Part.t.Sect.3. Symptdmes ofMelancholy. Mcmb.>.Subf. 4 204 g~od husbands in due ti~e,hinc i/l,tlachrym.e, ~hat' sthe pnmarieca~ this the ready cure, to giVe them content tO th~1r defires. I write nor this 10 patronize any. wanton, idle tlurr,lafcivious or light hufwives,which are too ·forwardmanytimes, unruly, andaptto call: awaythemfelveson him that comes next,without all care,counfel, circumfpcClion,and j udgemem.If relit;ion, good difcipline, honefl: education, w~ol_fomeexhortarion, faire promifes,fame and lo!fe ~E good,name, cannot mhtblt and deterre fuch, (which to chafl: and fober ma1dscannot chufe bur availe much) labour and exercife ,ftriCl diet, rigor and threats may more opportunely be ufed, and arc able of themfelvesto qualifie and divert an illdifpofed temperament. For feldome fuall you fee an hiredfervant, apoore handmaid, though ancient, that is kept hard to her worke,and bod1ly labour, acourfecoumne wench troubledi11 thiskinde,burnoble virgins,nicegenrlewomen,fuch as are folirarie and idle, live at eafe, leade a life out of aClion and imploymenr,thar fare well,in great houfesandjoviallcompanies, illdifpofed peradventure of themfelves, and not willing tomake any refifl:ance,difcomented otherwife, ofweakejudgement,able bodies,& fubjeCl to pallions(grandtores virgines ,faith M ertattu, fteri les & 't'idre,e pler~~mq; melancholic,e) fuch for the mofl: pan are mifaffed ed, ~d prone to this difeafe. I do not fo much pitty them tlm may other. wife be eafed, but thofe alone that out ofa fl:rong temperament, innate con. fiitution, are violently carried away with this torrent of inward humours,& though very modefl: ofthemfelves, fober,religious,venuous,and well given (as many fo difl:relfed maids are) yet cannot make refifl:ance, thefegrievan. ces will appear, this maladiewill take place, and now manifefl:ly fhewes it felfe,and,may nototherwifebe helped. Bur where am I? Into what fubjelt · have Iruthed? What have I rodowith Nunnes,Maids,Virgins,Widows? I am aBatcheler my felf,and le ad aMonafiick life in aCo lledge,n.e egofane ineptm dixerim, I confeffe'tisan indecorrem, and as Pal/M aVirgin bluthed,when ]t~piter by chance fpake of Lovematters in her prefen~ e,and turn'd away her face; me reprimam, though my fubject nece!farily require it, I will fay no more. . And yet I mull: and will fay fomething more, adde aword or two in gr.,- tiamVirginum & Viduar~~m,in favour of all fuch difl:re!fed parties, incommiferationoftheir prefenr efl:ate. And as I cannot chufe but condole their mithapthatlabour ofthisinfirmitie,and aredefl:ituteofhelp in this cafe, fo mull: I needs inveigh againfl: them that are in fault, more then manifefl: caufes, andas bitterly tax thofe tyrannizing Pfeudopolititians,fltperfl:itious or. ders,rath vows,hard-hearted parems,guardians,unnatural friends,allies(cal them howyou will) thofe carele!fe an~fl:upid overfeers,that out ofworldly · refpeCls?covetoufnelfe, fupine n~ligence, their own private_ends (cum fibi fit intenm bene)canfo feverely reJeCl,fl:ubbornly neglect,&1mpwu!ly con. temne,without allremorfe and pirie, the teares, fighs,groanes,and grievous miferies of fuch poorSoules committed to their charge. Howodious and a. bominable are thofe fuperfl:itious and rath vows of PopithMonafl:eries, fo tobinde and inforcemen and women to vowe virginitie, to lead afingle life , againfl:the laws of nature,oppofiteto religion,policie, and humanity,fo to fiarve,to offerviolence,to fuppreffe thevigor ofyourh,by rigorous flatu re:, feverelaws, vaineperfwafions, todebarrethem of that, to wh1ch bl' thm- - mnate