Progno{ticks ofMel,mcholy. Memb.r• -'--:----:------:.:_ 2lf And fofar forth ~eaths terror dotl\alfright• . He makes away himfelfe, and-hates the light: To ~pake an ~ndof feal'e and griefeof heart, He volumane dies to eafe his [mart. u tih.>.JeTn. In fuchfort doththetortureandextremitie ofhismiferictonnenrhlm tell. r~p• mo~- that heecan take no pleafure in his life, -but is inamanner inforccd ro otfe~ !~~~~;;:;:~;~ violence_unto himfelfe,,to bee free'df,·om his prefenr infulfmble paines. So & tri(l,iam, Come (faith "Fracaftorz~s) 'tn jury ,but moft in deJPiiire,forroJV ,feare, and out j:ft;',;'f:,:f,--, oftheangr~tfh andvexAfton of tkur {oules, offer violence to them(elves: for & Jejperatio- therr ltfe u unhapp1e and mt(erahle. · rh~y can take no reft in the night; nor nem. Eft enim jleepe, or tf!hey doejlumber, foarefolldream~s aflonijh t.hem. In the day time "'fiflerap,rs-pe.Er- they are aftrwhted lhll by fome ternble obJect , and tome in pieces with fu. go" er etuo fi . . fc c" d·r . lh ·a •fJMiativitam plCIOn, ear, orrow, ucontenrs,cares, ame~,angUI J?&c.asfomanywild ;t;:;:;Jt!~:~ horfes,that they ca~not be qUiet an houre,a mmute ofnme,bur even againft 1 [ earit~ri, aut theu Wils they are mtent, an~ Jhll thmkmg of It, they cannot forget yc , it interfttiunt [e. gnndes thm_foules day and mght, they are perpetually tormented, a bur. ::~~~;:::;~ den to themlelves, as Job was, they can neithereate,drinke or fieepe. P(al, x Pf.•o 7 _.v. 1o 107. r8. Thetr [oule abhorreth all meat, andthey are brought to deaths doore y lob n x being hound in mi(erica11diron: they Y curfetheirllars with Job, z anddaj ;~:J.i!i4 , o[theirbirth, Ami wifhfordeath: for as Pinedaandmoftimerpretershold, trifiiti• aJ ~~~- I oh was even melancholy to defpaire, and aimoft * madnelfe it felfe; they foniam pene re- murmure many times againll: the world, friends, allies, all mankinde, even :·:,~;,.. aoainft God himfelfe in the bitternelfe oftheir.paffion, 'vivefe nolunt,mo. bl•(alutis(u• r'lnefciunt,live they will not, die they cannot. And in the midll of thefe ~~:;:~;fl~l fqualid, ugl)',and fuch irkefomedayes they feekeatlaft,finding no comfort, ~,!',;, defideri- b no remedy ID this wretched hfe,to be eafed ofall by death. Omnta appetunt u_m,Dli.Horat. bon11m,All creatures feek the beft, and for their good as they hope ,juhfpe. ~U:J:f~}.:. ciein fhew atle~ft, vel quiamori prdchrum putant ( faith' Hyppocrates) vel nia.Sicfic ju- qtttaputanttnde fc '!'•Jortb~~& maiM l1berart,ro be freed as they ~db, Though ovattreperum- many times as £fops filhes, they leapefrom thefrymg-panmtothefireit :;;:P·l de men- felfe, yet they hope to be_eafed by ~his meanes ; and the~efore ( f1ith F dix ti•. alienat. m•- d p/atem;) aftrr many tedtolt! dayes at lafl, etther hy drowmg,hangmg, or{ome f:,z~;,:;:,~: fie eh foarfiotl end, they precipitate, or make away themfelves: many lamenqnam t iment, tableexamples are daily feene amongjl~~&: all~~& ante fores felaquet;fpendit, {::tf:,~1,:,;:'t ( ass eneca notes) ali~~& fe p~ecipitavit a teE!o ,ne dommum ftomac antem auarttaUqu~ ali4 diret,a!JtH ne redttceretur a {itga, ferrttm ~edeg1t tn <Viftc~a ~ fo m:my caufes ovi_,utmultatri- there are --Hu amorexitioej1,fororhu-- love, gnefe, anger, mad- ~'1j;~~~P_1" nelfe,and lhame, &c. 'T is ~common calamitie, ~a fatall end _rothisd~feafe, c Arculantu in they are co~demned to aviOlent death, by a JUne of Phylicians, funoufly ;~!~'{:,',:;; 6 • difpofed, c~r~ied headlong by their tyran?izing wils,inforced by miferies, ex alto fe p,.- &there rema10s no more to fuch perfons,Ifthat heavenly Phylician,by hiS •!pirent aut ali· allifting grace and mercy alone do not prevent,(for no humane per[walion, ;~;~~~~opi- or art can help)but to be their own butchers;and executethemfelvcs.Soc;a- ,.;.,,;b.,ineogi- tes hucicuta,Lucretia' J dagger,Timons halter are yet to be had;Catoes kn&, tab<le malum. • &Neroes [word are left behinde them,as [o many fa tall engines,bequeathed ;~;,~~:·~'!!; to pofterity,&will be u[~d to the w~rlds ~nd,by fu~h ~i!lreffed fouls:foinvivit,ne;e~~e- tolerable,unfufferable,gnevous& v1olent ts their pame, fo unfpeakable~an_d ';_t•P';~~$ : ;m- continuatc.One day ofgriefeis anhundred years, as Card~n obferves: Tli J'"j .nuJ•"a "· rar!ll•