Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Cattfrsofthefe Symptomer. Memb.; rayes~ with Concave& <?~linder glalfes., wemay reflect any lhape ofmen, 2 I I divels, amicks, (as magtc,ans m~llpart doe, to gull a filly fpectaror ma---- darkroome) we will our [elves, and chat hangmgmtheatre,when 'tis nothing but {uch an horrible image as·t AgrippademonHtares, !'laced in ano. t Lib. •:occulr.. ther roome. Ro~er Bacon of old ts fard to have r~prefenced Ius ownunage t~~:C;;"~;:; walking in thearre by ~1115 art, though no fuch rhmg appeare mlus perfpe- uum" umbraltives. Butmofr partltlSm the brame that dece1ves them, alrhot1gh Imay rum •magprer not deny, but that oftencimes the devil deludes them, takes his opponuni- ~:~;:;::,;:~ ty eo fuggefr,and reprefenc vam obJd:l:s to melancholy men,and fuch as are bitfinr aliud, ill affeCted.Tothefe youmay adde theknavilh Impofrures ofJ_uglers,Exor- ;;:.m.~;;::';~-x­ .cifrs,Malfe Pnefrs,andMouncebanks, ofwhom Roger Bacon !peaks, &c_. de perria. miracttlts nattlr£ & artu,cap. r } they cancoumerferrthevorces ofall btrds ~ Pyrbonijfle and bruit beafrs almofr, all cones and tunes ofmen, .and fl'eake within their ~::;~·inv~~:,~, throars,as if they [poke afar off,that they make rhmaudttors beleeve they &- gunmfinhear fpirits~and are thence much afronifhed and affrighred with it. Befides, r,::;,~'k[o;:::."; thofeamficrall devrces roover-hear theirconfeflions, hke that wh,fpenng alongevetprcplaceof Glocefter with us,or like the Dukes place atMantutt in Italy, where pe.proutvo-. the found is reverberated by a concave wall; a reafonofwluchBlanca- Iunr, ae~l)>~­ .nm in hisEcchomdria gives, and mathematically demonfrrates;. ~'~:;:~":~:-· So that the hearing is as frequently deluded as the fight, from the fame <9' fonorbrucau[es almofr, as he that hears bels, will make them found what he lifr. As ';."'c~ fing,unt, thefoole thinketh,(o the bell clinketh. Theophiltu in Cialen, thought he heard ~ram elarw mufick, :rom vapours ~h1ch made hi" eam foun_d, &c. Some are deceiv.ed ~~;;•;;·;~:':,'~, .by Eccho s,fome by roanng ofwaters,orconcaves and r_everberanon ofall'e "' peJ,IIior fir in the ground,hollow places and wals. *At Cadt~rcum m Aquttany, words Eecboquam ip- :and fentences are repeaced_by a frrange Eccho_ to the full,or whatfoever you ~ ;;;;;•:g or ihall play upon amuficallmfirumenc,more difrmfrly and louder, then they bdlowes ond arefpo~en at firfr. Some Eccho's repeat a thing fpoken feven times,asat O- 1::'~.~::~ o;!' Jymptu m Macedoma,asPlmy relates,lrb.36.cap.15. Sometwelvenmes,as theyapplythcit atCharenten a village neerel'aru in France. At Dclphos in Greece heretofore cot~ to •he was amiraculous Eccho, and loinmany other places. Cardanfl<btil.l.r 8. cl":;. b bathwonderfull frories of fuch as have beendeludedby thefe Eccho's.B fan• i. o;~;; ~~".f~ &anm the Je!uite in his Ecchomelria bath varietieof examples1andgives his non,eap. •6.in reader ful fatisfathon ofall fuch founds by way ofdemonfrration.PAt Bar_ ;s~:!'iemorey an Ille in the Se~ ernemouth they feem t<? hear~ fmuhs forge:fo at Lypa- n!f nuua (unt ra,~ thofe fulphunous Illes, &many fuch hke wh1ch Olatu fpeaks ofin the ;~!~~;;- ·~ comment of S candM, and thofeNortherne counrnes. Cardan de remm var: ante neftie'! lib. t5.c.84.menrioneth awoman,that fiilfuppofed the heard the divellcall bant, '" Teuroher,and [peaking to her,the was apainters wife in Mi!lan: and many fuch il- =~~;aut~: lufions and voices, which proceede mofr.part from acorrupt imagination. *ea/~:;,.;: Whence it comes to paife, that they prophefie, fpeakfeveralllanguages , 1~ m~··· talke of Afrronomy,and other unknown fciences to them : (of which they t c:;.;.' l·•·f· have been ever ignorant,) q lhaveinbriefetouched, onlythislwillhere uM<ravueonadde, that Arculantu,Bodin.lib ·3 .cap .6 .d..mon. and forne others,' hold as ~:::,!~~::~~­ a manifefr token that fuch perfons are po!fe!fed with the divel:fo doth' [{er- mcM menrem cule~ de S•xoni~, and Apponenjis, and fit only to be cured by a Priefr. But ~;~""'·~u•rrJ, f Gstaneruu, t Montalttu, Pomponatztu of Padua,andLenmimlib.z.cap.i. referre it wholly to the ill difpofitionofthe "humour, andthatoutof the - authority