Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Symptomes ofwindiemelan&holy. 'Memb.z.Subf.z ftill,till another object mitigate, or :ime weare itout. They have grievous I 99 pallions, and immoderate penurbanons o~ the mmde, fear, forrow,&c.yet --- notfo cominuate, but that they are fomenmesmerry,aptto pr?fufelaughter, which is more to be wondred at, and that by the authormeof g Galen gL'ih. .k loc. •f· himfelfe, by a reafon of mixture of bloud, pr.tmbn J~cojis d~lef!antur & Jelt.<ap.6 . irrtfores pler11mque ftmt, tf they be r~ddy, they are delighted ':ll Jells, and oftentimes [coffers themfelves, concetpted; and as Rhoderzcm aVega comments on that place of Galm, merry, wittie,_of a pleaf.1nt difpqfition, and yet grievoully melancholy anon after: omma d1[cuntfine dofiore,fatrh Aretem they learne without a teacher: and ash Laurenttm fuppoferh, thofe fe. h c•p· 6. railpallions and fymptomes of fuch as thinke themfelves glalfe, pitchers, feathers,&c. f peak llrangelanguages,proceed Malorecerebri (if it be in ex. celfe) from the braines diftempered heat. $ U B S E C '1: . 2, Symptomes ofwindy Hypocondriacalt Melancholy . this Hypocondriaca/1 orft.tuom melancholy, the {jmptomes are {o. .· . ambigtlom faith ' Crat• in a counfell of hjs for aNoblewoman, ffi;~~~~'./.":n.,. · that themoft exquijiu Phyficians cannot determine of the part af- In HypocondrifWed.Matthew Flaccim confultedabout a Noble matron,confef-1'" :;elanct~ fed as much, that in this maladie be with Hollerim, Fracaftorim, Falopim, ~:_j:;:g,~~ and others, being to give their fentenceof a party labouring of Hypocon- ptomata,~wldriacall melancholy,could nor finde out by the fymptomes,which part was [.~r;:;;:::1f moll efpecially affected ;fomefaid the wombe, Come heart, fome llomack, locoaffellofl•· l!cc. and therefore Crato,conjil. z4.lib. I. boldly averres, that in this diverfi-fi'" non poftie of fymptomes,which commonly accompany this difeaJe, k no phyjician k"f:redici de lo- <an truely fay what part is a(felled. Galen lib. 3.de loc.affet1. reckons uprhefe co•ffello neordinary fymptomes,which all the Neotericks repeat of Diocles; only this ~::;:' fl•· fault he findes with him, that he puts not Feare and Sorrow amongll the o- * Tr~ff.poftbuther /ignes. Trincavelira excufetb Diocles ,ltb.3.conftl. 3 5. becaufe that of. mode mel. P<~­ tentimes inallrongh~adandconfiitution, a.generousfpint, and a valiant, ~·;:~·;;·B,.. thefe fymptomes appeare not,by reafon of h1s valour and cout'<~ge. * Hercu- tcttum Bihlilude Saxonia (to whom Ifubfcribe)is ofrhefame minde(which I have be- fP_;:fjt;. 11 ... fore touched) that Feare and Sorrow arenotgenerall Sympromes; fome crudit<U<Mft"' feare, and are not fad; fome be fad and fear nor; fome neither feare, nor in pwordiir, grieve. The rell arethefe, befide\::ea re and Sorrow, I foarpe belchings,fuN. ~=~";;.;~;;;t::' fome. crudtttes, heat tn the bowels, wtnde and mmbling in theguts, vehement loret vebemengrtp:ngs,patne m the belly and ftomack fomettmes, after meat that is hard of;;:;f::z;;.~·· concofiton, much watertng6f theftomack, andmoijf fPittle,cold(weat, impor. difficili, [pu. tunus fudor ,unfeafonablefweat all over the body, as Octavius Horatianus Jib. rum humidum 2..cap. 5. cals it, cold joynts ,indigeftion, m they cannot endure their owne ful-1,~:~,::,':;.;, fomebelchmgs, conttnuall '!'rnde about their Hypocondries, heat andgriping Hlp.lih.kmsl. tn therr bowels, pr;rcordta furfum convelluntur midrrijje and bowels are Galen"!,Mel>- 11 d h . b h . > nel•,..eRuffo pu e up, t evemes a out t err eyes looke red, and (weft ftom vapoun and & oA::rio. Af.. toma"~~. Pi[o. flf.o~taltrM,~ruti,Wec~er •. &c. m. Ci~ca p:1cortlia de a(ridua injlatione queruntur,et cumfw.bJre toti!t4 curpori.J importune~. fngrJQs 41ttnllos{<€pe p41tuntur, tndtge{trone laborant, ruO@[ttot in[U4'1Jts perborrefcunt ,1Jifttrum doloru b4bent. Cc win_de,