mnatetempetimlrcthtyare f<'lfuroul1y it'ltlihed,lirgentlycartl~tl,~bil forti~- zo5 rirtles pretlpitated,elletl irteiiflably led,to theprt'jut!ieeoftlleir fott!s hta!th,---· and good eflate ofbody and miilde: ~rt.d -~ll for bafeand privat~ tefP\C!s~ro · ftlaiht>line tlu:ir gro!fe fupedhtlotl, to tnt·1\!n t1Jetrtfelv~s aMthmtetttrottes asrh~yfaHiy tuppofe,by hind~rihgtome ~ai'riuge-5, thlltthe\vorlabenot fiiliofbeltgers,ahd their patHlies pell:et:ed'With Otphcthe.s,frupid p9lititians; hrectihe iieti fl~gitia? b'ught tliefethiligsfo to bHartied?bettt:rl1larty then biirhe rai thtl\e AP,O!He, but they are othct'wlf~perf wadethTlley wH by a!! mean; t'[uttich thelt neighbours 1\oUfe if it be oh fire, bUt thttt lit~ of lUll: which ereak~ otitihtd fud\ latrretltable Rimes, tl\!:y wiU \lot taket\6titet>f, their own bowels dfteh tih\es, fi'elll afid bloud !hall forage atid burne, ant! t11ey will not fee it: liliJ!r*~». eft. ,fai;h Jiiifhn, f!iffl1m ¥<~n miferifcitt,& they ate miferablt m the n\ea'rte httie, tl\at tarlnor ptty thetrth:!Ves, tht:comftion good of all, and per ~onfoqijt!JS _their .o*h ~tta,t~s. F6t Ie.t tl:em bUt totJ!ider -what f~~refull malad,~s,fe,tall d1feafes, gto!fe !hcor\velli~hCieS tt>h1e t6 both texes by this enfotted tetrt~etahce,:t trouble!Who rhinke of,mual! trttJte ro t-elate tliofe ftetjlleht abott~ and nltirdrihg dfihfatlts ih thtir N uhneties(read t It tmnittflo l!na others)theithotorlb\ls fbtilitations,tho/l:Spintrilt< ,Tribil- t ixamen eonc; d,u,<Jfmb/eiJel.u: &t. thofe rapes,_lhcefis, .atluiterles,thall:tipnltidn~, S?tltl- [;;~~,"';,~,~;· roles, bttggettes of Mot\kes and Fners_.See n,.trs V1lltanon of Abbles, * Mrr. "c.pj, sa!fr. cieriati&,RodeflcliJ a Caftn!,Nttr For'Cflm,aht! dtvel·s phy lldabs;I know their et Priapi[. ort!inarie Apblogies atrd txculi:s Rft t:ht'fe things, f~t! videtlr\t Polltid, Mtdiei,Theologi, I llull trioreo~p!lrttJttely rl\eetwith ohem • elf~whtre. "Part.JftiJ. · · Illiusvidure;nltt ~ahbt\Uttl Virgihis huju~, >.Memo-r, Ne me fun~ putes, vb'bUtti htln ~ltiplius addant. 8 " 1 + M~ M. t. 3• J;mntdiirl~ tditfe~fthife prtttdent Symptolltts. ghre fotne farisfaction tl} lhd~ncboly tneh, th~t arerrdubled with thefe fymptOmes; a better tneanes irt rtiy judgement c:ltlnot be taken, then t!<:ttnew theh\ the tailfes whence they vroceed;not . frdm divds,as they fuppofe, ot that they :tre bewitched dr forfalien (,f Gbd, heat ot fee, &c. as Jrtahy ohhem think~, but from tiatUfall and inward caufes-,th:it f<;> knoWlhg tli_ehl, they may betttr_aVdid rhe~lfeffs,or at , Vafffll cMJJI le:ifi endure thetn wtthmore pauence. The moll: gttevous and comitioh et nigiM ~•• f~mptomes at~ ~d Sottow, and that withotJt :t cauf.eMthe wifell: and ~;!~1;x~;:~: difcreetefi ttil:n, 1l1 tills lna!:tdy t10t tobe avo!d~d. The reafon why they ate Fet. Plater.._ Co,lEtild difcu!feth at large~'rttrnbib.:!.i.it1liis lit!!: ptobl~meout of Gdl~n, &.c.udi_hu.. lib:z.ile wejl~ fYtbpt. t. P:Ot Gnlen inlplltl:i:h all to the cold that Is blacke,and ~'f,;.~~1;. tl'llhksthat tlte fp1flt~ betngdatltnetf, atrd thefuhfl~hceof~hebtaihecloudy ritiam.,_!' •ie_• and darke, all ~he Ob)ed~ diertof aWea~e tettlf:lle,and thee [e!fe,I:Jy ~~;~~;::~tthofedark,obfcure,gro!\'e futnes,afctndtng from black huthouts,Is mconn- te»ebr.u inte;• rtuaH datkhelfe,fear atttl fdtfow;divers tetr!hf~mbnfhous lit!ictns in a thou- ""''ut meJicl fand !hapes &apparitions occlll't<l? witHViolenr p:tflion~,bywhi~h thebrain ;,;~~:':f:u~t: · · and phantalie ~re tl'dUbled afld eclipftd. d hdtajldfim Ub.t .dtltm!lefl. will mel<zncbotici UdVl tdtd tdbOht c111rji of fear!Sottd~. for7'«thdl an told are ill dir.po- nofle ~mbut41Jt > t' > Jftd tntrepJJi.