Parr.r.Setl:.4. F'rognofticksofMel.wcmty; Memb·r l r 8 nor how ~any hundreds ofh}s auditors,bj! a luculenr oration bee made of them1fenes efth1s, and happ1?ell_'e ?f that othcr llfe, to precipitate them. fdvu . And havmgread Pl~to sdiVInetraltde4nimA,forexample~ fake led ~hew ay firft. That neat Epigr~mme of C.dim•&hlls will tell yC~uas mu~h ycurriur t. 16. ]am#! vAle Soli cum diceret Jmhrotiotes, ' z Laquew pre- In Stygios ftrfllr dtjilui(fe lAC m, ;~'%;".:.;;;};!: . M orte nihildign11mp•ffm: fedforte Platonit giof<Cio, •mif- /J w;m tXIIliJIIfJJ de nece legtt opUI. Jir tribur ltbe- Y C almm and his Indians ,hated of old,to die a naturall deatb:the Circumcel. fth~f,"j;~· li~ns andDonatijls,loatbinglife,compelled make them away, pwidlt 1111 With many fuch: 'but thefe are falfe and Pagan pofinons, prophane StOical! 1"'dam ~·~··Paradoxes, wicked examples, it bootes not what Heathen Philofophers deg~::;:·A~Ib:= terminc in this kinde,they areimpious,abominable,&upon awrong ground. '""re'"fitma- Noevil i4 to he done that 17oodm4J e~me o{il,reciamatChriftus, reclmJ•t S<li- ':ft::~';J~•· ptura, God,and all goodmen are • againfi it: He that ftabbs another can kil Manudu" oJ hisbody,buthethatftabbshimfelf, killeshis owncSoul. ' Maiemeret•r [ooi;.:, [%,il~ qui ~at mendico quode~at, nam & illud qt~•d dat ,perit, & iUi producitvi14~ d:}m. "· 3 admiferu.m: bethatgJVesabeggaranalmes (as thatComlcallPoetfaid) XJ.I(.ingr ••· doth ill, becaufe hedoth but prolong his miferies.But LaEianttm lib.6.c.7. i;~~~~f:~"'· devero cult", cals it adeteftable opinion, and fully confutes it.ltb+defap. LeC!.onthe ;ap.I8.and S' Atif/inepijl.5> .adMacedonium,cap . 61. 4d Duit#iumTribu. f•me P<rpher. num: fo dotbHierom to Marcell"' ofBJejiUa's death, Nonreetpio tales animAl ~~::;:i. &c. he calls fuch men, martyresftult.e Pbiiofophi.e : fodoth Cypriande d•• b A• '"be bu- plioi mArtyrio, Si qui fie moriMitur, Aut inftrmit4!, autambitio,allt dementlt. ~~rfil;,~bu- cog~t eos :'tis mere rnadnelfe fo to do,• fur or eft nenmiare nmi: Tothis effcd ri,llwitha wmesArijl. J.Ethic, LipjiNS Manuduc: adSto#am Phtlofophumlib, 3· dif. lhkc.ldemPl•· forw. >3· but it needs noconfutation. This only let me adde, that infome ~.¥;,.:;:::::.. ca~es) thofe b hard cenfures of fuch ~s "offer vi?lenceto their own perfons, .flpetlri,1•i jibi or m fome defperate fit to others, which fomenmes they do, by fiabbmg, · 'fo~j:J,;,~;,"· flafi1ing,&c. are tobe mitigated, as in fuch as are mad,befide themfelves for loore their the time,or found to have been long melancholy,and that mextrem•ty,they goods, .&c. . know not what they do, deprived ofreafon, judgement, all, c as a !hipthat :.%•::~~f,;· is void ofa Pilot, mull needs impinge upon the next rock or fands, and fuf. in tmibilem.;.. fer lhipwrack. d P. F oreftus bath a ftory oftwo melancholy brethren, that :~~~~J;~P7;. made.awaythemfelves,andforfo foulca fatl:, were accordingly cenfured, d obftv'fr. to be mfamoufiy buned, as mfuch cafes they ufe :to ternfie others,as it dtd c s..eca ,.a. the Milejian Virgins ofold, but upon farther examination of their mifery i,);,.~;fj~1~';' and madnelfe, the cenfurewas ' revoked, and they were_folemnly interred, injepuuurabji· asSauJ was by Davi~ z SanJ. 3 •4· and Seneca welladvlfeth, lrafoereinter· o;;~;f;;.fl:~~~;JeEiori,(e~ mife!ere interfeEii; be juftly offended with him as he was~ murde. afferrefibi ma· rer, but pme lum now as adead man. Thus ofthm goods and bodies, wee "'" coaflu<fit candifpofe, but what !hall become of their Souls, God alone can tell, his if"'"" mat~,_ mercy may come interponttm & fontem, intergi..dium & jugulun;, betwixt ,r.T,:,~= {,;,the bridgeand the brooke,theknifeand thethrote• .f<!!ptl cuiquanJContigit, in hodemO'llit, mivhpotejl: Who knows how he may be tempted~ It is his cafe, it may be ~::~~:~~:::fi. thine: t ~" fua(ors bodie e(l,crasfore vejlr4 potejl. we ought not to befo ro '""''· ralh and rigorous inourcenfures, as lomeare, charity will judge and !lope ).~~;t: .....· E· the belt; God b~ mercifull unto us all. . F I ·N IS. THE