Prugnofticks ·of ./f!elancholy. Memb.r lis as they fay that make the be!l:,bardly cured.This Galen witnelfeth,lib+ z B _ deloc. ajfet1. cap. 6. b beit in rvhormtlvJil,orfrom rvhatcattfefoever,it is ever - - -·.-.- . tong wa:yward tedious,awd hardrobe&,ured,ifonce tt ~e habJttM~Id.JAs Lucian binquccunifit ' ' h •~'il•r; ,r; . · J·' bl aquacunj,caU• faidofthegout,fhewas<t equee~eoj , '.Jfa)es.,iin tne).'Ofa e,maywefay faHypoccn. · ofmelancholy , Yet Paracel(M w1H haveall d1feafes what(o~yer curable,& pr.ftrtim, . lau"'hs at them which thinke otherwlfe,as T. Eraft us part. 3 .objeCl:sto him; f'_mPm',',',~ 1- " d' d'r. r. h . bl b g.. , ..... althou"'h in another place, llere ltary liea,es e m'ur.a e,& yJacit,cur•ri no art ~0 be removed. d HtldefbeimJPicd. z. de mrl. holds it leffedangerous pcreft: . · b 'h d ,r; 1 h 1•11 · (i L{ d (i c llegma mor- ifonly'imaginatton e urt,an norreaJon, t egent .e 1.ts rP.IJ'~ 011 .Yf(or Cborum(9'infrom choler adu 11, but the rvorft of aft fniiJ' melaneholy putref.e4• g Bruel ec exorabiliJ. . . . ~· j . Ill !l: d d l . h r. . . ( d Omne Jetm. fteemes hypocom naca ea angerous,a~ t 1e GJ~ er two 'pec1es oppo, umquodoritUI' · . fite to Gal m) hard ell: to be cured. h The cure IS hard m man, but.much more. ~ pauciwe cedifficulr in women. Andboth men &women mull rake notice of that faying ;;t;;;Jg;y~~;~~ of M Qnta~M c011{il. z3 Ab~ ate Italo;Thu maladtedoth commonly ae&0/11- eel '·de mft•. pany them to theirgrave; Phyjicians may ta(e,andit may lye hidfor atime, but e Si(olaiiTJat,.i· they ca11not quite cure it, b11t it will return again m.ore '!liolent a'r}d jbarpe then'':-'::::;:;,:· 11tjirjf,aBdthat upon everte(null occafton or errour:as m MerCtmes wearher. f Mala.; /••- beaten fiatue,that was.once all overgilt,theopen parts wereci:an,yet there fJ:;;,:!;:~;;:'· was m jintbrm arm•m,m thechincks aremnant ofgold: there wlll be fome •ffita,peffima reliques ofmelancholy lefr,i~ the pure!l: bodies (ifonce tainted) not fo ea- ab atrobile pu- :lily to be rooted our.' Often nmes lt degenerates into Epilepfy Apopkxy, tref"J;"i· Convulfions, and blindneffe: bytheauthoritieof HippocrateJ and Galen, f::,).,'~;~~=· I all avme,i.fonce it ~o~effe ~hevenmdes ofthe braine,Fra?ltbefaritU,:md ~:::~:~;,~:t,~ Salrtjl. Salwantu ads,1f1t get IntO ~heopnck nerves, blmdnelfe. Mercuru!IO h Vif/icitocuconftt. 2o.had a woman toh•s patient, that from melancholy became Epi- ratuinviris, lectick and blinde,mlfit come from a cold caufe or focontinue cold or in- multodifficilior fi C lfi c 11 db!' d r · ' rnf•mw<t. creafe,Epdep 1e; on vu tons ro ow,an m nes,orehe.m rhcend they i.AdinteritUm aremopcd,fomlh,& In all their actwns,fpeeches,gefiurcs,ndiculous.n l.f it plerum~ bomicometroru an hotcaufe,they ar~ more ~urious~ & boi!t~ro~s~&inconclu- ~%:o:;~~:;;_ fion mad .Cai,Jcentem melanchohamf.epltu{equ>tur 1ltama. 0 tflt heat and in. vent plerum4,. creafe),that is thecommo·nevent,P per tircuitt«,autf :v;per infonit,heis :nad ~:e;nn~~~lby fits, or altogether. For as* Sennertm contends out of Crato, there1s fe. frdreci~et; 11Jinarituigninn this humor,theveryfeeds oflire. If1t come from me!Jn- cerbiorquam , choly narurall adu!l:,and in exceffe,they are often d<!!m?niacall,Montantu. :;:;j.,":/.~~~: q Seldome this malady proc~res death,ex.cep~ ( wh1ch 1s thegreatefi,moft ""' '· . gnevous c.ala~mt)f, and the ~lfery ofall ~~fenes) they.make away them- kP.,iculum •Jf felves,wh•ch1s .a frequent thmg, and famthar am~ng!l: them. 'Tis 'Hippo- ";p~:f;J,:~:'lc cratuobfervanon, Galens fentence, Etji mortem tmtent, tamen plerumque P'Plexiam, fibi ipfis.nmtemconfifcunt,l-3- d~ lociJ affelf. caP:7 .Thedoome ofall phy- ;;;;~:;:,~~em, fie1ans, Tls r Rabb, Mofes Aphonfme,rhe proguo!l:1con of Avicenna, Rh A- 1 Montalt.c.,r; jis, !Etiw, GordoniM, Va/efcte; Altomartu, Satu{f. salviantu > Capivaccitu, Laur<ntiu. Mercattu,Herct~l~s de,SAxo;tia, Pifo, Brut!, Fuchftw, all, &c, :!,';i,~'f!.·sax- <EtJ.epe uf'1I adeo 11JOrtis for1!tidine vit,e oni•.Ariftotle, Perci~it inf_£lix odium l~cif#t vidtnd~, ~f!~:~~~u~u. rt jib1 concifcat m.erent, pelfore lethum. morfrigiolusfo- . . . . . ~~~ furmt'I.Jtrobu~or caltdta. o HeurntU4 c:tlls madneffe (o~oltmmel4ncholt~. p .Aitxamltt'lth. J.cap.I8,lf- Lih.t.part4 2-. cap. 1 _1. '3; /tlontalt. cap. t S· Raro mort aut nUIJtlU4111JJifl.fiii ipjit injtrtlgt,,_f.;;, ,ldn[411i4. F~io Cali'Q ivterprrt~ Nonnulh <tmlcntat m.1Tiusftii i1fjtrun~. !l.U"fl,lii. I• · · , And