Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Cau{esoftheft symptomes. theyji•f}efffome treachery ,orfome ficret machin4fiontobefravudagainftthem1 l 07 ftilchey dillruft.Reftlefnes pro~ee~sfromc~e.famefpnng,vmetyoffumes -· - - makes chemlike and difitke.Sohtarmes,avoldmg ofhght,that they are weary of their lives, hate the wor~d,arife from the fame ca~fes, forcheirfpirits and humours are oppofite to light,fear makes them av01d company,and abfentthemfelves, leall: they fhould be mifufed,hiiTed at,or overfhootthem. (elves which ftil they fufpett. They are prone to venery,by rea(on ofwind. Angry,wafpifh, &fretting frill, out ?fabundance of choler, ~hich caufeth fearful! dreams, &violent perturbauons to them, both lleepmg &wakmg: *Trai/.Je mel. That they fuppofe they have noheads,flie, fin.k,.they are pots,glaffes, &c.!s ;7~;,;!:/.~'t wind in their heads. • .El ere.deSaxoma doth a!cnbe thts to the feverall mott- 011 ,, confufione, ons in the animal! fpirits,their dilation,contraffion,confojion,alteration,tene. tmbrofitate . brofity,hot or colddzftemperature,excluding all materiall humors. 'Fracaflo- ~~;f'J."'/:.;;~~J• ritu .<cCO#ntS tt a thtng WOrthy oftnqllijitton, why they jhotdd entertamfuch rie, (5<•. falfe conceipts, as that they have horns,great nofts, that they are b~rds ,beafts, IUuJmqur[<- &c.whychey f!lould think themfelv~s kings, lords, cardinals. Forthe firll:, ~:~~=';}:/[; 1 Fracaftontu gtves two reafons:One 15 the dijpojittonofthe body: the other,the recipiant,babecccafion ofthephantajie,as iftheir eyes be purblinde,their eares fing,by reafon ';/;'"-· offomecold,and rheurne, &c. To the Cecond,Lar<rentirH anfwers, the ima. :r.fut:;:~ff. ginationinwardly or outwardly moved, reprefems to the underftanding, .ver•.f5c•. nocinticemems only; to favour the paffion, or difltke., but a very intenfive ~o~p~;;?.'~.'~cpleafure followcs the pa~on,or difpleafure,and the w1ll and rcafon are cap- '?fioJmaginativated by delrglmng 10 tt. . tronu. Why ftudents and lovers are fo ofrenmelancholy,and mad,thc Philofo- ':;,{;):.'b:;:;nJ: pher of m Conimbra affignes this reafon, lmAufehy a vehement andcontinual! etajjiJ"" cog,imedztationofthat,wherewith they are affeffed, they fe:chup theJPirits into the ~:~~;ffi~';f:,, brame,andwtth the heat brought JVtth them,they tncendtt beyondmeaji<re:and JPirit"' in me· thecells ofthe inner fenfes dilfolve their temperatrm, which being dijfolved, ,;•;;:1:~;;:;;·. they cannot performe thetro!Jices..u.they ought. . "' in!',<ni ofiomn~, Why melancholy men are Wtttte, whtch Ariftotle hath long fince main. {Ummi ~iri in rained in his problems:and that n all learned men, famous Philofophers,and ~'1 1~bu'fi" di(- L · d fi l h l · h 11.llb ctpmu,-."tr· _aw-g1vers)a unrem ereomnesMe anc o tct, ave1_ll een~rnelancholy; cz_tmimperato- !S aproblememuchcontroverred. J4fon Pratenfiswtll have tt underftood rtama~treip. ofnatural melancholy,which opinion Melanahon inclines to, in his book de ~j[~t,t;;:,mm _ Anima,and Marcilius Ficinm de fitn.tttend.lib. r.cap.5 .but not fimple,for lan<holi<i, ' that makes men !l:upid, heavie, dull,being cold,and dry,fearfull,fooles.and Ariftd orele~. r 1· b · · h h h h fl I ' o A eo mrften- 10 ttary, utmtxtwlt t eot er umors, .eagmeon yexcepted:&theynot rur,utfitJuadull, n but fo mtxt,as that bloud be half,With little or no adu!l:ion,that they plum .(irnguinu be neither too hot nortoo cold.Aponenjis cited by Melanahon, thinks it pro- ;"L';b1'i~~,f:~· ceeds from melancholy adu!t,excludmg alnatural melancholy as too cold. telld/ione.FinLaurentirH condemnes his Tenent,becau(e adu!lion ofhumours makes men !'."' 1"' Minermad,as lime burnes,when water is call: on ir.It mull: be mixt with bloud,& fo~~u;'f.7:~~~ fomewhat adull:, and fo that old Aphorifmeof Arijlotlemay bee verified, >it<~,grari~bitaNtdfum magm•m ingeniumfine mixt11r!i dementi£, no excellent wit without ~::~~;,:~~f.'· amtxture ofmadnes.F racaftorirH fual decide the ~ontroverfie,P rhlegmatick cetem motu,et are dull: Sanguzne ltvely,plea(ant, Acecot-able Andmerry hut not witty: Chole. ob ,J contem- .. k ji t. · · . f. . ' . . plattamnmpaYl< are two wt tznmotton,&fortous, tmpattent ofcentemplatton,decettjilll tient".'M.ela,... rvzts: Melm1c olymm have tkemoftexctllentwits butnct~tl thish11mot1T cbolmfolum - Dd ' . ' .. - t:<&ePen.ter1tU· ?1MJ