Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Pan.x.Sect.3. Symptomes from Cttjfome. Memb.z.Subf. 4 old women doe many times,or oldmen when they fit alone, upon a fudden I 97 theylaugh,whoop,hollow,or runne away, and fweare they feeor heare---- players, p Divels,Hobgobhns,Gholl:s, ll:nke, or firut,&c. grow humorous pMetancb.ti. in the end:Like him in the Poet,f«pe d"centos,f,epe decemfervos ,he wil drdfe '"' fe videre tt ,. l "' l ll: . r fib! !I 'd d audtreputatda:- himfelfe,andundrene,careeueat a ,growes tnen t. e, upt orma .qHemoner.Lavarer howles like awolfe,barks hke a dog,and raves hke Ajax and, Oreftes ,heares defPeflrir part. Muficke and ourcries, .which no man elfe hears. As' .he did whom Amatus ~;f.;;. lib. 3 • Lujitanus mentionethcent. 3.cura.55 .orthat woman mrsprznger,thatfpake cap.;'· many languages and faid fhe was poife!fed:That Farmer in' Projper Caleni- flMtchael amutM, that difputeci' and difcourfed learnedly in Philo[ophy and A!lronomy, f':J;u" malef. with Alexander Achilles hts mafter, at Bolotgne m Italy. But of thefe I have r Ltb.dc arr• ·already fpoken. . . . . Me. whocan fuflictently fpeake ofthefe (ymptomes,or prefcnbe rules to comprehend t~em r as Eccho :o the painter in A11~nius, va~e qt•i~ affec1as &c .foolifh fellow what wilthfyou mull: needs pamt me,pamt av01ce,& fimilem Ji vispingere,pingefimum;if youwill defcribe melancholy, defcribe a phama!licallconceipt,acorrupt imagination, vaine thoughts &different, which who can doerThe foure and twemy letters make no more variety of words in divers languages, then melancholy conceipts produce diverfity offymptomes in feveral perfons.They are irregular,obfcure,various, fo infinite,Proter•s liimfelfis not fo dlVers,you rnay afwell make theMoone anew coat, as a true character ofamelancholy man;as foone finde the motion of a bird in the aire,as the heart ofman, amelancholy man.They are fo confufed, I fay,divers,intermixt with other difeafes.As the fpecies be confounded (which u I hav€ fhewed)fo are the fymptomes; Sometimes with headache, uPart.r.fuhf. Cacexia,dropfie,!lone;as you may perceive bythofe feverall examples and ~·;,":ti': illu!lrations,collected by • Hildejheimjpeciel.z.Mercurialis confil.I 1 S.cap 6 met:,"b:J;;' er & 11. with headach, Epilepfie, Priapifmus. TrincaveliM confil. 12 .lib. 1. ""'nia. · conjil.49• with gout:caninus appetitus .MontantiS conjil. z6.&c.z 3.2 34.249. with f.1Iling fickneffe,headach,vertigo,Lycanthropia,&c .I.C.efarClmtdinm conjitlt.4.con.fi•lt.89.& I I 6. with gout, agues,Hemrods,!lone,&c.who can di!linguifh thefe melancholy fympromes fo intermixt with others,or apply them to their feverallkinds,confine them into method~Tis hard I conteife, yet I have difpofed ofthem as I could,& will defcend to particularize them according to their fpecies. For hitherto I h~ve expatiated in more generall lill:s or termes,fpeaking promifcuoully offuch ordinary fignes,which occur among!!: writers.Not that they are all to be found in oneman,for that were to paint amon!!er or Chimera,not a man;but fomeinone, fome in another, and thatfuccefiively or at feverall times. , Which I h~ve beene the more curious to ~xpreffe and report, not to upbratd any mtferableman,or by way ofdenfion(I rather pitty them)but tlte better to difcerne, to apply remedies unto them;& to fhew that the bell: and found eft ofus all,is in great danger,howmuch we ought to feare our own fickle e!lates,remember our miferies and vanities,examine & humiliate our felves,feekto God, and call ro him for mercy, that needs not Jooke for any rods to fcourge our felves, fince we carry them m our bowels, and that our foules are in~ miferable captivity,ifthe light ofgrace and h_eavealy truth, cloth not fh10e conunually upon U$ : a,nd by our difcrenon to moderate