symptomes ofMelancholy. Memb. 3 , --'----:-:-------:---~::.. zo6 (ed to mirth, dull aridheavy,by nature(olitarie,jilent ;af/dnot for any imvard --- - darknelfe ( .u Phy{lcians thmke)for many melancholy men dare boldly be con. tinue,and rvalke in the darke,and delight in it :folt)mfrigidt timidi:if they be hor,they are merry;and the more hot,the more furious, and void offear as we fee in mad-men :but this reafon holds not, for then no melancholy ,p~oceeding from choler adufr, lhould feare. Averroes fcolfes at Calen for his reafons, and brings five arguments to refell them:fo cloth Herc .de Saxonia r.~fc';:1:,~ffii- Trafl .demelanch.cap. 3. affigning other caufes, which are copjouily cenfu: •itib«<miflt, red and confuted by .!EitamuMontaltru,cap.5 .& 6.Lod.Mercatm de Inttr, ~;~;j':,7, morb.cur.lib.x.cap.x7. A.ltomarwcap.7.demel. Cuianeriw trafi.I5·'4f·l, cap.•. Br1ght cap.r7. LAtmnttwcttp.5. Yaleji~~& med.cont,ltb.5.cont.r. c Dijlem. <lntemp"ier perature they conclude,makes black juice, blackncffi ob(curts thej}irits, the f~e~tfuccum,. jfirits ob(Cured,cau(e {care andforrorv. Laurenti~~& cap.r 3· fuppofeth thefe mgrum,ntgrtl- I fi a: d li . JJ h ' . h M. ·tr. r "obfcurotfpi- back ume~orren e. pecta yt eDtap ragmaor idrme, andwperconft· mum, obfc~ra- quem the mmde,whtch IS obfcured as f the Sun by a cloud. To this opinion ~~1~~~= ;,- of Galen,aimofr all the Greeks and Arabians fubfcribe, the Latines new and trif/itiam. old, intern£ tenebr~t iffuftant animii,ut extern.e nocentptteris,as childrenare £Ut nuh"• 1•, alfrighted in the dark,fo are melancholy men at all times, gas havingthein- ~;:;:!ff:,: · ward caufe with them,and fril carrying it about .Which black vapors, melancb. therthey proceed from the black bloud about the heart, as T.W.Ie[. thinks ~-:.~::;;: 1;_ in_bis treatife ofthe paffions of_thc mind,or fiomack,fpleene~mid~ilfe,orall ,.,;.,;rcum- the m1falfetted parts together,rt boots not, they keep the mmdema perpet-;;,;g~ ~:,;~ cu~ll dungeon, ~nd ?ppreffe it with continuall fears,anxiet_ies,forrows,&c. ~., &' atri It IS an ordmane thmg for fuch as are found, to laugh at thrs de] eQed pufilIP''''"' f<rpe- lanimitie, and thofe other fympcomes of melancholy, to make themfelves ~7:/e~",ff:.~o- merry with them, and to wonder at fuch,as toyes and t~illes, whichmay be dunt nollem. refilled and w1thltood,1fthey will themfelves: but let hrm that fo wonders, h Po.e "~em-. confider with himfelf, that if aman lhould tell him on afudden,fomeofhis :~~;'/i!:;:U;:~ efpeciall friends were dead, could he choofebutgrieve~ orfethimupona refupertrobem fieep rock, where he fhould be in danger to beprecipitated, could he be fe- 'f,:}.~"'/'" ' cure? his heart would tremble for feare, and his head begiddy. P.Byarlil .~.;,.•;,:J,::- Trafl.dc infrance(as I havefaid)h ~ndpt~tcaft(Caith he)inonethat dom,IO<o pon- walkes uponaplanke,ifit lye on theground, hecan(!tfoly doe it: but ifthe fame ~7;{.;:;:~~~- plankebe, laid overfomc dee( wat~r, in fteadof a bridge~ ~e is :'ehement'J mo_- ' ' qu•d imogi- ved,and tu nothmgbut hu tmagtnatton,forma cadendumprelfa,torvhzchhli ";;";;~,~·~~~· ~ther membersandfoculties obey. Yea, but you inferre, that fuch men_have a bementtr,for- JUfi caufeto feare,a true object of feare; fo have mdancholymenanmward ""'codendi im- caufe,a perpecuall fume and darknelfe, _caufing feare,grief,fufpicion,which ~;:{,·:,~;:; they carry with them, an object which cannot be removed; but Hickes as •mnia, & f•- clofe,and is as infeparable as a{hadow to abodie, and whQ can expell,or o- '"1'""' ,.,,_ v,er-run his lhadow ~remove heat of the liver, acold fiomack, weak fpleen: t~~b.>. de in- remove thofe adufi humours and vapours arifing from them, blacke bloud reuemone.~u(- from the heart,all outward perturbations,take away the caufe,and then bid !;~·~·=~~~·-them not grieve nor feare,or be heavie,dull,lumpilh,otherwifecounfell can quum diflur- doe littlegood; you may as well bid him that IS fick of anague, not to bea fu7.& Jempr dry ;or hiin that is wounded,nottofeelepaine. . - j!;,; f:Jd;":/ ' Sufpicion fo\lowes Feare and Sorrow at heeles, ariling out of the fame Laurcn.5. • foumaine,fo thinks' Fracaftorim, that Feare li thecaufe of Sujpirigp,and Jftd ' t/ley