Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Pan.1.Sett. 3 • symptomes ofWometJs melatJcholy. Memb.z.Sub£ 4 ~~~----~~~--~~~~~~ Alvm plerifiJ;tJi~ reddit,_aliis exiglfum, acre, bilio(um,lotiu"!jlavum. They zos . complain many nmes, fauh_M trcatm,. of agreat patnm thm heads, about - their hearts,and hypoco~dnes,and fo l~kew1fe mt.hm breafis,wh1ch are of. ten fore, fomtimes ready to (woon,tbm faces aremflamed,and red,they are dry,thirfiy,fuddenly hot,much troubled With. wm.de,cannot fieep,&c.And from hence proceed ferina ~elrrame~ta, abnmlh kmde of dotage, tro~ble.. fome fieep,terribledreame~ m themght,fobrufltcm pudor & verrcundt_atg. nava afoolilh kind ofbaihtulneffe to fome,perverfeconceipts and opmwns, t dej~ C!ion ofminde,much difcontent,prepofterous judgement. They are t Animi deh d '{i'k d'rJ . b . f . b' .n. & A I b' 1 ;e8tO,perver(4 aptroloat, 1 1 e, uuame,to. eweaneo eveneo Je~,, .c..aclt mga ·rerumexiflimofi is tedious to them, they pme away,vmd of counfell, apt to weep, and mario,~r-po~ tremble,timorous,fearfull, [ad?and out of all hopeof betterfortunes. They. ~~~~fo~:{~, take delight in nothmg for the nme,but love to be alone and fohtary,though languemer , u. that do them more harme; And thus they are affeB:ed fo long as this vapour dio]~, co•filii lafieth; but by and by as pleafant andmerry as ever they were in their lives, ::;:f;:;;~:~~?,; they fing,difcourfe & laugh 1n any good company,upon all occafions,and fo m~fl~, <um by fi~s it takes them now and then, except. the maladie be inveterate, and .;::,7;7~:·:,~ then us more frequent, vehement andconnnuate.Many of~hem cannot tell Jperarione, nulhow to expreffe themfelves in words, or how it holds them, what ailes la re ddeflan-' them,you cannot underfiandthem,or well td what to makeoftheir fayings; :;:~ {0::,:;;;;,, fo far gone fometimcs, fo fiupified and difiracted, they think thernCelves be- ' witched,they are indefpaire, apt£adjletum, dejpcratiotJem, do/ores mammil & hypocondriis. Mercat1u therefore addes, now their breafi.si now theirhy. pocondrics, belly and fides, then their heart and head akes, now hear, then ·wind, now this, now that offends, they are wearie ofall;* and yet will nor, * Nolunrape~ cannot again tell how, where or what offends them,though they be in great rire molefiiarn pain, and fre9.uently co~nplain,grievin<>, fighing, w~eping an~difcontented i::,'/.1'::;:: fhll,jiPc causa m•niftfta,mofi part, yec1fay they Will complam,grudge, la-qoeruntur ta· , menr, and not be perfwaded, but that they are troubled with an evil! fpirit, "":i dt "P"•~ which is frequent in Germany,faithRoderictu,amongfhhecommonfort:and ';,~,mammu, to fuch as aremoft grievoufiy affected, (for he makes the degrees ofthis dif.ln pureorfere cafe in ~omen) t.hey are in defpa!re, furely ~orefpo,ken or bcwitc~ed, and in'!::";$;'!;: extremity ofthm dotage,(weane of their lives)fome of them w•ll attempt gulari cupiunr, to make away themfelves. Some think they feevifions,conferrewith fpirits nullurarioni4 and devils,they lhall furely be da~ned,are afraid offome treacherie, immi-~';:~";.;:,": nent danger, and the uke, they Will not fpeak, make anfwerto any quefiion rewperandm but are almoft di!haCl:ed, mad,or fiupid for the time, and by fits :and thus i: ~·g • ·-,""•· holtls them, as they are more or leffe atfeB:ed,and as the inner humour is in... ":;;,:':,~'1:~· tended or remitted,or by outward obje&s and perturbations aggravated fo- quunrur, ""' litarineffe, idleneffe, ~c. ' ~~·:;~~. Many other maladies thereare incident to young women, out of that onegraviora, /,i and only caufe abovefpecified, many ferall difeafes. I will not fo mueh as &•· mention t.heir names,melancholy alone is theCubjectof my prefent difcourfe from which I w1ll not Cwerve. The feverall cures ofthis infirmitie concerningDiet,which mufi be very fparing~ Phlebotomy;Phyfick,int~rnali,ex. ternal remedies,are at largemgreat vanety m* Rodericm a Ca{fro,SennerttH "Clifltm & andMercatm, which who fo will, asoccafion ferves may make ufe of. · Bu~ HeU.berifmurn the befi andfurefl: remedie of all, is to fee themwell'placed,and married'to ;:;;'t;'.it''"~ Cc 3 good