Part.x.Setl.J. Sjmptomes ofMelancholy. Mcmb. 3 2o8 may beh#torGold ,thirk or thin;iftoo hot,they arefurioM and mad:iftoocold dtetl,jlt~pid,ti1!'orofl1 and(ad: iftemptrate,e>:celtent, rather inclining to th.; extremeofheat,then cold. Th1s femence ofh1s will agree wtth that of Hera. tlittu ,a dry light makes a wife minde, temperate heat and drindfe,arethe chiefe caufes ofa good wit; therefore faith .£lian,an Elephant is the wifcfl: q Trepidanti- of all bruite bealts, becaufehis bniine isdriefr, & ob atr.e bilu copiam: this ~:;:,~';.~mu- reafon Cardan approvesjtebtil.l. u. lo: BaptijfaSdvaticM, aphyfician of ~uatitur.. . Mtllan, in hisfirfrcontroverfie,hath copioully handled this quellion: R11. ;~!:;z:;·~:~ landM in his problem~s, C.eliM Rhodiginus lib, 17. Valleriola 6'0 narrat. 'llorlingu< tor- med.llerc, de Saxonta, Tral!.pojlh. demel .cap.3.LodovtcMMereatM dttn. ~f::;nrinentia ter. mork•cter.lib_.cap.z7• B~ptiJ!aPorta Phyjiog_.l. I.C.IJ :and many others. lingu<ex copia Weepmg, fighmg, laughmg, ttchmg,tremblmg,fweanng,bluflung,hearjlaruum,.&- 'IJ<· ing and feeing, firange noyfes, vifions, winde, crudity, are motions ofthe ~;;;:.~.~"'"l' · bodie, depending upon t~efe precedent motions ofthe minde : Neither are , calvities ob teares, affechons, but achons (as Scaliger holds) qthevotce of fi~eh dS areaf.cciraruexcef' {raid, trembles, becate[e the heart isJhaken ( Conimb. prob. 6. fee. 3· de fom.) {;'::£,;... why they fl:ut or faulter in their fpeech, Mermrialis and Montaltm cap. '?· xLaurent.c.• 1 give like reafons out ofllippocrates, •·drineJ!e, which makes the nerves ofthe Y Tctrah.•fl•· tongue torpid. Fafi {peaking,(which is a fymptome offomc few) lEtiM will ~-~?,.~~j,.;. have caufed rfrom abundan<e ofwi,dc, andfiviftneffi ofimagination: 'bald. rnprob. ltb. '· neffi ~omesfrom cx.cffi of drmeffi,hirfutenelfe from adrie temperature.The i:~;;j/' at••· caufe ofmuch waking in:' drie braine, continuall me~iratio~, difconrent, •Subruftic"' feares and cares, that full:er not the mmde to be at refr, mconnneucy is from pudor'IJitiof"' winde,and an hotliver,Mol!tanM conjil. 26. Rumbling in the guts,iscaufed t"~~gnomini· from winde,and winde from ill co!lcot1ion, weaknelfeof naturall heat, or_a •m autturf•· dtfrempered heat and cold;" Pa1p,tanon ofthe heart from vapors, heavtd•;m !•11 '·':;: nelfe and aking from the fame caufe.That the belly is hard,winde is a caufe, ~nr~::.: : , '· and ofthat leaping in mat;~y parrs.Redndfe oftheface,imd itching,as ifthey !:''::'/:,~~~ were flea-bitten, or fiung with pif-mires,from a ~arp fubtilewinde. x Cold <j!,q~Jefe- fweatfrom vapours anfing from theHypocondnes, whtch pttch upon the ttum noft•um skinne; leannelfe for want ofgood nourilhmenr. Why their appetite is fo ;~~;~fi,p":~u- great, Y lEtiM anfwers: os vent~is fYis,e(cit, c_old in thofe inner pans, cold tarura, calorem belly,and hot ltver, caufeth crudtty,an11mtennon proceeds from perturba· illuc mitt!t,ca- tions, z our foule for want of fpirits cannot attend exaCH y to fo many imen· !;;[;~·~~;:;;.. tiveoperations,being exhauft,and overfway'd by paflion, fl1e cannot con. bor,a:aaces fider the reafons which may dilfwade her from fuch affe<l:ions. '~{~;·~:::;;~:;· a B~lhfulne!fe and blulhing, is~ paflio_nproper to men alone, an~ is not "'/Jo'luptarem only caufed forh fome lhame and tgnommy, or that they are gUilne unto for"' exirJim- themfelves offotne fowle fa a committed, but as' Fracajlorim wellderer- ~:0~~~~t;~e~:i~ mines,ob defeC!temproprium, & timorem, from ft~tre, andaconceit ofour de· am, •utob Ju-jeclJ;Theface laboters and is troubled at hisprefence that (ees ater defects, and ;:~~.~:'J;~uid naturewi!lingtohelpe, (ends thither heat,heat drawes theji<btilcjf btoted, a11d incautiusexci- fo we blufh. They that are bold, arrogant, andcarele({e, feldome or never blt<jh, .lerit. . . bt~tjt<Ch.u arejearfi<ll. AnthoniM Lodovietts, in hisbooke de ptedore, wtll 1":~;::'/::'ff.i have this fubtile bloud to arife in the face, not fo much for the reverence of ~' plurimum ourbetters in prefence, d but for joy andplea(swe, orifany thing at unaw,u~s j;~:t:.,;;'J.";" foal!paJfefrom M, afoddm Meident, occurfe, or meettng .' ( whtch Difort"' tn m. t M acrobim confirms) any objet! heardor feen,for bl.indemen never blufh, · ··· - •··· · ·· · · as