Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Prognofli~ks ofMelancholy. Memb;f. - ------- .PlaiiCIIS, tbofe beroicall Romans to make away themfeJves then to fall into 2 I 7 their enemies bands.Howmany myriads befides in all ages might I remem----- - - ber,q~<ijibilethllmlnfontupepereremanu,&c. P Rhaftsin t?e MMcabeesis pMac. ·••·•• magnified for it, Sampfons death approved. Tttm PomromtH Atttcus; that wife, difcreer, renowned Roman S_enator, Tulltm dear frtend, when beehad beenlongfick,as bee fuppofed ofanincurabledifeafe, vttafJJqueproduceret, 4dattgendos dolom,fine jje folt~ti5, yvas refolved voluntarily by famine, to ;~;k:~~~~a difpatch bimfelf,to bend ofhts pam,.& when as Agrtppa,and the rell: of hts thc<S.' _ o-_ weeping friends earnefily befought h!m,ofculantes obfecrarent netd quodna- q Bohe,.uide tura cogeret,ipfe acceleraret,not to offer violence to himfelf, with ajCtledre· ~~~';dt;,~~ folution he defired agame they wo11ld .approve ofhugoodmtent,andnotJCek cap. •.omnmo todehorthimfromif: And foconll:antlie died, precefque eorum tacit11rna {i~tt ~""""' eg,i<jfot obftinatione deprefflt.Even fo did Core!ltru Rufm another ~rav_e Senator, by ;~:;!~_"';;~­ the relation of PltniiM Semnd~~< epift.ltb.r. epift. rz.fam!lh btmfdfto death; fhtimquum pedib"' correptus ettm mcredibilescrtlciatus & indigniffr_flJ4 tonm~ta patere- ~;;::;,;~~~.:' tttr,a cibu oflmtnoabjltnutt; netther be nor HtfPtlla hts wtfecould dtvert him, l}<frerus,acerbut deftinattls tnori obfti11ate magio,&c. die he would, and die he did. So did ha vir a velur4 Lymrgus,Ariji:otle,Zeno,Crijipp"s,Efltpedoclawitb myriades,&c._Inwarres ;:;::~:{:,:;- ~a man to run ralhly _upo~ 1mmment danger, an~ prefent death ts accoun- l<isrximt fua valour and magnamm•ne,* robe the caufe ofbts own,and many a thou. volunrare p~ dsruinebelides, tocommitwiltitllmurderiil a m•nner, ofhimfelf and ~~=~fuir others,is aglorious thing,and belhall be crowned ~or it. Theq Ma{(egat"' in amph.,amtx~' former times,f Barbiccians ,& I know not what natt?nbefides,d~d ll:itle their ::::::,~~(~eold men,after 7o.years,to free them from thofe gnevances,mCJ!ientro that '"'"'Pitf.5 8.) age.So did the inhabitants ofthe Iland ofchoa,becaufe their aire was pure quo inp•= et and good, and the peoplegenerallie long lived, antevertibantfotum{Uttm, ;;;:;~;;;~~~:: prtufqtta11J11tanct forent,auttmbect!ltt41 accederet, papavere vel czcuta with rtin vit4 cum poppy or hemlock they prevented death.S,Thom.u Moorein his Vtopi; corn- fi~ mi~c·. mends voluntary death,ifhe bcjibi aut aliit molcftus,troublefometo himfelf ~;,%~;;';_~: or orhers,('ej}ecta!lyifto ltve be ator1JJ&nt tohtuJ) let hiuJfree hrmfe!fwith his Vel bonorum IWn hands jro11J this tedious lifo, dJ fro!.'t aprifon, or Jieffer him(clf to befreed ~'eo/:;;;rone, by others. lAnd 'tis the fame tenent which Laertiusrelates ofzenoofold perpefo::fr~­ Jujlt (apiens jibi tJJortefiJ confot(cit,Jiinacerbisdoloribllf ver(etur membrort~ flt & farigf!t;t., '/ . b d d b' h l d ! 'b ' vel m•uu;v.,. ~utt attone tttt-t 1110r. t.r ttgr_ecuran ts,an w tc r a to~· e egt . t~J approves, tenta1 fibi infe- ~foldage, poverty, •gnommy, &c. _opp:elfe,~nd ,whtch F abrus exprelfeth ru~r,vflurim ~ffe~ ( Pr 4[at. 7. .I njlttut) Nemo niji fi'a c~lpa d111 do/et. _ It is an ordinary ~~:'};;,f:,~, .ethmg m Chma (faith ill at: Rtcctusthe Iefwte)' if they be m dejjaire ifbetter &>c. fortunes,or tyredar.dtortttredwith flJiferie; to bereAve :he?JJ[elves oflift, and ~h;; d~ f"- m_any trmutofjnte thezr ene11J1U the _uJore,to hang at thetr doore. Tacittli the nr?tiim~g~bo, htll:onan, PIMarch the Plulofopher much approve a voluntary departure .Ar.{torte himand Aujlin deciv. Dei,l.I. cap. 19. defends a violent death fotbat it beeun' fd~ <:9'fi '· .Ajax d k · d r . ' · - In uc pllrc~ ena en 1l1 a9oo cau,e,neuzo fie mortutts, _ qut non fuerat aliqt~ando 111oritll- Cltop>rer 10 tfl_.t ,q:t~d atete?JJ tn~ereft,qrt~ t!JOrtr: genere vtta ifta jiniattt<r, qttandO i!le cui ji- ~:V:rhcr honttur, rteru11J 1JJOrt non cogttflr~ &c. _no man fo voluntarily- dies, but volens xtne;rius JelinolenJ ,he mull: dy at !all:,& our hfe IS fubJeCho mnumerable cafualties,who [pur_ diu vive-· knows when they may happeA, lltruuJ fatius eft unam perpeti 111oriendo an "fttam inti. 01/Met timere vivendo, 11 rather fuffcronethen fear all. Death isbetter then ,. - ~~;,:{.:::,7- . bttter ltfo, Eccl. 30. I 7. X And a harder choice to live in fear then by once morienJo, nutdying,to bel reed fromalJ.TheotJJbrottts v.t mbraciotes perfw'aded, I know }'.~~1;:.;;?' ~ez n~