Symptomesofwindie Melancholy. Memb.z .Subf.3· ---------------------- croake~ Platerm would have deceived him,by putting live frogs into his ex- zo I crements: but he beinga phyfician himfelf,would not be deceived, virpru- · ~- · dens alias, & doc1H< ,a wife and learned man otherwife,aDoctor ofphyfick, fHypO<ondriaci and after [even yeares dotage in this kinde, .i phantajia lib~ratm ~ft, bee was ;;;;:::t;. cured. Laurentttu and Goulart have many fuch examples,1f you be d~firous mutripticatur to read them. Onecortlmoditie.abovetherefr which aremelancholy, thefe ;:~::~:;'!',;· windie llatuous have, ltmda tntervalla, their fymptomes and pames arenot'"'" mutr//;. ufually fo continuatc as the reil, but comeby fits, ~ea rand forrow, and the •:"'·~- inbyp~ reil: yet in another they exceed all others; and that IS, f theyarc luxunous, c ndrnr, ~ . . b r f . d & 1: '!' & <ottusftpe incontinent, and prone to Venene, y rea,ono ~m e, . 1 .act e amant, alle~ar h.r qt~amlibctfir'e amant. (jafon Fratenjis) 'J!.hajis 1sof opmwn, thatrenm ventofitates. cloth many ofthem much good; the other fymptomes of the mind be ·c_om- 'c~r.tib.,, mon with the refr, "" ·?· SUB SE Cl'. 3• Symptimes ofMelancholy abounding in the whole bodie. eir bodies thatareaffeCled with this univerfallmelancholy, are mol~ pan black, "themelancholy juice u redrendant all over, hirfute th~y ar~,andfeane, theyhavebr.oad veines, their bloud is uWecker,Me:.- ' . groffe and thicke. x Their spleeneis rveake, and a Liver apt to in-!":.~!;!'',":/;" genderthe humour; they have kept bad diet, or have had fome~vacuation redundanr. "' ' flopped, as haemrods, or monethsin women, which YTrallianm in the cure, x tpte;;naruro • would have carefully to be inquired, and withall to obferve of what corn- :;:;,;:,,;:· plexion the party is of, black or red. For as F orrqlm and Holleriru contend, cap._"· if'- they be black,it p~oceedesfromabund~nceofnaturall melancholy ;ifit Jn;;:;~~%·'6 ,proceed from cares,dJfcoments,dlet,exerCJfe,&c.they may be as we! ofany c~nvenir, an..,; other colour: red,yellow,pale,as black? and yet their whole bloud corrupt: !:!~z::,~:;; pr£rllbrt (unt tales,f.epeflavt,C[aith a Montalt114 cap.zz.)The bell oltvenerit 'lli>l ·way to difcern this f"pecies, is to let them bleed,i£ theblond be corrupt,thick in h=o;,.oid, and black,and they withallfr~e from thofehypocondriacallfymptomes,& fi"1'' 7111nme:;; not fo grievoufly troubled with them,or thofe ofthe head,it argues they arej;;~Jf;,;~;., melancholy a toto corpore. The fumes which arife from this corrupt bloud, an fimbicun~ difrurbe the minde, and mak~ them fearfull and forrowfull,heavie hearted, ~Natu>aler as the refr, dejecred,difcontent~d,folitarie,filent, wearie oftheir lives,dull & nfg•i acquifrl heavie,ormerrie,&c.and if far gone,thatwhicb ApuleiH< wifhed to his ene-'j."'0"'Pore,_ ~ny, by way of imprecation, is true in them; b Deadmens bones, hobgoblins, a t::;::;;:;.u. ghofts, are ever in their mindes,and meet themftill in every turne : allthe.bu(l'. cap "· Pifo. ~ears ofthe niglit,andterrors, (airy babes of tom_bes 4ndgravnarebe{im thdr ~;;~'];'t;::;_ eyes, and 111 therrthoughts, M to women and chtldren,ifthey betnthcdark a• .uvenam, fi : lone.Ift~ey hear, or read, or fee any tragi~al~ obje~,it flick~ by them, they {~~:;1:~~ :~·· are afraid of death, and yet weary of thm lives, mthe1r d1fcomemed hu. femper obvi.. mours they quarrel with all theworld,bitterly inveigh taxefatyrically and iP"'"mortuobecaufe they cannot otherwife vent their paffions,or redreffe what is aU:iffe, ~~~;af:~q':j as tb~y meane,they wlil by death at !aft be rev~ng~d on themfelves. ufPiam, q•tc- · 9,Uitllt11)Jl1U»J :~~~~4"/en:r;:~~~~~~4~gge runt, , Jibi fingunt omnia notlium or:cur{lUuta, omnia blljiorumfGrmidamiM, omniil fep~J~... Ccz Su ••.