Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.I.SeCl.J. 210 One thinkes hereads fomething writ~en in the moone, as Pythagorar is faid ----tohavedone ofold,anorher fmels bnmfl:one, ~earesCerberm barke:Orejles nowmad fuppofed ~ee faw thefunes tormennng !urn, and his mother flU! readyrorunuponh1m. _ 0 mater obfecro noli meper(equi . JliJfuriiJ,aj}eeft~anguzneu,horribiliblli, Ecce ecce me invadunt, inme jam ruunt, butEleefra told him thus ravinginhismadfit,hefawnofuchfightsatall it was but his crafed imagination. ' ~efte quie(cemiferin linteis tuis, Noncernif etenimqu£ viderctepMas. So Penthem ( inBacchiJ EuripidiJ) faw twofuns,twoThebes, hisbraine alone was troubled. Sicknes is an ordinariecaufe offuch fights.Cardan fob. til.8. Mens <tgra laboribm & jejt~niis fraC!a, facit eos videre,audire, &c. And.oftander beheld frrangevifions, andAiexanderabAlexandro both, in theirfickne!fe, which he relates de r'erttmvariuat.l•b.8. caP·44· Albateg•;i. «<that noble Arabian on his death hed,faw a fhipafcending and defcending, which Fracaflori..srecords of his friend Baptijla Tirrian«<. Weake fight and a vaine perfwafion withall, may effeCl as much,and fecond caufes con. curring, as an oare in water makes arefraction, and feemes bigger, bended • double,&c. ThethickndfeoftheairernaycaufefucheffeCls, or anyobjetl · not well difcerned in the dark,fear and phantafie will fufpeCl to bea Ghofl, n mtca.~od adevil, &c. 0 .!2.f!:odnimio mifer> timent, hoc facile cred,unt, we are apt to bemetuunt nimu, leeve, and millake in fuch cafes. Marce/IU< Donat14,/ib.2 .cap. I. brings in a ":."J';:ff,~:::;- frorie ?ut of 1riflot~e,ofon~Antephcron which lik:Iy_fawwherefoever bee . IQ#i putant. was, h1s own Image 1n the a1re,as magla!fe. f/1tellto hb. ro. perj}eef, hath fuch another inftance ofa familiar acquaintance of his , that after the want of three or foure nights {ieepe, as he was riding by a river fide, faw another ridingwith him, and ufing all fuch geftures as hee did, but when more light appeared,it vanifhed.Eremites and Anachorites have frequently fuch ablilrd vifions, revelations by reafon ofmuch fafl:ing, &bad diet, many are decea. ved by legerdemaine, asS c.t bath well fhewed in his book ofthedifcovery ofwitchcraft,and Cardanflebtil. I8.fuffitcs,perfurnes, fuffurnigations ,rnixt candles, perfpeCl:ive glaffes, and fuch naturall caufes, make men looke as if they were dead,or with horfe.heads,buls-horns,& fuch likebrutifh fhapes, the roomefull offnakes ,adders,darke,light,green,red,ofall colours,as you may perceive in BaptijlaPorta, Alexis, Albertru and others,Glow. wormes, Fire.drakes, Meteors, Igniffatuus, which Plinimlib. 2. cap. 37.calls cajlor and Foll"x, with many fuch that appear in moorifhgrounds,about churchyards,moifr valleys,or where battels have been fought, the caufes ofwhich readinGocleni,.,relcuriU<, Finkim, &c. fuchfeares are ofren done, to frighten children with fquibs,rottten wood, &c. tomake folkes lookeas if t sangui• •P•- they were dead, t folito majores, higger,Ie!fer,fairer, fow!er, ut a.ftantes fine pz '"~ "' '"' capitibm videantM, aut toti igniti, aut [area damonum,accipe piloscanis ni- ~.~f:.;~,~'- gri,&c. faith Albertus;And fo ' tis ordinarie to feefirangeuncouth fights by .Aib"'"'· Catoptricks; who knowes not thatifin adarkeroome, the light be admit. ted at oneonely little hole,and a paper or gla!fe put upon it,the fun lhining, wil reprefent on the oppofite wall,O\ll fuch obje~ as are illuminated by his · rayes~