Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.t.Setl.3. Symptomes ofMelmcholy. Mcmb.z.Sub[.~ --'------~---- 200 winde. Their eares fing now and rhen,,rtrtigo and giddinefie come by fits, --- turbulentdreames, drmelfe, leannelfe;apt they arerdfweat Upon all octaft. o.ns, ofall colours and comrlexions. Many ofth~m are high tOI<iUredefptctally after meales, wh1ch lymp tome Cardmall 'C.rci~~< was tnuch troUbled wirh,and of which he complained to Pro(}er Calen11< his phyfici:m,hetoula not ear,or drink acup of wine,bur he was as red in the face, as ifhe had beeh nMonl41ture. ataMaiorsfeafi. That Symptomealonevexethmany. "Some againe art ~~;~':,~;~; 3 , black,pale, ruddy, fometime their lhoulders, and lhoulder blades ak'e, thete .llltomar!" '·7· is aleapingall overtheirbodies,fudden trembling,a palpitatim\ ofthehtatr !:";;~~:,,, and th~t cardiAcapafio, g:iefe inthemourhof thefio!I)ack,whichmaketh Gorion. the panent thmke h1s heart 1t felf akerh, and fometunes fuffocanon, dtfJicN/. tit! 4nhelit~~& ,lhort brearh,hard winde,frrong pulfc,fwooning.M ontanu; con. fil. 55. Trincaveli~~& lib. 3. confit. 3 6.& 37. Ferneli~~& con[4 3. Frambeforilll confolt.lib.r.conjil. 17. Hildejbeim,Clattdinm &c .giveinltance ofeverie par· ticular. The peculiar fymptomes, which properly belong to each parr, be oPraa.ma}or' thefe. If it proceedfrom the ltomacke, .faith 0 Savanarola,"tis fullofpainc d• 1" ~" " winde. Guianeri~~& addes, vertigo,narifea,much fpitting,&c . Iffrom them/ ;::.'' ,,..,,_. rache, a[welling and winde in the Hypocondries, a lorhing, and appetite to vomit, pulling upward•.If from the h~arr, aking and trembling of it, much heavinelfe. If from theliver, there is ufuall Y, a paine in the right Hypocon. drie. If from the fpleene,hardnelfe and griefin th.e left Hypocondrie,a rum. bling, much appetiteand fmall digefiion,Avicenna. If from theMeferaicke veinesandliver on theorherfide,little ornoappetite,Herc.de SaxoniJ. If from the Hypocondties, a rumbling inflation, concoll:ionis hindered, Often belching, &c. And ftoni thefecrudiries,windie vapors afcend up to the brain which trouble the imaginaiion, and caufe fear, for row,dulne!fe, heavinelfe, many terrible conceipts and Chimera's, as Lemnim we! obferves,l. I .c.i6. p u,.,,. itn· .t! P ablackeand thuk cloud covt!rsthe Sttnne, and intercepts bubeames, and m;:::·:.:;~ light,fo doth thw melancholY_ vapour obnubilate the mi~d,inforce it to manY_ ab• •, er t""" ,. ford thoughts and tmagmattons,and compell good, wtfe,honelt,d.CCreet men j"' iotmipit ( arifing to the Brainefrom the q lower parts, IM fmokt otet of a chimfliJ.) tO :::!•fl••' P' dote, fpeake,and doethat which becomes them nor, their perfons, cal!ings, '!tltf•-~ wifedomes.One by reafon ofthofe afcending vapours & gripings,I'umbling ,..,;•., beneath,will not be perfwaded but that he harh a fetpentin hisgucs,a viper, another frogs . Trallian~~& relates a fiorieofa woman, that imagined lhe11ad [wallowedan·Eele,or aSerpent; andF.elix Piaterm, obfervat.lib.x. hath~ mofi memorable example ofacountrey 111an of his, that by cl:tance falling intoapit where frogs and frogs.(pawn was_, and a littleof that water {wal• !owed, began to fufpelt that he had lrkew& fwalldwed ftogs~fpa wne,and with that conceipt and fearc•, his pharitafie wrought fo far·re, that he vetjly thought he had young live frogs in !\is belly, q11i vivt!bant ex alimtnto p10, that lived l?y his nourilhmenr,and was fo certainly ptrfwadedof it,that fot many years following, he coufd not be rectified in biscoticeipt :He llud!ed Phylick feven years together to cure l:timfelfe, trat"elled into ltttl1, Frantt and Gtrminy toconferrewith the befi phyli cians about it, and A o I 6 o 9 .af· ked hiscounfell amongfi the refi; he-toldhimit was wlnde,l:tis conceipr,&c. but mordi&m contradicere, & ore, & ftriptio pro bare nitebat11t: no faying wouldferve, i~was-nowiode,bntreall frogges: and doe youttQf/;we thtm cro•k?