Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.I.Setl.3. Caufesofthefe Symptomes. Memb.j ------~----~~ --------------- as Dandimu obferves,thcnight &darkneife make men impudent. Or that ~ we bee !!aid before our betters, or in companie we like not, or ifany thing ·molcll:and offend us, eruhefcentiaturnes to rubor, blulhing toa cominuate redneife. e Sometimes the exrremitie ofthe eares tingle, and are red, fome- eAlex•nder Atimes the whole face, Et{i nihit vitiofunJ CWJ1lJiferis, as Lodovicm holds: phr.dificnfit, though Arijfotle is ofopinion, omn~; pudor ex vitio.-omnJi(Jo, Alllhame for ful!:;~'!!;~,: (ome offence. But we finde otherw1fe, It may as well proceed 1 from feare, eam~ft refm from forcea~d inexperience, (fo* Dandim~ holds)as_vice;a hot.liver,faith ;;,fjff::.~"!'e:{. DuretuJ (notu in H o!lerillnJ; )Fromahot bra.ne,from JVMdc ,the lt~ngJ heated, ejfet admodum • or after drinkingof•vine,jlronge drinke,.perturbations, &c. finex. . Laughter what it is, faith gTttlly,hew caufed,where,and fo fuddenly hreakeJ i:~P:J,f!zJ';;_ out, that defirotiJ toflay it,wecannot, hoiVit v01lJC! topo(fe{fe andjlirre ourface, b~rem, ex potu vei-11:s, eyes,countenance, wout~,Jides,tet Demo_cri:us deterntine. Th~caufe (;;~';; ~~~~~e that lt often affeCts melancholy men fo much, lS g1venby G onujiuJ lth. 3.de pate catido, ccfate genial. cap. I S.abundanc~ of pleafan.tvapours , which in fanguine me- rebroc~Jidc,etc. lancho1v efpecially,breake from the heart, hand tickle the midri(f'e, beea11fe ;,c;~·'" A"fl· #is tranfverfe andfidlofnerves: by ••hich titillation the f enfe beingmoved, <i ~i ;:';;,~~;­ and nrte;ies diftended, orputted, the ffirits f rom thence move and po[fe!]C the ":ntta ~uam ~ fidei, veineJ,cortnt evancC, eyes .Seemore in Joj)·iru de rifit. & fletrt,f'i'Ves 3 de ~~~.r~e 01410 , 1 .llnfmt.. 'f cares, as s catiger defines, proceed from griefe and pitie, i orfrom quidipft riJ..: the heating ofa 111oijf brame,for a dry cannot weepe. . . ;;;zfr~~~~"- Thatthey fee and hearefo many phanrafinc.s,chnneraes,noyfes, v1fions, &c. &c. as FientiJ hath di[courfed at large it\his boo'k ofimaftination,and k La- h Viaphrag,ma 1 (} "' • · 1 · · · h k 1 r: tlltHant,quta vttterae ec.rupart.. J· <aJ. 2·3·.4·f Je!Xcorrupt p anra 1.e ma es nem ,ee tranJ~erfomtt and hear that which mdeedJsnenherheard nor [eene,.Q!f.tmuttti111JC)Ilnant, nmoJum,~uia aut noueJ drecuntirifonmes~ they that much fall:, or\yam lleepe, as melan- ::"/.n'(u':.'q, :~ choly or fick men commonly doe, fee VIfions, or fucn as are weake fighted, reriir diflentu, verietimorous by nature, mad, di!l:r;~Cled, or earnellly fecke. Sahini qreod ffiritu. inde lavolttn.t fonlliiant,as the faying is?they dream ofthat they defire.Oras * Lod. ;::~;~:;;::;,;;; Merc~tus proves, by reafon ofmward vapours, and humors from bloud, i Ex calefaEtiocholer, &c. divedly mixt' they apprehend and fee outwardly, as they fup- zebumidicerepofe, divers images,which indeed are not. As they that drinke wine think ,;•;;~r;: 1':,!'­ aH runs round,when it is in their own braine; fo is it with thefe men, the non fluunt. fault and caufe is inward,as Gaten affirmes, 1 mad men and fuch as are neare k Rer mirandas death ,qu& extra fevidere pretant lnJagines, intrauulos h•bent, 'tis in their;;~!~;{;~~:: braine, which feemes to be before them; the braineas a concave glaife re- re ~u•necvi-. llea:s folidc bodies. Senes etiam decrepiti cerebrttnJ hahent concavunt & ari- :~~· nee aud,. dunt, ut i111aginenturJevidere( faith* Boilfardus) 1"" nonJunt, old men are ~Lib. •.cap.•r. too.frequently mifraken and dote in like cafe:oras he that looketh through ' 1•1P'}: m~.:, . ,. f d J "" . d h . h" h r: b n,am,Q qu• ap•eceo re p ane,Ju get evenet mg e.ees to ered;corrupt vapours m"'i~icini .mountmg from the bodie to the head, and dill:illing againe from thenc~ to ~;;;ft~~~" the ~yes, when they have mmgled themfelves wnh the watery cnll:al which puiant intr• rece.Iveth the lhadowes o~ rhi_ngs to be feene,make all things appeare ofthe ~cutor habenr. fameco1our, wh1ch rem~ms mthe humour that overfpreads our fight,as to s/ap. •o· d•. melancholy mena1 is black, to phlegmatick all white,&c.Or elfeas before tio'::' • apparsilieQ\gans corrupt by a corrupt phantafie, as Lemnius lib. I .cap. I 6. well m 7>eo~cult. qu~tes, m ~attje agreat agitation ofJPirits, andh11mon, which IVander to and Nat. mtrac • fro m all the creekeJ of the braine, and ca~tfe foch apparitions 6efore their eyes. Dd 2 One