Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D E " o c R 1 r u s to the Reader. r 7 matter of thismy fubject,_ remJi'bJ1ratam,_ melancholy, madne!Ie,and o~ the reafons following,wh•ch were my ch1efmonves: Thegeneralmeof thedifeafe,the necef!itieof the cure, and the commodme m·common good that will arife to all men by the knowledge of1r,as lhal atlargeap• pear in theenfuing preface. And I doubt not bnt that m the end you w•ll [Jy with me,that to anatomize this humour aright,throughall the mem· bers ofthis our:Mrcrocofmus,•s asgreata task, as to reconcile tho(eChronoloo-icall errors in theA!Tyrian monarchie,finde our the quadratrwc ofa circl~ the creeks and founds of the north- ea!l:,or north-weft paifages, & all ou;as o-ood adifcoverie,as thathungrieP Spaniards ofTerraAuftratu depFerdin•nd• " bl fi '! h . f "· . ~"· .... Jncogmta, as great rrou eastoper e~ t emotwno Marsv-Mercune, ,6 ,.AmJmwhich fo cruClfies ourA!tr01aomers,or to rechfie theGregonan Kalender. Jami imp"J!: I am fo atfecred for my parr, and hop_e as qTheophra{fus did by his chara. g;,'!;;;,:~, tters,Thatour pofteritte, 0 fiend Pohcles,jhaflbe the better for thuwhtch fl:"""im (O we have wntten, by correfling andreflifjing what M amif!C inthemfelves .,~::;~:;;;;~ by our examples,& applymg ottrprecepts and cauttons to thetr own u(e .And inde fruuros, as that gre;ItcaptamZt{ca would have a drummade of h1s skm whenh~ qu.difltufmodi was dead, becaufe he thought the verie noife of it would put his enemies 7',"'"'?'411~ to flight, I doubt not, but thatthefe following lines,when they !hall be"~""~,;';'/:,~'; recited,or hereaf;er read,w•ldnve awaymelancholy (though I be gone) ~~fi';;, :~·:t" as much as Zr.fca sdrum could ternfie hiS foes. Yet~ne cauuonletme141114"'"'"'egiveby thewayromy prefentorfurure Reader, whoJSaetually melan· J.ru,utft ind• chol y, that he reade not the' fymptomes or progno!l:icks in this follow- '';igant{. . illg tract, left by applying that which he reades to himfelf,aggravating, ' art.'· ' 11 ·l appropriating things generallyfpoken, to his own perfon (as melancholy men forthe moll: part doe) he trouble or hurt himfclf, and get incon. dufionmore harme then good. I advife them thetefore warily to perufe that trJet, Lapides loquitur([o fa id r .Agrippa de occ.Phtl) & C4veant le. fPr~}Idl ... floresnecertbrum iis excuttat. The rdt I doubt not they mayfecurdy · '"· reade,and to rheir benefit. But I am over-tedious, I proceed. 0 f the necef!itie and generalitie o~ this which I have faid, if any man doubt, I !hall defire him to make a bnef furvey ofthe world,as •cypri>tn, Ep.>.hal adv1feth Donat,[uppojing h:m(elftobe tranJPorted to the top offomehigh Vouatum. mountarne,andthmceto be,ho/Jthetumults and chances ofthis wavering ;:,:;iJ:Jf:,; ovorld, hecannot_chufebut ttther laugh at, orpttte tt. S. Huromc out of a in•rdui monr;., firong imagm mon,being in the wilderneife,conceived with himfelf,rhat verricem celfiohe then faw rh cm dancing inRome;andif. thou !halt either conceive or :'::f' fpeculare clime to fee, thou !halt foone perceive that all the world is mad, rhat'it is ~.;;:~"j.{;";., melancholy:dotes:rhat it is (which EptchthmiU& Cofmop~lites expreifed ;:.,'':1!;:;~­ not many years fince m amap) made hke a fools head (With that Motto fiutJ.rir ' Caput hellebore dtgnt~m) acrafed head, cavea(lultorum ,a fooh parad1fe, mundi rurbin<< or as Apoflomt«, a common prifon of gulls, cheaters, flatterers, &c. ';;~:,;!;'';:b~­ and needs to be reformed. Strabo in the ninth book of hisgeographie, aut nnftrcbt~ comparrsGr~ece to the pu~lure of a man, which comparifon ofhis, N ic. ru, <'3'<. Gerbeluu mhlS expofition of Sophianus map,approves; The brea!l: !yes ?pen from thofe AcrocerauniaNhilsinEpirm,to thesunian promomoric m Atttca; P ag.t and M ag ~tra are the two ihoulders;that Iftmos· of Corinth the neck; and Peloponne(us the head. If this allufion hold, 'tis ll1re a mad head ;Morea may be Moria; &to fpeak what I think, the inhabit;~ncs of C moderne