Symptomes ofMelancholy. Mcmb.2.Subf.1 1.98 moderate our felve~,to beemorecircumfpcCl: and wary inthe midll: ofthefc dangers. MEM~.2.SUBSEC"l'J x. Symptomes ofhetidNclancholy. F Y noSymptomtsappeareAbot~ttheftomacke,nor the itoud bee mi[. Y Nicolar Pifo ajjelled,andfiare & (orrow continr~e, it is to bee thot~ght the Brainc Stfignacirca jiflt: bl db .r; ,f. I b 'llentriculum it e 1eis trou e, y rea; onO; amelanC!Joly j~tyce redinit,or other. '"'"apparent, wayes CO/Ivey~d tntoit,& that eviljuyce isfrom the dijlemperature ::f:;J~~'"• ojthepart,orleftafterfomeinjlammati~n, Thus far Fi(o. But this is not al. & ad(unt ti- wayes true,for bloud and hypocondnes both are often affcCl:ed even in head mor & m•fti- melancholy.* Hermles de Saxonia differs here from the common current of ~[::::~';t7. Writers, peculiar /ignes ofhead melancholy, from the foie dill:em. 411auJi< eft, "'· perature offpmts m the Brame,as they are hot, cold,dry, m01fr, at! without *Trall.dcrn;}. matter,fromthemotion alone,andtenebrojity ofJJirits;of melancholy, which ~:f;~j;~;·fpi~ proceedes from humors by adufrion, he treates apart, with their feverall rituum,tt cere. fymptomes and cures. The common /ignes, if it be by e!fence iu the head, =~:fi7:::.· tenc- Are r~ddine({e ?fface,high fitn$uine complexion,mo{f p~rt rubore fat~trato, zone • Facie funt calls lt,a blewllh, and fom~tl!llesfull ofpumpels, wtth red eyes. Avicenna •ubente & U- Jib+Fen.2.Trall.4.cap.r 8. Duretus and others out of Galen.deaffe&'l.lib.J. ::f:;;~,;,q:;;. c•p.6. 'Hercules de Saxuni!t to this ofredne!fe offace, addes heavimjfe oft he ~uando adfunt -bead,fixedand hollow eyes,b !fit proceedfrom drine/Je ofthe braine,then their !1:.~;~theon headswiflbe light,vertigipous,andthey moft apno wake,andtocontinue whole Met. si moneths together wtthoutJleep. Few excrements zn tlmr eyes and no.flnls, and "rebrumkri- oftenbald byrea(onofexcefeofdrynes, Montaltus addesc.ip. 17. If it pro. :;::.,•!.;~:;:• ce.ed from moi!l:ure, dulnes,.drou!ines,he~dache foilowes; and ~s S aluft. Sal. gra~itar,fixi vtantu,cap.r.ltb.:. outofhts own expenence found, Eptlepncall, wtth a i,'~'· ....'· multitude ofhumors in the head. They are very bafhfull, ifmddy, apt to 5 .J,'d':;:;::!' blufh,and to be red upon all occafions, pr£/ertimji metus acce[fcrit, But the ex ficcit~"· . chiefefr fymptome todifcerne this fpecies,as I have l:1id,isthis,that there be ;~:,::!";,;;~''no notable figns iu the ftomack,Hypocondries,or elfewhere,digna,as'Mon. 'lligi tia: pau;i. taltus tearmes them,or ofgreater note, becaufe oftentimes rhe pafiions of ::;[':!:'f!:C~i;, ~heftomack concurre with them. Wind is co~mon to aU three fpecies,and et naribus. !S not excluded,onely that ofthe Hypocondrtes ,ts" more ,.mdy then the reil, c si ""!la dig- faith llolleritu.Altills tetrabib./.2. (ec1. 2. cap•.9.& IO. maintaines the fame, ::J:{:;~:;;•· "if t~ere be~ mote fignes,and more evident in the head then elfewhere, the in hac ,;,,z.,.. Bramets prtmanlyaffelled,& prefcnbes )leadmelancholyrobeecured·by ch~lia capitu, meats amongfr the refr,veid ofwinde,and good juyce,not excludingwinde, ~~~;.:;::·~,,.. or corrupt bloud, even in head melancholy itfelfe: butthefe fpecies areofrriculi pathe- ten confounded,and fo are their fymptomes, as I havealready proved. The ;ara '"":'' fymptomes of the minde are fuperfluous,and conrinuall cogitations: f for ;:~~;:fib~~•- when the headis heated;it fc.rcheth the blMd, andfrom thence proceed melanvicem<!ffellio- cholyfomes,whirhtrot~blethe minde, Avicenna. They are very cholerick, ::,:,"••fnm- and foo!M! hot, folitary, fad, often filent, watchfull, difcontent, Muntaltu< dPoflrcmama- tap.2 4 • Ifany thing trouble them, they cannot fleepe, but fret themfelves gts fltltuo(a . c Si minus maleflid.'C rca'Vntriculum autvenuem,in iU,erebrum}!i_marioafficiwr, & curareOJ!ortrt bunc 11ffetfrJ1JI, ptr cibor flatus txortes, & bU1l4 crmcoaiOJJis, etc . Pars cerebrum 4fjkitu1 ji~K'llentriatls. f Stif1£Wnt78 f~~W,;, caput U. liJius, et inde fumi J•el.v.cboli 441J,/fj, animum exafjtant. , flill,