Symptomes of Melancholy. Metnb.2,Sub1. 4 ~----------------- Part.I.Seet.j. 202 S U B S E C T~ 4• Symptomes ofMaids ,N unnes, aml Widmvs 111rlanchof] . Ecau[eLodovictu Mercatl/4 in his fecond booke de mt~tier . affic1. cap.4. and RodertctuaCajlrodemonbusmulter. cap.j.lib,2.rwo famousPhyficians in ~paine, Daniel Sennertus of Wimnberge ltb.L part.z.cap.lj. With others, haveVOJ!chfafedm thetr works notlong fincepublilhed eo write two jult Treatifes de MelancholiJ virui. num, Monialium & viduarum, as apeculiar fpecies of melancholy (whlcb • '1Yifferwum I havealreadyfpecified) dillinCl: from the relt: (' for it much differs from obeaqut:ulru that which commonly befals men and other women, as having one only !{;.;:!:~~t~· caufe proper to women alone) I may not omi_r in this gerierall Survey of nirtt conringit, melancholy Symptomes, to fer downe the parncular fignes of fitch parties propriam hrl- fo mif.affeCl:ed. · · t•;,:;~~~":;,; Thecaufes are affigned outof HippocfateJ, Cleopatra,Moflhi~n,and rhofe fonguinu """old Gymworum Scrzptores, of thts ferall maladte, mmore anctent Maides f!:; [;,:,',;;: Widows, and barrenW<?meli, ob fiptum tranfverfom v io/a(um, faith Mer~ :;;;,:uiri.rum cattu, by reafon of the mtdriffe or Dtaphragma, heart and brame offended ft":',:;:;::;.. with rhofe vicious vapours which come from me_nfiruous bloud, injlamma. ~peuffinri- tzonemartertdl ctrcadorfum, Rodencus addes, an mllammanon of the back, .,.,f14per co~~o which with the refi is offended by b that fuliginous exhalation of corrupt ';;{:;,m... feed, troubling the braine, heart and minde; the braine I fay, not in effence, """'-""";"' but by confent, Vlitver{a emm hu]'" ajfefltu eau(~ ab 11tero pendet, & af4n. indemalum . . !JIIinis menffrui malitia, for in aword,rhe whole malady proceeds from that r;:;:;,~!{t:,"· mllammarion,putredity,blackfmoky vapours,&c.from thence comes care, obf•f'•"'"'· for row, and anxiery,obfufcationof fpirits,defperarion, and the like, which , .. cu~ll• ... are intended or remitted, {i amat6ritu accelferit ardor, or any other violent ~';';·,~;;,, objecr or perturbation ofminde.This melancholy may happen to Widows, delirio•cdel~re with much careandforrow, as frequently it doth, by r~afon of a fuddenal· ~~'"J,:;t:;fi reration oftheir accufiomed courfe of life,&c. To fuch as lye in child-bed ~p~o.Jrii: ' obfopprejfam purgationem;but toNunnes and more ancient Maids,and fome cO¥JN_r<gianem barrenWomen for the caufes above faid, 'tis more familiar, crcbriils his ::;~:, qt~am reliqtti<accidit, inq"it Rodericm ,the refi are nor altogether exduded. '""'"' ,.,... Out of thefecaufes, Rodcrictu defines it with Aretem, tobeangorem aniP""'.is;%c. mi, avexation oftheminde,a fudden forr<'lw from a fmall,lighr,or no occa~ ' ~:(;..uZ:"" lion,<with a kinde offrill dotage and griefoffome parr or orhcr,head,heart, arpm.rugof•· breafis,fides,backe, belly,&c.with much folicarineffe,weeping,difirachon, r"•P:::;; &c. fromwhich they are fometimes fuddenly delivered, becaufe it comes j!g;f:ru.,.;.. and goes by fits, and is not fo permanent as othermelancholy. ti_eulu,pr.cor- But to leave this briefdefcription,themofi ordinat;iefymptomesbe thefe, J.~;f::;. pulfatio juxt<tdor(Nm, abeating abouttbe backewhich is almofi perperuall, «fluanr er theskin is many times rciugh,fqualid, efpecially as Aretem obferves, about pulfant, cum4. thearmes,knees, and knuckles. The midriffe and heart-firings do burn and j."!j::x::,':(:, beat very fearfully, and w_hen this vapour or fumeisfiirred,llyeth upward, •or P~1Pi'""!'' the heart it felfbeats,is fore grieved1and faints, {al~ees jiccitate pr£cluduntur, ~=:~~;;;::. ttt diffimlter pofit a6 Meri jtrangutatione decerni~ like fits of the mother. . " · · · Alv1~