo profeffions ~ A goodDi- :~:•!7,'~ vine eitherisoroughtto be a ~oodphyfician, afpirituallphyficianat tkbtt.; tbtolo- leaft,as our Saviour cals himfelf ,and was indeed, M At+ 13. Luke 5.1 8. go,a><.ogilur Luke7 .8.Theyd.il&•· bur in obJeCt, theolie ofthe bodie, the otherofthe '!;."'''""'- foul, and ufe diversmedicinestocure: ~ne amendsan~mam percor;us, 17>~ ctayton in the other c9rpus per ammam,as I our Regn1s Profe1for of phyfic.kwell in- ~:;;.~:'·•nn• form~d us in a learned lecture of his not lon!l fince: One he!pes the vices - · and paffions of the fou!,anger, luft,defperanon,pnde, prefumption,&c. by applying that fpirituall phyfick; as the other ufe proper remedies in bodilydifeafes. Nowthis being a common infirmitie ofbodie and foul, and fuch aone chat bath as much need of fpirituall as a corporall cure, I could not find a litter task to bufiemy felf about, a more appofite theame, fo nece1farie, fo commodious, andgenerally concerning all forts of men, that lhould fo equally participate of both, and require a whole phyfician. A divine in this compound mixt maladie, can do little alone, aphyficianin fomc kinds ofmelancholy muchk1fe,both ma.k~an abfolutecure. mAlterius ftc alterapoflit opem. And 'tis proper to themboth,and I hope not unbefeemingme, whoam by my profellion a Divine,and_by mine inclination aphyftcian.I had Juntib.Jrptfiil. piter inmy fixt houfe; Ifay with "Beroaldus, Nonfom medkus, nume. · dicin.t prorfus expers, in the theorick of phyfick I have takenfome pains, not with an intent to praC!ife,but to fatisfie my felf, which was acaufe !ikewife of the firft uoderraking of this fubjeC!. . If thefereafol'lsdoonot fatisfiechee good Reader, as Alexander Mu. ?n~~~~· nifi;6ui that bountifulll'relate,fol!ltimes bilhop.?f Linco/ne, when h~ bad ham/hi~•· cum butlt fix caftles,adtiJ.vtd~am opcr~s eluendam, fatth o M•·.camdcn, to take ~";/:!'"£;,_away the envie ofhis work(which very wordsNubrigenft< bath of Qoger ~~.!.. p111o;. thqich bilhopof Salisburie, whoinKingSte.fhenstime, built Shirbur-nc "; ;;~:,;,;. c~le,and that a!' D{vi(es )t? divert thllfCan~all or impumion, whi~h ,..,,./•.,, q.o mtght be then~etiJf~r~ed,)>uilt fo many rehgtous houfes: . r~tlus r.ny d!fi~flitujt ••no-. courfe. beover medi,mall, or favour, too m~h ofhumanme, I promife ~~f3:J,''f:t~ th_ee,that I will hereafter'make thee amends in fome t~cacife ofdivinity. plevi~. • :But this IhopQ th~ fuflice, when youhavemorefully confidefed of eh~ matter