Part. r.Secr.4. Progno{ficks of Melancholy. Memb.l' ___ :...._ ____ ~-- ~~-:-----__..:_ zu aurhoritie of Arijfotlc prob. 30. x. becaufefuch fymptomesarecuredby purging;and as by the Hriking ofa flint fire is inforced , fo by the vehement motions offpirirs,they do elicere voces itwedit.u, compell ftr;mgefpeeches to be fpoken:another argument he bath from Plato's reminifcentia, which • Pr"{at lam- all out as likely as that which* Marftlitu Ficinus fpeakes of his friend blici myjleriir. Pierleontu; by adivine kinde ofinfulion he underftood thefecrers ofnature and tenemsof Gruian and Barbarian philofophers,before ever he heardG[ faw, or rexd their works:but in this I fhould rather hold with Avicenna and his aflociats,that fuch fympromes proceed from evill Cpirits,which t~keall . opportunities of humors decayed,or orherwife to pervert the foul ofman; and befides,thehumour it felfe is Balneum Diaboti; the devils bath; and as. Agrippa proves, doth imice him to feizeupon thern. SECT. 4• ME M ·Bo lo Progno.fticks ofMelancholy; Rognofticks, or fignes ofthings to come, are either good orbad. If this maladie be not hereditarie, & taken at the beginning,there is good hope ofcure, recens curationem non habet dtfjicilem, faith Avicenna,l. 3.Fen. t.Trai1.4·'·x8.That which is with laughter, x si melancho- ofall orhers is moft fccure,gemle, & remilfe, Hercttles de Saxoni·a. x Iflhat ' liUr h•morroi- evacuation ofhitmrods, orvartces whuh they call the water between the skin. ';:;{'!.~~:;,•- jhallhappen to amelancholy man,his mi(erie is ended,Hippocrat~s Aphor.~.u ~eturquibnf- morbi! vrdg;ar.Col!t . S.conlirme~the fume;& to th1s Aphortfme .Um pt•cet, of Hippocrates all the Araf?tans, newand old Latines fubfctibe; Montaltt«, ~}o~~~;::- c. 2 5 .H ercttles deS axonia,M e~curialU, Yitto~im F.dve~tin-us '· &c; Skcnkim malum. t. t. obfervat.l!ted. c. de ·Mania, illufirates this Aphonfine,wlth an example ofone Danicl F ederer ~·Copperfmith that was long melancholy,and in the end mad abourrhe 2 7 yeare of his age, thefe varices or warer beganne to a. rife in his rhighes , and he was freed from his madnelfe. Maritu the Roma/11 was fo cured,fomefay, though wirhgreatpain. sken.htuhathfomeotber inUances of women char have beene helped by flowing of their moneths, ~~~~f~:.,~ Je which bcforewerefiop_red.. Thatrheopeningofrheha:mrods will doe as "L cum (angu;, !DUCh for men,al phylic1ans )Oyntly ljgmfie,forhey bevolunrar.y,fomefay, fi~!;!';f"!':fi= and nor by compullion.All melancholy are better after a quart~ne; Y Jo· dct met,.cb,Ua berttu fat rh, fcarce any man bath that ague tWICe: But whether lt free htm . per Jcahiem,. from this maladie,'ris aquefiion;for many phylicians afcribe allong agues moophea~ :•- for efpeciall caufes,and a quartane ague amongfr the refi.Z Rhafts cont .ltb.r• . ~;;;;~,:, x- trait .9 .When melancholy gets ot<t at the (uperficies·Dfthcskin,or (ettles break- . peri•ferior"-_ ingcut infcabs,leprofie, morphew, or is purged by jlooles, orby the wine, Dr ~::::;..~~~:;~ thatthejpleene is enlarged,and thofevarim appeare, the difoa(e is dJjfotved. erir, &c (plen Guianeritu, rap. 5. trat1 r5, addes droplie,jandife, dyfemery, leprofie, as 'd'~t~:;;•;p- good !ignes, to thefe fcabs,morphewes,and breakingout,and provesit,out pa""· of rhe 6. ofllippocrates Aphorifmes. · . • ~iaj~m Evil prognofticks on the orher part.Inveterata·melancholia inc11rabilis, ~::;;:;(a'"'"- ifit be inveterate, it is' incurable, acornrnon'l!xiorne, aul 'difficuller rura7;